Chapter 422 Bumping Into Him

"You don't like Glint's product?" Zhang Mingyu asked from the side.

"I like to stick to the brand I'm used to." Emma Ong replied as she continued with her shopping.

Hearing her response, he nodded in agreement. "I can say we think alike with our choice to stick to the brand we are used to. Once I get used to a certain product, it is difficult to leave it and go over to a new unless, my health is at risk."

To his statement, Emma Ong had no words for him. Basically, she was not interested in having any conversation with him, making him wonder why she had accepted to go out with him in the first place.

Going over to the counter as they were ready to leave Zhang Mingyu passed his card. "I will pay." He said to the girl who was already trying to take out a wad of cash from her purse.

Seeing that he wanted to foot her bills, she let him do his job since he was the one that asked her out in the first place.

From the makeup section, they went to the clothing section to pick out a few things.

This time around, Tungmei refused to pick any item.

She had already poked a hole in her pocket for the month so she couldn't afford any rough play to her finances.

Having in mind if not getting anything in the store, she still entered and watched over the trio while pretending to be looking for a particular outfit.

From the corner, a shop attended noticed that she was distraught and quickly approached her.

"Ma'am, would you like my assistance?" She inquired as she was ready to help her to shop.

Immediately, Tungmei waved her hand in front of her face. "No. I can help myself, thank you."

If she needed an assistance, she would have called for one. But since she didn't come to shop, she didn't need any temptation that may force her to make any other expenses.

Almost half an hour later, Zhang Mingyu stepped out of the clothing section with Three bags in his hands.

"Would you like to have dinner? There is a good restaurant nearby."

Hearing his suggestion, Emma Ong was going to ask him how he knew about it, but then thought that he must have looked up this area before taking her there.

"Alright." She agreed.

Although she had finished hanging out with some friends before he had come to pick her up, she couldn't resist having a little more food or desert before going home.

The little shopping she did had already taken away some of her energy which she needed to gain back.

Though his fiancée to be seemed to not be the talking type probably because she didn't like him, Zhang Mingyu was not bothered.

He didn't like her too.

When Mikayla found out they were going to dine somewhere, she just knew that she had to do something.

It was late and she couldn't continue to tail him hence, she had to put an end to that ridiculous and time consuming task.

Pretending to be in a rush, she purposely bumped into Zhang Mingyu's arm while walking past him and in the process, the 2 bags on his right hand fell on the floor and spilled a box of shoe.

Not only did the bags in his hand slip out of his hand, but also, the bags in Mikayla's hand.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Mikayla exclaimed with her palm over her mouth as her eyes widened in shock.

As soon as Zhang Mingyu heard that familiar voice next to him, he froze as his gaze slowly moved from the bags on the floor to female figure standing at his right side.

'What is she doing here?'

What shocked him more was the fact that she was feigning ignorance and pretending to not know him.

"Mr. I'm so sorry." Mikayla quickly apologized to him before squatting immediately to pick her items that had spilled from her bag.

On the other hand, Tungmei was already giving a thumbs-up to Mikayla for the drama she had managed to create.

Since she was not standing far from them, she could see the entire incident as it happened.

"This girl sure has nothing to fear." She said, making a mental note as she took out her phone to casually make a recording while being careful to not look fishy.

Seeing the mess on the floor, Emma Ong was annoyed beyond measure. Shutting her eyes, she puffed some air from her mouth.

She was avoiding looking in order to not cause a fight.

As Mikayla lowered her back, Zhang Mingyu quickly squat to pick up the item that had falling out from his bank while trying his best to calm his fast-furious heart and get over his shock.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered through gritted teeth.

Instead of responding to his question, Mikayla had something important to say.

"Meet me at the washroom area downstairs if you don't want me to keep following you." She threatened before rising to her feet.

Shifting her gaze to Emma Ong who looked annoyed, she said just before Zhang Mingyu could straighten her back.

"I'm sorry, I was in a hurry to meet my loved one." Offering her a polite smile, she turned her gaze to Zhang Mingyu and nodded politely before walking ahead.

"That woman is so ridiculous!" Emma slammed in annoyance as her gaze glared at Mikayla's back.

Seeing the woman seething in rage for only a little mishap, Zhang Mingyu began to wonder if she easily got irritated.

'Is this who she is?' He asked himself.

When he regained his composure, he began to persuade.

"I'm sure she made a mistake because she was in a hurry."

"What if she had broken any item in that bag?" Emma retorted as he seemed to have forgotten that she had picked a few makeup items.

At that reminder, Zhang Mingyu sealed his lips. He had indeed forgotten that a breakable item was in one of those bags that fell out of his hands.

He had almost forgotten about the shock he got from seeing his girlfriend right in front of his eyes. But first things first.

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