Chapter 138 Shady Things

Song Jujing pressed on her temples with her slender fingers and let out a deep breath into the phone in the process.

She was expecting to hear from her daughter first if he brought up the issue about her coming back to his house, but it looks like he didn't give her the chance to speak to her first.

"Hasn't Liling been living with you for the past 4 years now? I'm sure that you had enough time to teach her one or two things," Song Jujing retorted.

She didn't care to rub his ego or speak in a calm tone. She didn't have any energy and the patience to do that today.

Zhang Renshu was taking aback by her choice of words and motion. "Do you think it's easy to teach an adult child anything new?" He fired back.

"Do you think it's easy to raise a child without the father by the side?" Song Jujing asked in annoyance.

Zhang Renshu was not going to accept her blaming him for something he had not fault in.

"Did I ask you to hide the fact that you were pregnant and run away? If I never found out about it, would I have known about it by now?!"

Song Jujing's breathing changed. She was so angry that her chest hurt. Even if he was unaware that she was pregnant, how could he speak to her in that manner as if he wasn't the reason she made that choice back then?

Zhang Renshu felt that he had spoken too much and by the time he was almost done calming down, Song Jujing said to him before ending the conversation.

"Zhang Renshu, my daughter will not go back to that house to live with you! I only have one child, and I raised her with all the love, money, and discipline I had, and no one can put her life at risk!"

Zhang Renshu could sense the anger in her tone and didn't get the chance to apologize and speak amicably with her.

Looking at the blank screen of his phone, he relieved a deep sigh of frustration before putting it down on his desk.

He hadn't meant to infuriate her and maybe, he should have chosen another method of approach and even if she was displeased, he shouldn't have exchanged words with her.


Zhang Liling had meant to call her mother immediately her father dropped the call, but when she did, she found out that she was on another call, which caused her to sigh in frustration.

She was still yet to get out of bed to go out and have her lunch, and also do some cleaning.

Yawning tiredly, her eyelashes fluttered before it came to a standstill. Sighing to herself, she sat up on her bed properly.

She had laid on the bed after the housekeeper left her bedroom, and before her father's call came in.

As soon as she got off the bed, she got her mother's call.

"Liling, I have spoken to your father. I am not in the mood to know how you answered him because that man tried to infuriate me as well! Anyway, you won't be going back to that house again. When your father calms down and calls me back, I will speak to him again so that you can go and take the rest of your things."

,m Zhang Liling was really curious to know the content of the conversation her parents had, because she could sense her mother's annoyance from her faint rapid panting, and her tone.

"Was he rude to you? You know, I thought that he still loved you as much since he always listens to you!" She joked, but her mother was not having any of it.

"Liling, don't ever say that again! Who needs his love? Also, you managed to infuriate him before sending him over to me, what were you thinking?" Song Jujing asked.

"It's not my fault. He was keen about people's opinion if they learnt I was living apart from him, and I got angry. How could he put random people's opinion over my life and peace? But I didn't insult him, I only insisted that I wasn't going to come back." Zhang Liling shrugged.

Thinking back to her father's selfish mindset and decision, she couldn't help but to get angry again.

Song Jujing didn't bother staying angry with either her or her ex.

"If I tell him that you would be living alone, and that I would foot the house bills, he may bring up about how risky it is for you to live alone. So here comes my suggestion, why don't you ask your best friend to come around?"

Zhang Liling refuted her suggestion immediately. "No mum, I want to have my space! I don't want to live with anyone!"

She wouldn't have given this kind of response if she wasn't doing anything shady.

Mr. Fang had already threatened her life if she ever disclosed to anyone about her working and living in his house, and she wouldn't want to go against that rule.

Living with Tungmei would mean that she wouldn't be able to hold that secret anymore.

Since she didn't want to live with anyone, Song Jujing didn't force her. After all, she wasn't going to remain in City S for long.

"Alright, do as you please. Your father had already ruined a great part of my life, and now, he still has the power to ruin my morning! Oh! how I hate him so much!" Song Jujing cringed.

Zhang Liling didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. Her mother was funny, but this was not a situation she should be laughing at.

"Okay mum, bye!" She said. Her stomach was already giving signs of growling soon.

Thankfully, Song Jujing was not in the mood to stir the conversation to another direction, and ended the call soon.

Putting her phone on her desk, Zhang Liling sighed and stretched her body before stepping toward the door.

She was far too hungry to remain in the room. As for Mr. Fang, according to the housekeeper, he hasn't said anything about her, or mentioned her name. What did he mean by that? Was he going to let her off?

Zhang Liling doubted that, but just focused on filling her stomach with food, and doing her daily job.

What surprised her at the end of the day, was the fact that she mistakenly crossed parts with Mr. Fang when she dropped her vigilance, but he didn't even bother to spare her a glance, or speak to her.

This was very strange to her.

Even if he didn't want to scold her, where did his normal glares go to?

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