Chapter 127 Alcohol

"Of course, it is your choice. But you can at least have a sip since I took the effort to pour you one myself." Shu Rushi insisted, and continued when Zhang Liling didn't respond.

"If you are afraid that I poisoned the drink, I'm sure everyone saw me take out a new glass and pour the whiskey, and can attest to that."

Finally, Zhang Liling responded with an unfazed gaze. "I also saw you pour the whiskey and I'm very sure you didn't play any tricks. No matter what you tell me, I don't want to drink."

Shu Rushi smiled meaningfully and withdrew her hand. When everyone thought she would go back to her seat, she dared Zhang Liling with her words.

"I see, it looks like Miss Zhang can not hold her liquor, and is scared of embarrassing herself."

As she said that, a good number of the youths in the room, roared in laughter, but Zhang Liling was the least bothered about their mockery.

Smiling, she crossed her legs and picked her glass of cocktail from the big table and stirred the drink with the straw. That was her third glass since the night.

"More than being afraid of holding my liquor well, I am more afraid of going back to the arms of a certain someone drunk, because I was asked not to." She said suggestively before sipping her cocktail with a smirk slowly appearing at the corner of her lips.

Now, everyone was unto her statement, while trying to fix the puzzle.

Surely she wouldn't be talking about her father...

Did she mean she had a boyfriend?

Immediately, Shu Rushi clenched her fist by her sides before forcing a smile. "You have a boyfriend?" She probed.

Zhang Liling sucked on her straw before pausing and raising her head to glance at her. "Whatever you call it. Now, you can see why I don't want to drink, I am avoiding being disobedient."

As if that wasn't enough, she winked at her at the end.

Tungmei gave her a thumbs up in her head, after seeing how easily she could provoke Shu Rushi. The latter would come looking for trouble, but would end up being the one to be left offended. When would she learn her lessons?

One of Shu Rushi's underlings could not take this humiliation on her part and interfered.

"Miss Zhang, who do you want to deceive that you have a boyfriend? Which reasonable person will accept someone like you with that feisty personality like yours?"

Again, Zhang Liling was laughed at by some of her coursemates. They all knew what her character was like, and that laughter from them, was like an agreement to what was said.

"If I am not accepted, is it an idiot who pretends to be docile that will be accepted?" Zhang Liling retorted in a clear tone.

Zhang Liling's clear response was a surprise as no one expected her to respond that way.

They all knew that she was not one to back down, but replying like that, they didn't see it coming.

Shu Rushi's underling got annoyed as she asked angrily, "Who did you call a docile idiot?"

Tungmei smiled at the side and responded to that question as Zhang Liling couldn't be bothered with her anymore.

​ "That was a reference, why are you taking it so personal, or do you think that reference was being referred to you?"

At Tungmei's joke, another loud chuckle erupted in the room, forcing Rushi's underling to glare at the two friends before going back to her seat.

Shu Rushi couldn't accept being made fun at, because her slapping her friend's face, was like slapping her face as well.

Thinking of getting back at Zhang Liling, she said in a loud tone, drawing attention to herself and to Zhang Liling.

"Miss Zhang, if you have a boyfriend as you said, why don't you call him here, so we can see him and believe you..."

'I never said I had a boyfriend, but it looks like not denying it, has presented me with one.' Zhang Liling thought to herself.

"I don't need any of you to believe me, so you can go ahead and think whatever you like. You want me to call my boyfriend here for you to access him? Who do you think you are?!" Zhang Liling fired back.

Shu Rushi felt humiliated for directing that question at her. "This is the reason no one will want to be with you!"

"Thank you!" Zhang Liling said with a snort as she focused on finishing her cocktail before placing an order for another one.

Shu Rushi returned to her seat, crossed her legs and glared at Zhang Liling with seething hatred.

The silence in the room lasted a few moments after Zhang Liling and Shu Rushi's fight, before someone brought up another topic which interested everyone.

Soon, Mr. Fang became a topic of interest amongst them.

When Zhang Liling's order came, Tungmei whispered to her, "Do you plan on getting drunk tonight? This is already your 4th glass of cocktail!"

Zhang Liling shifted her gaze from her drink to the glass of whiskey before her to say, "And you have been on one glass of whiskey since we arrived."

"You think I have plans of getting drunk? This stuff is too bitter for me to finish, and I may end up dumping the rest instead!" Tungmei said with a sigh.

"As a good friend, I would have loved to help you out, but I promised not to take any alcohol this night, so I can't help you!" Zhang Liling said as she blinked.

She could feel something wrong with her sight, but she ignored it.

Tungmei shot her s glance and shook her head. She almost thought Zhang Liling was brainless for that comment she made, if not for her academics proving that she was intelligent.

She had wanted to ask, 'What makes you think that a cocktail does not contain alcohol?' But she refrained from voicing her thoughts.

She would hate to break Zhang Liling's heart, who didn't want to take any alcohol in the first place.

Taking a sip from her new glass, Zhang Liling suddenly felt pressure down her nether region and hurriedly put her glass down.

"I think I need to pee!"

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