
Chapter 315 - The Winds Of War(2 In 1)

"Please, we were just under the orders of Lord Leonardo, It wasn't our idea!" Said of the five lords while looking at the blade in from of him.

The man looked at his sides, the other four lords were already corpses missing an arm or a leg.

"I believe you" Said the man in front of him.



The head of the man, who saw the light at the end of the tunnel, couldn't believe that the man in front of him just cut his head even when he said that he believed him.

"As expected of the monarch, as cruel and decisive as his mother"

"I hope you die a horrible death… Leonardo…"

The man cursed Leonardo with all his might while his head rolled on the ground.

"This mission went easier than expected" Though Pierre.

He cleaned his sword and looked towards the bloody room.

He smiled bitterly.

"I guess what is inherited is not stolen" Said Pierre.

Pierre walked towards the head of the man and put it inside a bag.

"We have five heads here, I guess that mother will be happy" Said Pierre.

"Come" Said Pierre.

"My lord!" A person appeared behind him.

"Take this and put in the carriage" Said Pierre.


The man took the bad and turned around.

"Shall we prepare things to go back?" Asked the man/

"No, I have one more thing to do" Said Pierre.

The man nodded and disappeared.

"Leonardo, usually I don't like to make things personal…"

"But with you giving me this chance, how can I not take it?"

Pierre took his sword and walked deeper into the manor.


"MOVE!" Shouted Alfonso.

"…" America stood there while grabbed her sword with her left hand. Alfonso lifted his cane and moved forward towards America; he swung his cane towards America who blocked it with her arm.

"Uggh!" America felt the immense power on her arm, she could only stale for some seconds before finally losing her grip. The cane stopped just a few centimeters away from America's face. Alfonso tapped her head with some force and she was knocked up.

Alfonso immediately moved forward.

"Where did he go?"

Alfonso moved at an incredible speed, looking for Leonardo.

 "How can he run so fast?"

Suddenly, Alfonso felt a pain on his chest.

"Shit! My time is almost out" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso moved a few more meters and found something on the ground.

"Blood?" Though Alfonso.

He followed the trace of blood and found two people; one was one the ground with a sword on his neck.

"Pierre!" Shouted Leonardo with fury.

"Leonardo, that face of yours is priceless" Said Pierre.

"Pierre? Pierre Veritia?" Murmured Alfonso.

"Who goes there?" Asked Pierre without turning.

"I am Alfonso, Alfonso Lockheart" Said Alfonso while showing himself.

"Oh? So, its lord Alfonso, excuse my discourtesy, I am Pierre, Pierre Veritia" Said Pierre.

"There is no one ignorant enough to not know the monarch of the sword" Said Alfonso.

"I admit that you have quite the tongue, but let's forget about the courtesies for the moment, after all…"

Pierre pointed his sword towards Leonardo.

"I still have business with him"

Leonardo's fury increased while he looked at Pierre.

"Pierre, you coward! If you are a man, fight me directly!" Shouted Leonardo.

"Really Leonardo? You are playing that card? Aren't you quite desperate?" Said Pierre with a sarcastic smile.

"Alfonso Lockheart! If you can, kill me now! If you have the guts, that's it" Said Leonardo.

"You!" Alfonso moved forward a little.

However, just as he advanced, he felt oppression on his chest.

"Fuck! The time is up!?"

Alfonso's hair returned to normal while his vision when black.

"Shit, I can't stand still" Said Alfonso.

He kneeled on the ground.

Leonardo looked at this and smiled. He jumped to the back. Pierre looked at this and stabbed forward, however, to his surprise, Leonardo didn't dodge, he left the sword stab him on the shoulder.


Leonardo grabbed the sword with his bare hands and took out the sword, he immediately used his blood and throw it to Pierre.

"You little shit!" Pierre cursed while he evaded the blood.

But, in this fraction of second, Leonardo took the opportunity and grabbed Alfonso by the neck!

"Stay back!" Shouted Leonardo to Pierre.

"Or he goes with me!"

Leonardo put his sword on Alfonso's neck.

"…" Pierre looked at the scene.

"You don't want to do something stupid, Leonardo, the wrath of the Veritia house, no, the wrath of the Queen of winds, isn't something that you can imagine" Said Pierre.

"Don't try to scare me Pierre, either way, I am a dead man, might as well make myself a route of escape" Said Leonardo.

"Let…me…go" Said Alfonso weakly.

"Using Oversoul and my will… I thought that I had enough time…" Though Alfonso.

"At the moment you give me your back, I will kill you" Said Pierre with annoyance.

Leonardo made a sarcastic smile.

"You won't because you respect your mother too much" Said Leonardo.

"Be careful with your words, Leonardo, or I might just kill you both!" Said Pierre.

"Did I touch a nerve? Hehe" Said Leonardo.

However, he stopped there because he didn't want to test Pierre's limits.

"I won't repeat myself, Pierre, go away, or he dies" Said Leonardo.

