Chapter 32 Knowing The Rules

As he was leaving, Zhang Liling was running to her new bedroom to dig out the contract she signed. She had to know what she has gotten herself into.

Paraventure Mr. Fang allows her to stay even after seeing her, she can't afford to be sacked because she didn't read the rules she was given.

The Butler didn't get the chance to greet her properly before she ran off.

'She looks… very young.' The Butler thought as he trailed gazes at her.

Zhang Liling had to unpack her backpack just to find the contract. Luckily when she brought it out, it was still in a good condition.

Sitting at the foot of the bed, she began to flip the pages of the contract, taking her time to go through each page. She couldn't afford to miss anything.

She read the main contract before going to the rules and guidelines which was the most important part of everything she was doing.

*Dress appropriately, no nudity (show less skin).*

Jia Li read the first rule, shifted her gaze at her exposed legs, and growled. No wonder Bolin looked surprised to see her at first but ended up not saying anything to her. He must have thought that she should know better.

Anyway, that wasn't an appropriate uniform she was putting on, so she was okay with it. That means she had some shopping to do.

If only she took a look at the contract since she would have gone shopping and gotten appropriate work attire.

The next rule on her work contract was something Bolin had reminded her about on their way to the villa.

*Don't use more than 2 shots of perfume daily*

Zhang Liling had absolutely no problem with it, she quickly stuck it in her mind and moved over to the next one.

*Stand at least 5 meters away while speaking to Mr. Fang*

'What?' That's what her facial expression looked when she saw that. Even their distance when speaking to him had to be measured?

This reminded her of their encounter in school, he continued emphasizing on her to keep her distance.

'What is wrong with him?'

Thinking about the 5 meters distance she had to follow, she didn't know how far that distance was, but an idea came to her before she could start grumbling.

She placed her luggage on the floor, got on her knees, and opened it in search of something. A few seconds later, she took out a transparent 1-meter-long ruler.

"I found it!" There was a big smile on her face as she said that.

Standing on her feet, she stared at the ruler with a satisfied smile. The next minute, she was already practicing with the ruler.

Since the ruler was 1 meter long, she just had to place it on the floor and mark the beginning, before moving it 4 more times and marking the end.

After taking that measurement, Zhang Liling kept the ruler aside and used her eyes to study the distance, and then used her feet to count the steps.

Contented with her wisdom and the success rate of her practices, she nodded in satisfaction before moving over to the next rule on the list.

*Don't draw Mr. Fang's attention unless you have something important to report*

Zhang Liling read that part and nodded. "Yes, of course, Mr. Fang is busy, he can't be bothered by unimportant things."

Suddenly, she remembered her goal and felt like crying, "But wait, how am I supposed to build our relationship if we don't talk anything apart from house-related, academic, and business-related work matters?"

A few minutes ago, she was totally accepting of that rule, but now, she didn't like It at all, it was totally off point if you ask her.

"There has to be a way around this," Shaking her head, she moved over to the next rule.

*Only clean his bedroom after he has left for work in the morning… While cleaning the study, don't tidy his desk or move any documents around*

If she misplaces any important document in the name of tidying his desk, she would be in big trouble.

*Follow instructions on how to clean and disinfect the house, especially Mr. Fang's bedroom and study below*

Under that rule, Zhang Liling saw that she had to use a particular quantity of cleansing agents and how many times she was supposed to clean a surface.

As for changing bedsheets, it has to be done every 3 days and the method of washing it and his clothes were also written.

Luckily, Zhang Liling saw that it was for the butler to handle all of Mr. Fang's laundry, but she could also do it in a special case, so it was there for her to notice.

Zhang Liling felt hot all of a sudden and used the contract to fan herself. The more she read the contract, the more complicated Mr. Fang looked to her.

He has never looked intelligible but he has also, never looked more complicated than this.

This contract alone was enough for anyone to catch a glimpse into Mr. Fang's private life.

The next rule on the contract got Zhang Liling curious as to what was in the basement, and where the entrance was because Bolin never mentioned or pointed at that place while showing her around.

*Don't go down to the basement unless you receive direct instruction from Mr. Fang to clean that place*

'We will see about that…' Zhang Liling said with a smirk and moved over to the next instruction. She believed that whatever was in that basement, needed her to win Mr. Fang's trust first before she could go in there.

*Prepare only healthy meals for Mr. Fang. He has no allergy, but don't prepare any sweet dish above +++ concentration. You can ask if he has any special requests during a particular mealtime*

"What's this?" Zhang Liling cringed. She was almost going crazy.

​ She didn't know how to cook, especially most Chinese dishes, she was so bad at it and now, she even had to measure the concentration of the food's sweetness.

"Why don't you hire a chef?" Zhang Liling asked in annoyance.

She thought it would be better to hire a qualified chef to take care of his meals than suffer the innocent her or any other person that would have taken her place if she didn't come into the picture.

Zhang Liling felt that she was in trouble with the cooking stuff. She grew up in Paris, and could at most do her best trying to make fresh cuisines for him. If he wanted anything pasta, she was very good at it.

As for Chinese dishes or any other kind of cuisine, it was better not to put any hopes on her.

Zhang Liling felt that she had to find a way on how to cover up for the meals. Maybe telling Mr. Fang she could only prepare French cuisines and pasta would save her.

Anyway, she would finish going through the contract first before thinking of a solution.

*As a housekeeper with an experience, basic housekeeping rules do not need your reminder*

"Wait, am I supposed to figure this out myself? I have never been a housekeeper!!!"

Zhang Liling felt she was going to be in a hot mess for lying her way through. She might not just get fired, she could be arrested for forging fake documents and lying.

At that thought, she shook her head and got down to business. She first arranged her things, freshened up, and changed into a more comfortable outfit before hitting the internet with her laptop, to research the job of a housekeeper.

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