
Chapter 549 549

While Evangeline and Laura enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, things were getting strange in the Eastern Continent.

The residents of Port Nefheim had an unwelcome new neighbor, an unstable portal that seemed to change destinations every few seconds.

"Do you think it is related to what is happening on the Northern Continent?" Cixelcid asked the Watcher who had cast a protective shield over the area, keeping everyone out until a decision could be made.

"It is possible. This ley line begins in the North. But they are only seeing portals to the Elemental plane. Plus, this is a strange portal, and it is dumping a huge amount of mana into our world.

That flow means the portal is one way. Beings from that world can come here, but we can't go there." The Watcher explained, trying to understand this development.

The Watchers were created with a fair bit of knowledge and had obtained more during their time here, but they had never seen a portal like that one before.

"Is there a way to close that thing? Too much more mana in the area is bad news. The guards reported Mythic Beasts again last night and had to ask Neffie for assistance when they lured them to the city barrier." Cixelcid sighed.

Neffie had been more than happy for an excuse to show off her power, and none of the guards had been seriously hurt, but the number of Mythic creatures arriving daily was alarming.

The Watcher suddenly motioned for silence and stepped through its barrier toward the Portal. It had heard voices coming from inside, but faint and speaking a foreign language.

The Watcher opened his senses to hear their thoughts and the System finally began to translate the words.

[Of course, it is safe to enter. We have eight King-level pets with us and we are all Great Accomplishment cultivators.]

[That portal creeps me out though. It feels dead like there is nothing on the other side. I don't sense any Prana at all.]

[If there is no Cultivation Essence, then we shouldn't be in any danger. Why would you fear non-cultivators?]

The Watcher let them argue, as they were still on the other side of the portal and might not enter at all. The others had seen this phenomenon before, where the new arrivals couldn't use this world's mana at all.

But the portal was giving off mana, which should mean that their world has plenty of it, making it very strange that they wouldn't be able to use it.

Cain's thoughts joined the Watchers as they examined this new phenomenon. [Maybe it has both, but they only cultivate using one? You were thinking about pets earlier, maybe they tame magical beasts that grow powerful from the Mana?]

While they discussed the possibilities, the portal stabilized and finally only showed one location, but with a thick barrier separating it from their reality. It still wouldn't be accessible to them, but those from the other side should be able to pass back and forth freely.

[Don't you think it feels like we are serving as the inside of a dungeon? The monsters in a dungeon can't just leave either.] Cyrene joined their thoughts as she woke up for the morning.

[That is possible. The protective spells around the planet have been changing.] The Watcher agreed.

If they were being targeted by a dungeon creation spell, the opponents on the other side might be in for a very bad time. Dungeon residents were usually limited in mind and power, so sending random people to face the armies of this world was tantamount to telling them to commit suicide.

The first thing through the portal was a large black Tiger. It took a single step looking around the area, then spotted the Watcher, who was sitting cross-legged in the grass, waiting for it.

The Tiger was level three hundred and eighty, which was certainly on par with the Eastern Continent's power level, but the Watcher was Cain's Summon, and Cain had advanced to nearly level five hundred now, and that was without factoring the power difference due to the Mythic Awakening.

The handler must have been expecting a message if there was an issue because only a few seconds later five humans and seven more beasts, all roughly on the level of the Tiger arrived, laughing and joking about imagined dangers and how paranoid they were before they entered.

Their amusement wouldn't last though.

"There really is no Prana here. I can feel some from the portal, but there's nothing else. What are you staring at Tiggy? It's still too dark for my eyes." One of the human women, a muscular brunette spoke.

[Allow me to turn on the lights.] The Watcher told them, letting his voice echo in their minds.

A simple light spell brightened the area, illuminating the Watcher, who was sitting in the open field near them with his wings spread and arm Tentacles extended to pet Tiggy, who seemed unsure what to make of this powerful creature.

"Fuck, flee!" Their leader called, then slammed headfirst into the barrier that the Watcher had raised between them and the portal.

