Chapter 451 Worth Or Not Worth It

pàпdá-ňᴏνêι.сóМ "Are the Ong's fools?!"

Zhang Liling was already fuming from seeing a part of the verdict, worth more of what her reaction would be when she learns the deeper part and consequences of Zhang Mingyu's actions.

Unknown to her, a dead deal has been made between the Zhang and the Ong's.

"How did Dad manage to convince them to change their mind and come out to proof their foolishness?"

While Zhang Liling was still fuming at a certain family's ratty behaviour, she got a call from Mr. Fang.

"Honey, are you seeing what is going on?" She immediately spoke into the phone without giving a chance.

At the other end of the phone, Fang Bingwen could sense her great displeasure and began to rethink of the reason he had called in the first place.

'Should I let her know or not?'

"I have seen the news, but we don't have time for that. I have a good and a bad news, which should come first?" He asked, letting her hold the key to her first and last reaction after their conservation for the night.

Hearing that abrupt question from him, Zhang Liling was immediately silenced. Somehow, she could feel that all was not well.

She could feel that the good news would probably not be strong and effective enough to cover up the bad news, so her breathing slowed.

Taking a few seconds to think and make up her mind, her lashes fluttered close.

"Good news first." She said, making her choice at last.

Since the good news wouldn't have much effect after hearing the bad first, there was no need to feel bad through out so she could just hear the good news first and feel happy for a minute before ushering in the bad news that could possibly keep her awake all through the night.

Hearing her decision, Fang Bingwen spilled without holding back. "We have found a way to sneak in the divorce documents and make your father and Shi Wenqian sign them without fail."

"Wow! That is indeed a good news. I haven't heard something nice about this goal since I've been upset. This is a good way to cool of for about a few seconds."

Letting out a deep sigh, she got ready to hear the bad news.

"Now tell me the ugly news." She demanded.

"Your father asked his lawyer to prepare the documents for share transfer and being it to him tomorrow." Mr. Fang revealed, and immediately as predicted, Zhang Liling reacted badly.

"What! Is he mad? How can he hand over half of his shares to Zhang Mingyu just so they Ong family will not call off the wedding? Is he thinking straight?!" She flared up.

Never did Liling think that her father would go down to this miserable level. What was so special about Zhang Mingyu that he would want to make a huge sacrifice like this?

It's not like the young man was intelligent, smart or wise. Most times, he does not do a good job, so why on earth was her father so bent on making him the successor of Zhang Corp?

Has he run out of ideas?

If she didn't know better, she would have thought that Shi Wenqian had pillow-talked him, but apparently, that wasn't possible.

Letting her catch her breath, Fang Bingwen revealed further. "The wedding is in three days. Also, I made a few suggestion to the lawyer for the document for the file transfer to be valid, and also the perfect way to get your father and that woman divorced perfectly without any hitches."

No matter what Mr. Fang said, Zhang Liling was still bitter about her father's decision.

After the call with him ended, she decided to head downstairs to await her father's return.

Surprisingly, as soon as she made her way downstairs, her father walked into the house and went straight to the living area where Shi Wenqian was sitting and waiting for him.

Immediately she saw him, she quickly rose her feet with her eyes smiling not too much. "I saw the statement the Ong family made after Mingyu's video went up. How did you convince them to not cancel the wedding?"

It was at this moment that Zhang Renshu caught sight of Zhang Liling was slowly stepping with her not-so-good facial expression fixed on him.

Taking his eyes off her, he went to take a seat and spilled the truth.

"I promised to give Mingyu half of my company shares tomorrow."

The moment those words entered Shi Wenqian's ears, her eyes shone brightly like a fluorescent bulb.

"What? Do you mean what you're saying?" She queried, just to be sure that he wasn't pulling her legs.

As you knowing, she didn't want to rejoice over nothing.

Although she was happy, Zhang Renshu's expression turned for the worse. "Have I ever cracked a joke with you before?"

He didn't to be in his best mood so, he went straight to reveal the next information without giving her a break.

"The wedding is in three days. Start tidying up everything." Having made this information known, he ignored the glee on the greedy woman's face and got to his feet.

But just before he could walk away, he met face to face with Zhang Liling who had been watching and listening to the entire conversation from the side.

"Dad, are you telling me that Zhang Mingyu is worth this endangering sacrifice you are about to make?" Liling asked while giving him a stare from the corner of her eyes as she folded her arms below her chest.

Listening to the question posed at him, Zhang Renshu was quiet for two seconds before giving an answer. "He does not worth this sacrifice, but I will surely take care of loose ends."

Aware that her father was making this foolish mistake to save his face from the public, his political career and to stop his stocks from plummeting a bit, she was deeply disappointed.

"Is this all you can say to justify this costly mistake of letting an incapable child rule over your sweat, blood, time and money invested Empire?"

"Zhang Liling! Cut your crap!" Shi Wenqian scolded from the side.

How could she sit and watch that little girl try to talk her husband out of a very good plan to solidify her worth to the Zhang family?

She would rather turn deaf that listen and not be able to stop her.

Seeing that Shi Wenqian had stepped in, Zhang Renshu marched forward, choosing not to render any more explanation to his angry daughter.

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