
Chapter 372 - Endless Hotel-part Two-

"Endless hotel?" Asked Alfonso.

"That's right, we are pleased to have you here" Said the creature.

"Who is 'we'? who do you work for?" Asked Alfonso.

 "For it" Said the creature.

"I don't understand" Said Alfonso.

"You will… with time" Said the creature.

"Follow me" Said the creature.

The creature turned and began to walk to the left side.

"By the way, I won't appear twice, so, if you decided to stay… well… I won't be responsible for what happens to you" Said the creature.

Alfonso thought for some seconds before nodding.

Alfonso and Cerberus followed the creature that walked in a slow pace.

"Let me give you some advice" Said the creature.

"While you are here, make sure that your steps are as slowly as you can make them to be" Said the creature.

He signaled towards the doors.

"Because the things in those rooms have sharp ears" Said the creature.

"What you mean by things?" Said Cerberus.

"Things is just a term I came with; I honestly can't call them by any other name" Said the creature.

"Like you?" Asked Alfonso.

"Me? Haha, believe me, if you saw those things, you will find me the sweetest creature in all the world" Said the creature.

"How long are we going to walk?" Asked Cerberus.

"We are almost there" Said the creature.

Alfonso and Cerberus finally something at the end of the long floor.

There were two doors

One blue

One red

"These two doors let to the two different paths, although, they had the same end" Said the creature.

"Where do we go?" Asked Cerberus.

"I don't know… this is… way too suspicious…" Said Alfonso.

"Can you tell us more about these doors?" Asked Alfonso.

"And who do I ask? My job is to guide the fresh meat to the doors, what can I tell you is that, nobody that has entered any of those doors, has ever come back" Said the creature.

"Have you just call us fresh meat?" Asked Cerberus.

The creature seemed to sigh.

"You are not exactly the fastest one in the west, are you?" Said the creature.

"What do you mean!?" Said Cerberus with anger.

"You are in the first circle, the Gluttony circle, what do you think it happens in those doors?" Said the creature.

"So, you are telling us to go and become food!?" Said Cerberus.

"It's that… or become one of those" Said the creature.

"If you become food, at least you become part of something bigger… but that… I wouldn't become that even if it means that I would suffer for all eternity" Said the creature.

"Anyway, I already said everything that needed to be said, the rest is up to you, however, I advised you to choose fast, these doors won't stay here forever and those things would become aware of your presence eventually" Said the creature.

Then, it turned around to leave.

"One last question" Said Alfonso.

"What?" Asked the creature.

"Why did Lucy bring us here?" Asked Alfonso.

The creature stood in silence for some seconds.

"This is hell" Said the creature.

Finally, it disappeared in the darkness.

"That woman! I knew that she wasn't any good, she dared to betray us!" Said Cerberus.

"…" Alfonso didn't say anything.

"There is no use in pondering into this, let's try to choose one door" Said Alfonso.

"Are we really choosing? Maybe he was trying to scare us, maybe we should stay here" Said Cerberus.

"No, he wasn't, I am pretty sure that he was telling the truth" Said Alfonso.

"How are you sure?"

"He was also a victim of whatever this place is" Said Alfonso.

"How come you know?" Asked Cerberus.

"S-S-Sir it's right!"

Suddenly, a voice interrupted their conversation.

Alfonso's ring lighted up and a small person appeared.

It had green eyes, just like Alfonso's eye, and it was dressed in a cute green one-piece dress.

She had brown hair and used a pony-tail style.

"Drakini?" Asked Alfonso.

"Y-y-yes, sir!" Said the Little girl.

"How come you are in human form?" Asked Alfonso.

"T-t-this place, helps me a lot!" Said Drakini.

Alfonso looked at the little girl and couldn't help but remember a certain little kid on Wasteland Valley that also has two bright eyes when they talked about mathematics.

Alfonso smiled and patted Drakini.

Drakini smiled whole-heartedly.

"Hmph! I was wondering who it was, it turned out to be the stupid snake!" Said Cerberus.

"W-w-who are you calling a stupid snake!? I-I-I saw you all this time! Being so useless and impolite to S-s-sir! Shame on you!" Said Drakini.

"Who are you calling useless!? We were fine without you!" Said Cerberus while grabbing the hand of Alfonso.

"Stop it, both" Said Alfonso with a sigh.

Drakini and Cerberus show each other teeth while grabbing one side of Alfonso's shirt.

"Drakini, you said that this place is beneficial for you?" Asked Alfonso.

"T-t-that's right sir!" Said Drakini.

"Maybe you can tell us which door shall we take?" Asked Alfonso.

"Y-y-yes sir!" Said Drakini.

She stood and closed her eyes.

After some seconds she opened her eyes and signaled the red door.

"S-s-sir! There is something really going on this path!" Said Drakini.

"Something good?" Asked Alfonso.

"I-I-I can't describe it with words, b-b-but there is something good here!" Said Drakini.

"Maybe you just want to say something since you don't know the way!" Said Cerberus.

"Y-Y-You! Shut up, you smelly dog!" Said Drakini.

"Smelly dog!? Now you have done it"

"Stop it, Cerberus, Drakini" Said Alfonso.

""But Sir/Alfonso""

"Let's go to the red one��� Said Alfonso.




Alfonso sighed while looking at these two supposedly majestic creatures behaving like small kids.

"Well, at least it lifted some of the heaviness on my mind" Though Alfonso.

The trio crossed the red door and it closed itself after Alfonso, Drakini, and Cerberus crossed it.

Then it disappeared alongside the blue door.


While Alfonso, Cerberus, and Drakini were in hell, something else was happening in a faraway land.

A man with a long black hair grabbed his head with seriousness.

"Your highness" A woman dressed in white said while kneeling in front of the man.

The man stood in silence for some seconds before sighing.

"Boddhisatva die" Said the man.

"He died? How? Who can kill him apart from the royal family?" Asked the woman.

"I don't know…. But the voice in my head told that it died just a few moments ago" Said the man.

"…" The woman didn't say anything else.

"It seems that we don't have much time" Said the man.

He stood from his throne and walked towards the window.

He took out a small piece of paper and determination filled his eyes.

"It's time for us to reunite, my dear friend" Said the man.

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