"…" Pierre once again fell in silence.

He stood there for some seconds before sighing. He threw his sword to the ground and put his hand on the air.

"Let him go and I will give you 10 seconds" Said Pierre.

"Will you?"

"Unlike you, I am a man of word" Said Pierre.

Leonardo looked at Pierre before throwing Alfonso and making a run for it.

Pierre walked and lifted Alfonso on his arms.

"With that face and a nice dress, I would though that I am carrying a princess" Said Pierre.

"…" Alfonso was speechless.

"Let's go" Said Pierre.


After everything was done, Alister and America were arrested by the Veritia family, waiting for punishment.

As for Leonardo, he disappeared without a trace.

Hell City was thrown in chaos and the notice travel at fast speed, soon enough, Hell city requested the intervention of the Boltor family. Funny enough, Claude, who was the one in charge while Karl was absent, didn't say anything.

Of course, this wasn't because he didn't want to but because his father already warned him to not to. Claude knew that the situation was more serious than his own plans so he decided to chew his anger.

A couple of days passed but the turmoil didn't vanish

[Arcadia City]

A woman in a thick cloth was looking at the news with a worry expression.

"Alfonso should be here, unless the Veritia family took him somewhere else"

Demeter threw the news.

"I will bring you home for sure, wait for me" Though the woman.

She disappeared in the sea of people with a determinate expression.


[Wasteland Valley]

Inside Wasteland Valley manor, Dionisius grabbed the documents while he analyzed them when someone knocked on the door.

"My lord" Said Io.

"Just Dionisius" Said Dionisius.

"Right now, you are taking the place of my lord, so, it's natural that I call you like that" Said Io coldly.

"It seems that you haven't forgive me yet" Said Dionisius with a bitter smile.

"There is nothing to forgive, my lord chose to save you, the least that I can do is to respect his wishes" Said Io.

Dionisius looked at Io and touched his cheeks, there obvious bruises on them.

"You have those scars well deserved" A voice interrupted Dionisius's thoughts.

"Aphrodite" Said Dionisius.

"It's been a while since I saw Artemis so angry, I seriously thought that she was going to kill you" Said Aphrodite with a sarcastic smile.

The day that Dionisius came he explained everything that happen to Artemis and Io.

"HOW DARE YOU COME BACK!?" Shouted Artemis.

In an instant, Artemis jumped and plumbed Dionisius, if Aphrodite and Io didn't intervene, maybe Artemis would have killed Dionisius.

"How is she?" Asked Dionisius.

"She has been in the forest since then" Said Aphrodite.

"…" Dionisius didn't know what to said.

"Just let her alone for some time, she will eventually come back, it's not like Alfonso is death" Said Aphrodite.

"I guess…" Said Dionisius.

Anyway, I didn't come here just to see you, I came with good news" Said Aphrodite.

"What is it?"

"The Amazons finished the buildings, just in time" Said Aphrodite.

Dionisius smiled.

"I can't believe we made it!"

"We made it… uncle, aunty" Though Dionisius.


Suddenly, they felt a surge of soul power.

"This sensation!" Though Aphrodite.

The trio run towards the hall; in there someone was already waiting.

"It's happening again"

"Artemis?" Asked Dionisius.

 Artemis turned to look at the trio.

"I felt the surge of power, indeed, it's happening again" Said Artemis.

Aphrodite and Dionisius looked towards the direction that Artemis was looking for.

There, a portal appeared.


[At the same time]

Alfonso woke up by the alarm of the system.

"Where?" Murmured Alfonso.


Congratulations to host for earning the loyalty of the god Dionisius!

Mission Loyalty (4/12)!]


Congratulations to host for completing the main mission!

Your domain has finally achieved the level of town!

A new god will appear!]

"They made in time?" Though Alfonso.

"I am curious though, who is coming this time"

"Alfonso Lockheart, you finally woke up" Said a voice interrupting Alfonso's thought.


"Good morning to you"

"Where I am?"

"We are currently on our way to the Veritia family house" Said Pierre.

"To the Veritia's? why?" Asked Alfonso with curiosity.

"The original plan was to let you in Tulip; however, we received some urgent news and we had to rush home" Said Pierre seriously.

"Urgent news?" Asked Alfonso.

"Is going to be hell soon" Said Pierre with a bitter smile.

He threw a letter to Alfonso. Alfonso looked at the letter and had the stamp of the Lockheart family.

"A royal announcement!?" Though Alfonso.

A royal announcement, it was only used when something urgent happened that treated Leitol in general, the last time that it was used was in the great war against Greycastle!

"What the hell?" Though Alfonso while he opened the letter.

He read its content and was stunned.

"What the hell!? How is this possible!?" Said Alfonso.

"This has never happened before in Leitol, that's why all the powerhouses have declared a state of emergency" Said Pierre.

Alfonso couldn't believe what he heard and read the content of the letter once more.

Inside the letter, one sentence could be seeing.


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