[But you just got here. It would be rude to leave without at least staying for breakfast. I will have something brought.] The Watcher informed them as the group cowered in fear.

They had already realized their beasts didn't dare attack the Eldritch Horror, and without access to the Prana that they cultivated their own strength would never be its match.

The Watcher created a table and benches using an Earth Elemental then transformed into Cain's human form, wearing his favorite Dark Elven suit, and took a seat.

Dish after dish was taken from the Keep's kitchen, via the Guild Bank, as the Watcher contemplated the scene in front of him. He wanted to know all about these new people, but he had already scared them so much that they weren't speaking. That was horribly inefficient.

Eight large bowls, six with meat and two with fruits and vegetables were placed on the ground using a [Crushing Tentacle] and he decided that his hospitality was sufficient that they should start talking soon.

"Please, sit and eat."

The group was still staring at the scene in shock, frozen in place until they decided they really weren't about to die.

"Thank you." The woman who had spoken to the black Lion named Tiggy answered, taking a seat and gesturing for the others to join her.

Being invited to a meal with an Immortal Terror, as their planet called the Ancients, was unheard of. But if they wanted to leave here intact they didn't have many options.

"What brings you to my lovely home city? Oh, I suppose you can't see it yet. Give it fifteen minutes until the sun comes up and you will since your portal opened inside the city walls." The Watcher spoke.

That news turned their terror to dismay. They had heard of many things being on the other side of these portals, but never a city full of powerful intelligent beings.

"We should put lights all along the wall, so people don't get lost. We have gotten too used to everyone being able to see in the dark." Cixelcid added, tapping on the outer barrier to be let in.

"There is more than one? Should we collapse the portal so they can't find a way through to our world?" One of the humans whispered.

"There are two here, but I'm not one of them. There is no point in whispering, vampires at my level have very sensitive hearing." Cixelcid explained, then realized he had only scared them more.

"Um, I am Cixelcid and I mean no harm. After all, I was once human too." He tried, in an effort to smooth out the situation.

The looks they gave him very clearly said "yes, that is how vampires work" and Cid heard the laughter of the Watcher in his mind.

"Alright, that came out wrong. You have come to Port Nefheim, a multi-species city on the shores of the Eastern Continent. If you don't attack anyone, they won't attack you.

Please, eat before your food gets cold. It is made of Mythic fruits and monster meat, so it is very nutritious. See, your friends are all fine."

The animals were more than fine, they had already cleaned out their bowls and Tiggy was giving the Watcher a pleading look, pushing its bowl forward for seconds.

Numbly, Port Nefheim's newest guests began to eat, too shocked and confused to form a proper response.

[I get it now. Messing with people is way too much fun.] Cid thought, knowing the Watcher could hear him.

[It really is. But we should find out if their friends on the other side are going to be a threat, or if this portal will close when they leave. I can always put a temporary tower over it and make them think they have entered a dungeon if we need to.] The Watcher agreed.

As amusing as that might be, Cid thought that it was better to have an understanding with them.

"Where did you think you were going to end up?" Cid asked when they were nearly done eating.

"The Master has a fate-type beast that can open portals to a trial. We are supposed to go through, train ourselves in a dangerous environment and then return once we are stronger." One of the men explained.

"Then you are in the right spot. There is a group of very angry Trice outside the walls, and I am absolutely certain that fighting it will be a learning experience for you." The Watcher informed them happily.

It was always a relief when things worked out for the best. The guards could take a break and the Laughing God was going to have a great time watching these people try to fight off the daily Dino attacks.

"They will still be there after you eat, so clear your plates. Don't worry Tiggy, you're not going far and there will be dinner." The Watcher told them, then stepped away from the table and transformed back into his Ancient form so he could see over the walls and get an update on the situation outside.

Six large Trice, four-legged beasts with an Armored head plate, which got their name from the three large horns on their beak and head, weighing upward of ten tons each, plus a handful of raptors.

That should be enough of a challenge, at least for the first day.

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