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Chapter 432: Devils in the Holy City (2)

Chapter 432: Devils in the Holy City (2)

"Hmm, the hotel employee said that today is the day when the restrictions on community activities are enforced? Stat at the home policy? However, I can still see quite a lot of people walking around leisurely around the city. Is it just a ruse, hmm?" Sylvia muttered under her breath while looking left and right.

She had no idea what was happening in the city so suddenly, but quite a lot of shops weren\'t open for business.

"I just hope Lavely Pizza is still open for business despite this weird sudden regulation. Three days is too long for me to wait to try any new pizza variant." Sylvia prayed to herself and quickened her pace.

At the same time, a group of holy knights appeared from the opposite side of the road. They jogged and slowly approached Sylvia.

A shock and worry crossed the Devil Princess\' mind, but she tried her best to behave naturally. She also completely didn\'t give off any aura to look like a usual ordinary human.

Sure enough, that squad of holy knights stopped near Sylvia, which made her even more nervous. They came for her!? She immediately made sure her disguise and identity as a tourist remained flawless.

"Excuse me, miss. Aren\'t you aware of the temporary regulation that has just been put in place? If you don\'t have any urgent matters, please go home and stay out for a while." One of the holy knights appealed to the tourist girl.

"Ah? Ha-ha, but what kind of regulation, sir? Besides, what happened that I needed to go home immediately and couldn\'t go out?" Sylvia laughed dryly to hide her nervousness.

"We don\'t really understand the details either. But, we holy knights and imperial knights are currently exploring the city to hunt down the dangerous criminal group that has infiltrated this city.

Even though it\'s said this sudden regulation is for three days, I\'m sure today everything will be resolved. After all, significant forces are working together for this." The holy knight gave an honest answer as well as his conclusion.

"I see, hum, those dangerous criminals need to be caught immediately! Please continue your duty, sir holy knights. I just wanted to pay a visit to Lavely Pizza on the next block. It\'s only about three hundred meters from my temporary stay, and it\'s precarious, okay? I\'m a tourist and need to find something to eat." Sylvia raised her index finger to emphasize her final words.

"Lavely Pizza, huh. Fine, but please don\'t wander the streets, miss. It can be dangerous for you, especially if you\'re a tourist. Then, have a nice day." After saying that, the holy knight captain continued his jog and was followed by his squad.

"Have a nice day to you too." Sylvia replied with a friendly smile. She watched the group of holy knights walk away, then she couldn\'t help but let out a sigh of relief. "Phew... Thank goodness."

Then, Sylvia hurriedly left the location to head to the next block. She ultimately didn\'t know that an elite squad was watching her from the top of a tall building.

"Is something wrong, my friend Patrick? Hmm, why are you looking at the girl in the white-black dress thoughtfully? She might be a tourist trapped in this city because of this sudden regulation. But, is it possible you are attracted to that little beauty, hmm?" A holy knight clad in gold and blue combination armor wrapped his arm around his companion\'s shoulders as if they were close friends.

"Get your hand off my shoulder, Magnus." The orange-haired holy knight brushed off a hand that was on his shoulder.

"Oow, cold as usual." Magnus retracted his hand before his comrade was irritated.

"I just feel there\'s something weird about that girl. Now it\'s spring, but she\'s wearing a summer hat? And again, somehow, it feels weird. It\'s like she\'s hiding something." Patrick put his hand on his chin in deep thought.

"Well, you\'re just thinking too deep into it, my friend, yo. That\'s why you\'ve never had a girlfriend until now. Just for your information, everyone keeps secrets, especially women. They have more secrets than men." Magnus patted his comrade on the back.

"Hmm... Is that so?" Patrick muttered doubtfully.

"That\'s true. My words can be proven because I already have a girlfriend. I know that from her. Anyway, aren\'t we forming a joint squad to go to the outer circle? Why are we staying here? Let\'s go." Magnus gave a thumbs up and a broad smile.

"You can go first. I\'m going to check on the girl who gave me that weird feeling. Ah, that\'s good. She just walked into the building. Lavely Pizza, huh..." Patrick jumped into another building and followed the girl in white.

