
Chapter 136

“So, you are resistant to drugs, huh?” Katie tried, seemingly understanding that for the first time. Since she was no longer angry at Crysta, this was the first time she was actually noticing the odd character.

“I have been saying that since you started overreacting...” Cole said, regretting his words instantly, “Not that...”

“Cole, I overreacted... I know that, but you explained why, so I was not in wrong,” the girl flipped her hair to one side.

Cole chuckled, “You’ll get the hang of it soon enough. As for the immunity, yes, I am immune to basically anything that’s meant to alter my body in any way.”

“How did you find out you were immune to drugs?” Katie asked getting chipper since they were about to get into storytime, or so she thought. Cole’s expression got dark and his eyes became glazed, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

“No, it’s fine. I just hadn’t thought about that in a long time,” he paused before continuing, “When I first shifted into my jet black wolf form, my father was fascinated by the power he possessed at such a shortage and got me examined. There were many tests that were carried out. Strength boost that I’d forgotten, “Oh, I must add that I’m almost impervious to sharp objects... Emphasis on the word almost. If it’s strong or sharp enough, it might scratch me.”

“Did you gain that from the same tests your father was running on you?”

“Yeah, that’s basically it. He did apologize when he was done and after I had ignored him for a few weeks. The needles wouldn’t work and there was no more need for him to run tests if the scientists couldn’t find ways to probe my body,” he finished. There was no malice in his voice even though Katie felt he should have been mad at her.


“You’re not angry at him?”

“No, I’m not... I wish I could be though. Can we talk about something else?” it was pretty obvious that he was hiding something from her. The girl decided to look past it. She’d hidden her identity from him for a while in Brigadia. A short game of tit-for-tat shouldn’t hurt.


Breakfast... Lina’s best meal of the day. For several reasons other than being the most delicious meal of the day. The girl was the first back to the palace with her best friend holding tight to her white fur on her back. “Do you have to run so fast?” the girl stumbled, holding onto her friend as she tried to wait out the dizzy spell.

“You need a lot of work, Honour. You’ve got to feel the rush of wind and the feeling of being free. Nothing beats running through the forest at top speed,” Lina mused. If it hadn’t been for the delicious aromas of various foods that wafted through the air, she would have preferred to go for another run. Alas, her belly screamed to be fed.

“Where do you think Katie is?” Honour asked her friend.

“I don’t know, but I know that girl can take care of herself. Did you see that tree she put down? It was insane. I knew she was strong, but that was excessive,” Lina wandered off the topic of her sister’s disappearing act.

Indulging her friend, “You did say she was a hunter with two Prometheus gifts. I don’t see anything surprising except the fact that she nearly killed one of her own.”

“Crysta had what was coming for her,” Lina shrugged it off, “Now hurry up and get your bearings straight. You’re going to make my headstart seem like a waste of energy.” Shifting back into her human form, she helped her friend walk to the palace... The nearest wolves were still far from reaching the palace, a difference that worried most of the wolves in the kingdom.

“I know, but still... It must be hard on Katie. She left looking disoriented,” Honour continued to worry.

“Thoughts like that won’t make her better, Honour. What you can do is make sure her breakfast is ready when she comes back. A little bird told me she has quite the appetite,” Lina yelled, shaking her friend at the shoulders.

“Lina, you’re making the dizziness worse...”

“Don’t worry, you were already dizzy...”

“I was getting better,” Lina only laughed at her. The royal stopped shaking her friend and draped her hand across her shoulders and led the dizzy girl up the stairs. Before they had made it to the front door, the first wolf made it. Another royal, winded and tired from trying to keep up with his little sister. The man shifted and collapsed on the ground.

“You got faster, Drake,” she mocked the tired man.

“Don’t patronize me, little sister. Unless you would like me to be your next sparring partner,” the girl opened the door and vanished from sight, avoiding any further threats from her brother. ‘Honour suits me just fine... thank you very much...’ she answered through the mind link.

