
Chapter 84

One of the secrets of the Lycaon family was that this man was no in fact Davin’s brother, but rather his uncle. With humans that lived short lives and the lack of information preserving tactics, it was not known to the public that this werewolf was indeed that old. Drake let his thoughts fly while he ran through the woods, his wolf leading him more and more into the forest and away from Brigadia. He did not know where the wolf was taking them, but he also didn’t know his mind since rogues were no problem to him.

However, the further he ran the more he became aware of a presence in the forest that his wolf seemed to be seeking. Focusing more on what he was getting at, he could tell there was a lone wolf in this forest. The wolf wasn’t a rogue, so what was he doing in the forest this far from the town. He finally slowed down as he felt he was getting closer to his target.

It was not long before he heard the soft whimpers of a wolf in mourning. The atmosphere in the vicinity was just as thick and sad as the wolf that inhabited it. He moved ever so slowly and carefully until he found what he was looking for. At the roots of one of the biggest trees in the forest that he had seen so far, a coffee brown wolf lay there coiled up. Every once in a while the wolf would cringe at whatever was going through his mind.

For him to have gotten this close without being detected, this wolf must have not been paying that much again. Drake kept wondering where he’d seen the wolf for it was very familiar to him. He got even closer, knowing that he couldn’t leave him there. For rogues would have gotten to him before he would have noticed either.

As Drake got closer, the place grew quieter that even his heartbeat was noisy. A step on a twig was all he would have needed to be noticed. He took a few steps back and barked to announce his presence. The coffee brown wolf was on its toes in the next few seconds, its eyes staring back at the royal. They were bright red, a colour that confirmed the identity of the wolf before him, this was Caden, one of Cole’s best friends.

“What are you doing here?” he sent the message through a temporary mind link that royals were able to make with any werewolf that wasn’t a rogue.

“Is that you, Drake?”

“Yes, it’s me...” the wolf relaxed upon confirmation of his identity and sat back down in his original position. The sandy brown wolf wasn’t amused by this behaviour although he couldn’t avoid the urge to try and help remedy it. “What happened?”


“I wouldn’t want to trouble you with my matters, you have far more to care about,” Caden replied.

“You might be right, but right now, the only thing I can care about is in front of me. The rest I can merely worry. Why tell me what’s wrong?” he said.

“It’s a matter of the Lycaon family and not the Sirius family,” Caden pushed again.

“Well, I don’t see Cole mourning the way you are...”

“Can’t you take a hint? I don’t want your help. I’m doing just fine on my own,” he said.

“I can offer you a distraction. From your state, you will probably be here when it happens,” Drake said.

“When what happens?” Caden’s curiosity peaked. The Royal knew something that he didn’t know... come to think of it, they hadn’t been given a reason for their presence... “You aren’t here for the Founder’s festival, are you?”

“No, we aren’t and frankly I’m not sure if I should be telling you why we are here either, but you won’t let me help you with what’s going on with you. Take your pick, would you like to share or would I rather just go on and tell you the reason why mourning endlessly might just be a bad idea...

“Fine then... I don’t want to intrude. Just tell me why I shouldn’t mourn for much longer...” Caden asked.

Drake had almost forgotten the type of person Caden was. He mentally smirked, both options that he’d offered had been swatted that easily, ‘Sneaky...’ “Quite simple really... The Chase family sent out a warning that everyone is to stay on high alert tonight. Something is going to happen. Something dangerous... Most say it might be a rogue attack. I don’t know what it is either.”

“I’ve heard of the odd workings of the members of that family. In that case, I will come to my alpha the moment I’m summoned. Just let him know that.” something about the way he said it made it gave him all the assurance that he needed to know that he would show up without fail.

“I do want to know what caused someone of your mental fortitude to get into such a state...” he tried again, “Perhaps I can help...”

“You honour me, Prince Drake. Though I must decline that request for I do not have any intention of telling this story to anyone before my alpha gets to know of it. Besides, I doubt you possess the ability to bring back the dead...” so someone had died. Drake could already make a clean guess who it was for he knew that Ash had already been initiated into the Lycaon pack and was part of them.

“Maybe I can help distract you then?”

There it was... the one reason the man before him had lasted as long as he did against Cole Lycaon. He didn’t know when to give up even when there was no reason for him to keep going. It was a character that they always found impressive. He always followed through to the end with everything that he swore to do.

“You came here with the intention of cheering up a werewolf whose identity you hadn’t known?” Caden asked.

“If it’s that obvious, then you know that I am not leaving until I have accomplished that task,” the prince said boastfully.

“You amuse me... How is your sister doing? I did promise to beat her just once in a race,” Caden said.

“Oh, she got much faster...” Drake said, crushing the male’s hopes.

“Unbelievable...” Caden was starting to get comfortable in the man’s presence. Although this came along with a curiosity to know what the Sirius family was doing here. “She makes up for her lack of physical strength in speed and agility.”

“The next Royal games are not far... I can’t wait to kick your team this time...” Drake started musing...

“Will you be allowed to attend this time? You are the oldest of us. What makes you think they’ll let you participate?” Caden asked.

“It will be my last appearance in the games. It will be glorious...” he continued.

“I love the way you seem to be a professional dreamer. You will never win the games...” Caden scoffed.

“Oh, but this time I have a secret weapon. There will be nothing holding me back,” he said.

“Why would you say such a thing? Just train harder and beat Cole when you get stronger than him,” Caden sighed.

“Oh, I keep up my training, but if Cole’s also training as hard as he does, I don’t stand a chance against the moon goddess’ chosen,” the Royal shrugged.

“What do you mean, Moon goddess’ chosen? That topic was buried when the death of your younger sister was confirmed,” Caden said... “Unless... wait...”

“Oh my...” Drake exclaimed, sarcasm laced in his voice, “I let it slip now, didn’t I?”

“But that’s not possible,” Caden’s mind was a swarm of thoughts. Katie was human... she was, wasn’t she? Prometheus would never grant a werewolf his gifts, not to mention both of them... It made sense that it would be the reason behind the coming of the entire Sirius family. “I am under the impression Cole is not supposed to know this until the time is right,” the wolf that was starting to get up to his feet groaned, falling right back into his original position.

“Did I help in distracting you?” Drake asked.

“Yes, you did... I’ll have to inform my alpha about what I was thinking so that a proper burial will be given to our fallen. Although, right now, what you have told me is quite distracting... What do you require from me?”

“Stay on your toes... When the moon rises tonight... My sister will shift. Beyond that is unknown to me. I only know of the plan to unite the two Chosen mates, but that’s about what I know. If your alpha doesn’t call to you, I will...” with that said, Caden was updated on what was going on in the town of Brigadia.

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