"Hey! There\'s no way you\'re interested in a girl this time, right? We\'re still on a mission, yo." Magnus called out, but his comrade ignored that. He turned to the combined squad, but they only exchanged glances because they were also as clueless as him.

"Let\'s follow General Patrick. I\'m afraid he\'ll get a slap in the face because he has no experience with any girls." Magnus smiled wryly to declare that.

"Affirmative!" The holy knights saluted, then they all followed in the footsteps of General Magnus to chase after General Patrick.

Meanwhile, Sylvia had just walked into Lavely Pizza. She was pleased that this restaurant remained open for business.

"Hum-hm, alright, there\'s no long queues here. Turns out the sudden regulation is quite advantageous for me too. Do I need to eat here or get wrapped up like yesterday, hum?" Sylvia got into the shortest queue and patted her cheek while considering her decision.

"Welcome to Lavely Pizza. What\'s your order?" The waitress greeted the customer in a friendly and courteous manner.

"Hum, yes, I want to eat on the spot. Is there an empty private room?" Sylvia decided because it looked more practical.

"My apologies, miss. Due to the sudden temporary regulation, we can only serve delivery and take-out orders." The waitress put her hands together to apologize.

"I see... Yesterday, all the rooms were full, and today, I\'m not allowed to book any rooms. Well then, I\'d like to order this, that, and this, and that too. Oh, no, just all of them, one each." Sylvia felt quite disappointed. She just chose everything she wanted to treat her disappointment.

"Alright, please wait a moment, miss. Your order will be prepared soon." The waitress wrote something on a piece of paper and put it in a slot behind her.

"Hmm." Sylvia just nodded, then glanced at the entrance unintentionally.

It was so shocking, Sylvia shouted internally. She saw a holy knight clad in shiny full-body golden armor. He just walked in, and his golden cape was fluttering behind.

One thing that worried the Devil Princess was that this holy knight gave off an oppressive and unusual aura.

\'He must be at Saint-level or above. Only someone on the same level as me or stronger than me can possess that kind of aura. My instincts never betrayed me, so it must be true.\' Sylvia believed in her own heart\'s convictions.

As that Saint-level holy knight joined the queue, Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. \'So, just an elite holy knight who is hungry and wants to buy pizza...\'

However, it was only temporary as another group of holy knights also entered into Lavely Pizza.

\'Has my identity been discovered? Two Saint-level holy knights and a bunch of fully armed holy knights? Am I under their siege? They came to make sure I didn\'t run away, right? How about this? What should I do?\' Sylvia wanted to cry to imagine the worst-case scenario in her mind.

\'No, it might just be a coincidence. Those elite holy knights were just hungry holy knights who only wanted to buy a few dozen pizzas. Yeah, that\'s probably the case. Calm down, Sylvia, your disguise is perfect, and you don\'t have any ill intention either.\' Sylvia reassured herself once again.

When all the pizzas she ordered arrived, she just put them all in her Space Bag and paid for it without asking for change. After that, she walked briskly toward the exit.

"Hmm..." Patrick stepped out of the queue to follow the girl in the white dress. He just immediately approached the girl without further ado. "Good afternoon, miss tourist. Why do you look nervous and in such a hurry? It\'s as if you are feeling scared and worried about something."

Sylvia broke in a cold sweat. However, it wasn\'t visible on the outside. She just passed that group of holy knights, but this fully armored holy knight actually came for her!?

Because of that, Sylvia could only make excuses like a friendly tourist. "Oh, hum, good day, sir holy knight. Do I look like that to you? Maybe you misinterpreted it because I want to hurry back home. I heard there is a large organization of bad people being hunted in this city. So, I just feel anxious and just want to go home as soon as possible after buying the pizzas."

"All right, maybe it was me who mistook you. But, please excuse me." Patrick reached his hand up to the girl\'s face in a swift motion.



Sylvia was utterly surprised when she realized that her sunglasses were taken away with a sudden flash of motion.

"Red eyes, hmm? This is weird. Are you a devil or a commoner with cursed eyes? You don\'t possess any aura, but I feel something is wrong with you. Whatever it is, please come with me for a further examination. Please for your cooperation." Patrick frowned and decided in an assertive tone.

"No, no, you may have the wrong person. You scared me, bye!" Sylvia snatched back her sunglasses and rushed outside.

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