A quick bath in the royal chambers allowed exhaustion to seep out of the two girls. They had used this same morning routine for as long as they could both remember even the times Honour got herself into Jackson’s punishment drills. The beta alpha would be mean about them and did not tolerate failure. “It’s been long since I last went through training without getting further assignments at the end of the training,” Honour’s voice came from the bathroom while Lina worked on her black hair in the mirror.

“Yeah, it’s been a while. I heard my brother helped you get to the training grounds in time,” Lina asked, raising her voice so that the girl could hear her.

“Yes, he helped. It was out of character for him, but he carried me part of the way,” the girl mused. Lina rolled her eyes at the swooning tone in her friend’s voice.

“Oh come on... I know werewolves usually find their female mates to be younger than them, well except for Katie and Cole who were born in the same month, but...”

“You’re trying to say that your brother is off-limits?” Lina’s mouth hung open at the accusation. She peeped into the bathroom making eye contact with the werewolf in the bathtub. Her amber-coloured eyes were so similar to her hair, a feature Lina always noticed even when she didn’t want to.

“My brother is six years older than us, Honour. The odds of...”

“I know what you mean. You should know, however, that Jack is also that much older than you,” Honour countered. Lina remained silent and left the bathroom. It was a truth she didn’t want to face, “Lina... We are only looking out for you.”

“I know... I just wish you could do that without having to sound so mean...” Lina sighed, getting back to her dressing mirror and completing her finishing touches to her appearance.


The two reached the large double doors to the dining hall and grunted while they pushed them open. Honour had dressed in another one of her sundresses and done little to tame her hair, letting it fall below her shoulders and only braiding the front to keep it out of her face. To Lina’s surprise, Katie was already seated at the large table on the other side of the room, reserved for royals and the beta alphas. ‘When did she...’

“I’m glad she’s okay,” Honour’s face lit up when she saw the girl seated at the table with Cole seated beside her. The man had her involved in a deep conversation about the foods that were native to Sirius and kept handing her those he thought she’d enjoy the most. This was a treat for the new royal and Lina gritted her teeth in frustration, ‘That was my idea...’

“Well, now we have to think of something else to do with her during the weekend. I wanted to take her out on a run, then I heard that Cole had done just that before the welcome ceremony. Just how many things is that guy going to steal from me? Perhaps I’ll lock him in a...”

“Umm, Lina... Isn’t the aim of taking her out as a family to spend more time with her?” Honour cut her off during her rambling.

“Oh, yes, that’s part of it...”

“Part of it?”

“We have to show her the best that Sirius has to offer and make her wish she would never go anywhere else. She’d continuously visit Sirius even after getting married to Cole and the two of us, with you obviously would spend our time playing pranks on big brother and have him chase us. With her Agility gift and my ridiculous speed, the slowpoke would...”

“Lina, you’re getting louder,” Honour tapped her shoulder and brought her back to reality. ‘Curse werewolf hearing...’ the girl mentally mumbled.

‘You can curse their bond as well. Quit standing there and join us, Lina. You know Honour is welcome to sit at this table as well,’ Queen Martha’s voice came through the mind link.

‘Thank you, your majesty. Good morning,’ Honour replied with a slight bow. The two made their way for the table with Lina thanking the goddess for keeping the dining hall somewhat empty while she mumbled her nonsense.

“That was a colourful entrance, little sister,” Drake began.

“Uh, Drake, hi, good morning. Did we meet today? I missed you in the training grounds,” Lina rapped, taking a seat on the other side of Katie, against her wishes. A mental battle on whether she feared her brother more than she wanted to get to know her sister had occurred in her mind and she’d come to the resolution that Katie could protect if something went wrong...

“Why is the dining hall nearly empty though?” Katie asked absentmindedly(or was she...), changing the topic and saving Lina a whole lot of nervous explaining. Drake could be petty when he wanted to be and Lina just wouldn’t stop looking for ways to rile him up...

“Oh, it’s simply because you’re all late,” Davin announced, rubbing his temples. People taking his time was starting to become normal and he was starting to get used to it. As long as Martha calmed him down every time he found himself waiting for someone else instead of them waiting for him, it was fine...

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