
Chapter 314

Therefore, having two instincts so deeply etched into their existence colliding with each other should be something incredibly uncomfortable for the .

Although from what Kryzsha said, Desmond found a problem that he did not hesitate to point out: “I understand what you say and the problem that entails, but if what you say is true; that shouldn’t be here”

Watching Desmond point to the inanimate stone maiden. Kryzsha gave him a deep look before replying, “She is the favor I have to ask of you.”

Then Kryzsha began to explain her reasoning, according to her the problem with her little maidens had already lasted for some time but she was never able to find a solution and although for the this situation did not cause any real damage; Kryzsha still felt that they feel uncomfortable about it.

It was when Kryzsha met Desmond about a month ago that an idea was planted in Kryzsha’s mind, according to her Desmond was not only a traveler who could move between worlds but also had an extremely deep bond with another member of the Natura race.

From that thought, Kryzsha thought that although hers couldn’t build more of themself for her maybe they could build a maiden for Desmond to give to his Natura mate.

Although the term “give” sounded strange when referring to another living being, the truth was that the live to serve, it was very literally the reason for their existence; Furthermore, Kryzsha knew that a Natura with enough spiritual awareness to form a bond with a human would never harm the maiden she planned to give him.

Once Kryzsha came to this conclusion, given her capricious personality, she didn’t hesitate even for a second before allowing/ordering her handmaidens to build another of their own without asking Desmond about it.


She simply believed that Desmond would never refuse to accept this gift and this responsibility, seeing Desmond’s annoyed but interested expression at this moment proved her right.

Of course, being Kryzsha the arrogant and excessively rich mountain goddess, she did not hesitate for a moment before communicating with her maidens ordering them to use the best materials available in her treasury to build the new maiden.

Incredibly happy to finally have the opportunity to raise a sister, and even more motivated by the attitude of their master, all the stone maidens of Kryzsha came together to pour their energy into a core stone they all had a hand in creating.

The core stone before was some kind of emerald-like gem overflowing with incredibly powerful pure life energy that was transformed into the core stone by constantly being bathed in the stone maidens’ strange special life energy.

Once the maidens of Kryzsha managed to create a core stone, a process that took almost two weeks compared to the usual time of a couple of days, the maidens took a huge piece of and a huge block of ; materials from which they sculpted the body of their new sister.

All of the materials used in the creation of this new maiden were as valuable or even more valuable than the nine sun jade used to create Kryzsha’s bed, so Desmond was able to assume that these were at least three-star class materials which he considered quite absurd.

But thinking back to how it was Kryzsha he was talking about, Desmond thought that not only would Kryzsha have said materials at her disposal but she would also be carefree enough to give them away.

In any case, learning of the materials used not only gave Desmond dizzy thinking of the value but also allowed him to understand why it seemed to him that this maiden looked slightly different from her companions.

It turned out that although the materials were very different in kind and nature, their appearance was not so far from the original ones, still being black and white, in addition to having the same pristine mineral appearance of their sisters.

Despite being made of some form of marble and obsidian, the maidens of Kryzsha had been bathed in her dangerous-looking flame, refining their bodies somehow, giving them a more pristine and crystalline appearance.

“I understand, forget to even consider it a favor, of course, I’m willing to take this gift.” Finishing listening to Kryzsha’s explanation, Desmond answered even when he still felt strange calling a living being a gift.

With the word alive suddenly echoing in his mind, Desmond asked, “Speaking of which...she doesn’t seem to be alive, does she?”

Hearing the question, Kryzsha looked confused for a moment before the realization came to her mind and she explained: “Sorry, I forgot about that, you’re right she’s not alive, she carries a small seed of life within her at her core and I plan to use my essence to cement that seed of life into the rest of her body, but it will be your Natura partner who feeds this seed and gives it true life”

After which Kryzsha proceeded to vaguely explain how the process should go, she wasn’t really very clear about it as she said that much of the process was something a Natura would instinctively know when interacting with the latent .

All said and done, Kryzsha was very pleased to see Desmond accept her gift, little did Kryzsha know that Desmond had wished for a from the moment he saw them because of their adorable appearance, and that wish only increased when he saw them being so skilled at household chores.

Desmond was simply too miserable to have to add household chores to his list of responsibilities, with the military, his training, and his intimate time with Claire and Sasha filling his schedule; Desmond honestly felt that he didn’t have enough time in his day to do everything he had to do.

Of course, he had also started to share part of the household responsibilities with the girls, but this did not seem like a solution, not only because none of the girls could cook something decent, but because this only served to take time away from the girls who could spend to train or spend time with him; in other words, it wasn′t efficient.

Desmond had also thought about hiring someone to take care of the housework but he quickly gave up on that idea and for the first time in his life this was not due to monetary reasons but rather because he had too many secrets. Only the fairy that lived in his house was already difficult to explain, if not impossible, Sasha was not human either, Desmond never believed that the number of secrets he kept would become smaller but rather the contrary, so hiring someone became nothing but a dream.

Unaware of Desmond’s entire thought process, Kryzsha only nodded in satisfaction before opening her jaws and exhaling a powerful iridescent flame that completely covered the inanimate stone maiden.

Desmond almost had a cardiac attack when he snapped out of his thoughts to see Kryzsha shoot that fire whose power was enough to reduce his existence to ashes without a problem.

That thought was only backed up by the huge wave of heat emanating from the flame even at this distance, not to mention the sensation of being in a sauna, the heat now filling the cave was enough to cause Desmond physical pain even when he was already trying to use mana to protect himself.

Knowing that this was Kryzsha consolidating the maiden’s vitality as she described earlier, Desmond didn’t even groan in a complaint and felt much better when he began using a layer of water mana to protect his body; though the mana expense was somewhat draining.

Surprisingly the process took much longer than Desmond expected, even when Desmond had no real idea how long the process would take, he just assumed that given her ridiculous level of power it wouldn’t take long.

Quite an ignorant thought on his part indeed, as he failed to take into account two very simple facts: the first was that Kryzsha had used very high-level materials to create this maiden requiring further refinement under her flame and the second was that Kryzsha he was essentially creating life.

Even a normal human woman’s pregnancy would take nine months and the result would be a normal baby that would take years to mature, while Kryzsha was now creating a life form whose base was far superior to a human being not to mention that this way of life does not begin as a baby.

As the hours went by, Desmond began to feel extremely exhausted, with all the battles he had today, the injuries he had received, and the stress that his body had on recovering through medications added to the trip he made this far and the time Desmond had been shielding himself against the Kryzsha fire it was already a miracle that he hadn’t collapsed.

At some point in the night, a stone maiden approached Desmond tugging at his sleeve in the direction of the guest cave where Desmond and the girls had previously stayed.

Hearing the adorable oriole-like sounds coming from the creature’s tiny marble mouth, Desmond felt his eyelids grow heavier by the moment before following the maiden to rest, but not before giving Kryzsha one last look.

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