Chapter 437 Sweetie

"There is no one else Ma'am. The other nurses were not in the room with her when she met that girl, so it's hard to find out what happened behind those walls." The man reported.

"How could you be so careless to not keep your eyes on her?! What am I paying you for if you can slack of on such an important matter like this? Also, why did you not follow that girl home?" Shi Wenqian inquired angrily.

Her entire face was constricted in a frown. She was still angry and didn't want to easily let the matter die because of the plans she already had set out.

She was painted about her minion's incompetence so much that she cursed him out.

"Ma'am, I know where she lives. Should I still keep an eye on her at her place?"

"Keep an eye on Mingyu instead. Report all your findings to me instead. Although I won't be around tomorrow, make sure you find out the reason that girl went to the hospital." Shi Wenqian instructed and ended the call.

Squeezing her fingers together, she thought to herself while staring off into the distance as her heart raced in her chest.

'I hope is not what I'm thinking?' Letting out a sigh deep sigh, her lashes fluttered close.

Towards evening, Secretary Cha walked into her bedroom to meet her.

"Ma'am, I want to step outside to get a few things we will need tomorrow."

Giving her the side glance, Shi Wenqian retorted almost rolling her eyes at her. "And what are those?"

Knowing that her response would depend on if she would be allowed to leave the house, She put an her armour of confidence.

One thing with Shi Wenqian was that she was good at scrutinizing someone with her gaze. Since she was doing something bad, she easily felt that the people under her could be a threat to her hence she was always looking carefully.

And the only way to win against her wits was still act and look loyal to her with the same confidence as in the past, and that was what Secretary Cha was trying to do at the moment.

"The last time we visited, the boys asked for a drink."

"A drink?" Shi Wenqian found that request to be ridiculous. "I pay them heavily for their jobs get the want a drink from me? Can they nit afford it or what?"

Seeing that her temper was about to rise again, she quickly explained what it was that the guys were talking about.

"Ma'am sometimes, fulfilling their request once in a while will make them more loyal. The didn't request for anything much. Just a bottle of any brand of whiskey will do. Or something simple.

Also, we can use this opportunity to reply to their requests as Mr. Mingyu's wedding is near. This could be your wedding gift to them. Using this as a disguise, they will know that you can only gift then things when there is something to celebrate..."

After listening for a while, Shi Wenqian reluctantly agreed. "I have never done this before, and I am not about to start pampering some lame humans. This is the last time they should make this kind of request to me."

"Yes, Ma'am." Secretary Cha replied.

Standing at the same spot, she made a deal with Shi Wenqian on what to get for the men working for her apart from the whiskey before leaving.

Since a particular card was left in her care since a long time ago to take care of bills like this, Shi Wenqian asked her to make use of it after confirming the balance.

"That will do. You can leave."

"Yes, Ma'am. Bowing her head slightly, she turned to leave, but she was stopped.

"Let my driver go with you, how will you carry those things?"

Immediately, Secretary Cha tried to stop her, while being mindful to not overdo her emotions.

"There is no problem Ma'am. I will take a cab. Fortunately, they are allowed to come into the estate and I am only getting a few things. Also, you might need you car since the wedding preparations are still ongoing."

Hearing her advice, Shi Wenqian waved her off.

"Return before an hour."

After making a mental note of how long she would spend on the road to get into the main town to shop, she estimated the shopping time before give her the time she would take to return to the house.

Shi Wenqian didn't care about the people working for her hence, she didn't see any reason why so much time should be taken to pick something out for them.

Again, Secretary Cha nodded before walking away peacefully.

As soon as she stepped out, she released a deep breath from the button of her belly.

Clenching her fists, she continued in her steps.

Leaving the house, she phoned Fang Bingwen to tell him she would be running a few minutes late which he immediately disagreed upon.

"Do I look like I care about the genuine reasons you might have for keeping me waiting? Get here by the time I told you earlier." Saying that, he terminated the call before stepping into his at the underground parking lot at Fang Group.

Securing his seatbelt, he immediately phoned Zhang Liling.

"Liling, I will be meeting Shi Wenqian's secretary in a few minutes. I will pick you up after that."

"Call me Sweetie." Zhang Liling demanded.

How could she allow him to continue to be so formal with her?

That was wrong.

This time around, she was not going to let him off.

"Is that what you want to be called from now on?" Fang Bingwen probed.

"Why, is that wrong?"

"No, it's very sweet. Hahahaha..." Chuckling heartily as his heart softened a bit he revealed. "For a while now, I have been thinking deeply about a nickname for you, but you are too stubborn for any sweet name to come to my mind."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Instantly, Zhang Liling got ready to tackle him but unfortunately, he didn't even give her that chance.

"Nothing." He quickly replied as he didn't have the time to argue with her. "If you want your own car, learn how to drive professionally and get a licence."

Ignoring the fact that he smoothly changed the topic, she tried to confirm the meaning of his words as that was what was most important to her.

"You will buy me a car?"

"Yes, and only on that condition." Fang Bingwen confirmed.

"Mr. Fang, you really do not know how to surprise someone. How could talk about buying me a car to my face. Don't you know you should have surprised me with it instead of spilling the news first?"

Just like that, the man that was trying to avoid the frying pan, finally jumped into the fire by himself.

The truth of the whole matter, was that he didn't know how he would get himself out of that situation because arguing would never get him out of that situation.

Zhang Liling was someone that made nonsense to make sense. Imagine arguing about how he was supposed to surprise her with a car gift when he felt that setting a goal for her and letting her know the price, would motivate her to complete her task?

There would be no end to it but somehow, things happened and he finally got his freedom."


As soon as Zhang Mingyu finished with his work for the day, he let the building and drove down to Mikayla's home address.

Finding his way to her apartment floor, he knocked on the door while calling out to her until there was a response.

Form inside, Mikayla answered him once before opening the door for him.

Hearing the sound of door unlocking, Zhang Mingyu pushed the door open and walked inside. "Have you lost your mind, why have you not been answering my calls or replying to my texts?"

Closing the door, Mikayla made her way to her small living area to sit and continue watching the television.

"I knew the reason you have been trying so hard to reach me, but as I didn't have what you wanted, I couldn't answer your calls."

As those words reached his ears, his gaze darkened.

Was this the silly reason she avoided all the calls coming into her phone plus the texts he had been sending to her?

Zhang Mingyu felt like strangling her the same way his heart was being squeezed in his chest due to anger.

"Are you joking? Mikayla, is this your true colours? You ignored me on purpose despite knowing how anxious I would get right?"

Rolling her eyes, she turned down the volume of the TV and rose to her feet.

"I'm just coming back from the hospital. Wait here and I will get the result for you from the hospital for you." She said and left for the room which was a few steps away, totalling ignoring his outburst.

As she was purposely dealing with him, she didn't care to explain anything to him anymore and just wanted those evidences he wanted to get into his hands.

It was as simple as that.

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