Chapter 78 She Knew She Was In Trouble

After helping Zhang Liling to her bed, Butler Gu stepped out of her bedroom. As soon as he shut the door, he sighed tiredly and proceeded to stretch his body for a bit, before scurrying away.

Mr. Fang was still waiting for him to get back.

Currently, Mr. Fang was taking a shower in his room. The black lines on his forehead seemed to have gotten worse as he scrubbed his body with the lathered sponge.

He didn't think he would be able to forgive Zhang Liling so easily. Even if he wanted to do that, he would have to first teach her a lesson before letting her off.

Butler Gu returned to Mr. Fang's bedroom. First, he removed the sheets from the bed before picking up Zhang Liling's handbag and leaving with them.

Just now, he heard the sound of water running in the bathroom and guessed that Mr. Fang must be having his bath.

By the time he returned Zhang Liling's bag to her room, and took the sheets to the laundry room and returned, Mr. Fang was already done washing.

The man's skin was faint red at the moment, which was as a result of the pressure he applied while scrubbing his body.

"Mr. Gu come here and see if I still smell like that drunkard." Mr. Fang beckoned on the butler to come and stand next to him.

Butler Gu came to stand in front of him, but was careful not to stand too close, before sniffing the air around him.

Taking a few steps backwards, he said, "Sir, you have completely wiped off the alcohol scent from your body. You only smell like your shower gel."

Hearing that positive verdict, Mr. Fang released a deep sigh of relief. Right now, he could hardly make out any scent because he took triple of his normal pill dose for the night, causing his nose sensors to be blocked.

Mr. Fang is unable to make out scents, since the pills he overdosed had ready started working in his system, so his nose sensors were no longer as sharp as before.

"Sir, your food is served!" Butler Gu announced after not hearing any response from him.

Mr. Fang who was already dressed so casually, picked up his phone and left the bedroom. It was after he left that butler Gu decided to clean his bedroom for a bit.

Mr. Fang had already assigned Zhang Liling to clean it, but there was no way he would leave the bedroom just like that, so he fixed up a few things before leaving.

When Zhang Liling wakes in the morning, she will complete the cleaning and also air the room.

Through out the time Mr. Fang spent to have his dinner, there was not a single time his brows relaxed. They remained raised from the start of his meal till the end of it.

Once he finished eating, he went into his study and didn't come out till the next day.


Around 8 in the morning, Zhang Liling woke up with a banging head. Since Butler Gu didn't do her a favour by drawing her curtains properly last night, the rays of sunlight past through the windows and reflected in her room, almost directly hitting her face.

She had to squint her eyes in annoyance before turning her face to the other side. It was at this time she turned her face to the other side that she felt a throbbing ache in her head.

'Damm!' She cursed through gritted teeth before fully opening her eyes and sitting up the bed with much efforts.

"Am I having migraine? My head hurts so badly!" She said while bending her knees and resting her forehead on them.

She was in that position for almost a minute before raising her head and straightening her knees.

'I don't remember how I came back last night... Did Tungmei put me in a taxi? No, that's not possible!'

Zhang Liling was trying to remember how she got back to Mr. Fang's place last night. Thinking about Tungmei putting her in a taxi, she rulled off that idea since the latter was unaware about her other relationship with Mr. Fang.

Finally she concluded that she came back by herself.

Zhang Liling felt so awful at this moment. Her head was heavy and her body was not feeling like her own. Right at the moment when she was feeling that way, suddenly, she swiftly turned towards her nightstand to glance at the time, only to scream the next moment.

She jumped off her bed, ran to the window to move the curtains and open the windows to let in the natural light and air while cursing under her breath.

"What! It's a few minutes past 8?! How long did I sleep for? How could I sleep in on this day?! Oh! Liling you are in deep shit! Blame the alcohol, and blame yourself for being carried away!"

After raising the curtains, she ran into the bathroom and 12 minutes later, she rushed into her bedroom dressed in a black jean trouser and a sky-blue round-neck polo.

She quickly tied her hair in a ponytail while heading for the door. As soon as she opened it, she met head-on with butler Gu whose right hand was raised in a fist.

It looked like he was about to knock on her door before she opened it.

Zhang Liling was taken aback when she saw the butler. 'What is he here for? Is Mr. Fang asking for me?! Damm it!'

Seeing her in that frenzy state, Butler Gu withdrew his hand and folded it in front of him before speaking in a grave tone, "Miss Zhang, it's good that you are awake, or Mr. Fang would have sent his bodyguards to come and carry you off your bed."

Zhang Liling heard that and knew that she was in a big trouble, and had a lot of explaining to do.

She abused the opportunity Mr. Fang gave to her and now, it was time to dance to the music.

"Butler Gu, is Mr. Fang that furious?" Zhang Liling probed in a nervous tone.

Butler Gu ascertained from her question and behaviour that she was ignorant of the trouble she caused last night and was left speechless.

I mean, how does one go to a great extent to cause trouble and then forget all about it the next morning as if nothing ever happened?

Butler Gu decided to take it in his hands to give her a breakdown of the things she did the previous night.

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