
Chapter 417 417

Cain decides to wait around for the show since it is always a nice change to see people happy and moving forward in life instead of dying horrifically around him. Even if he was the one killing them most of the time.

He only has to wait a few minutes, and a large demon, looking almost exactly like Cain and Vala currently do, comes in carrying an elderly Gnomish woman, escorted by a half dozen more goons. The boss does a double-take when he sees Cain, then realizes it's not who he thought it was and turns to the shopkeeper.

"I got the notice, the last 500 gold of your debts have been paid off. Verified by my men. I thought your mother should be here to see that you have finally redeemed your good name, so I picked her up on the way." The boss greets Fizzbert, who bows deeply in front of him.

In fact, everyone in the area dips their head when the boss and his entourage pass by. This loan shark must be more than just that if he is getting such a high level of respect in the city, so Cain asks everyone to keep silent for now, until they learn more about him. Powerful people have powerful connections and the best leads on interesting things.

The contract comes out, and both signatures are added, making the old gnomish woman burst into happy tears as her son flies over and grabs her into a tight embrace. It's a touching moment, best left to family, and everyone else files outside, closing the shop door with a closed-for-1-hour sign in the window.

Once they are outside, the boss pulls a parchment from his pocket and places it on the glass, the embedded spell fastening it there, and Cain can see that it is entitled "Debt Free Business". There are more details and the boss demon's signature on the sheet, but it is mostly just a business license. Looking carefully, Cain can see that it is present in about a third of the windows of the shops along this side street, and they are the ones that get the most business. So either this is a mafia-style seal of approval, or having a good reputation for operating without debt is very important to the locals.

"Duke Cain, I see. I never thought I'd see another descendant of the Progenitors in the city, and one who has brought family with him as well. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit? I am the Mayor here, but you can call me Sal, everyone else does." The boss informs him in a pleasant voice, well suited to politics.

"I have reached the limits of my class abilities, and I was looking for a chance to gain a fourth advancement Class. They aren't easy to come by in the Central Continent, so we all went on a little vacation while I'm waiting on my firstborn to be ready to enter the world." Cain explains with a fond smile at the thought of the twins.

"That's quite the ambition. I can count the number of fourth advancement Demons I have heard of on a single hand. But the madness holds a lot of opportunities, for those willing to put in the work. I heard your group has the use of a very versatile Mythic Magic though, so you just might find that chance right here.

We will be issuing quests to eliminate a large number of the crazed to make road work to the outlying farms safer before the rainy season. You and I both know that status in society isn't linked to the value you provide to society, and it has been a long battle to convince the bean counters in city hall to approve funding for such a large-scale expedition to the more impoverished regions, even though they grow almost all our food." Sal informs him, the annoyance at the council clear in his voice.

"Small minds are universal I'm afraid. Especially when they have plans for other people's money." Cain laughs in agreement and all the enforcers that came with the Mayor grin. A good understanding of the way the world really works is a sure way to get in good with their boss, and he is always in need of able bodies these days.

"I also see that you're a Flesh Crafter. I don't suppose you have the ability to resurrect a soul stored inside a gem, do you? Not as an undead, but properly back to life." The boss asks hopefully.

"I do actually. I take it someone precious to you was put into stasis by a necromancer until you could find a good way to bring them back out?"

"Not exactly. My predecessor was a Lich Lord. When he was killed with his simulacrum destroyed he hid his soul in a stone. The stone itself is indestructible, I know, we've tried. But he was set to face charges of crimes against demonkind before his death, and it would please me to no end to see him suffer a long and agonizing death for his crimes instead of sleeping soundly in stasis."

All the enforcers and a few shoppers, who were trying to be discrete about their eavesdropping all nod their agreement, disgust for the former leader clear on their faces.

"You can see the records of the trial if you like. It was held without a defense since he was only a soul in a stone, but the evidence was incontrovertible." One of the enforcers adds, seeing Cain's reluctance.

"Let me think on it a while. I will ask around to get some more opinions on whether bringing him back is a wise move before I agree or decline, but you can bring the paperwork of the trial to the Inn at the Western Gate of the common market, the one run by the Lamia. That's where we are staying.

Before that though, you mentioned quests to eliminate the crazed. Are there any for wandering monsters as well? We could use a good bit of exercise now and then, so we might as well make the most of it when we do head out of the city."

The Mayor is liking Cain more and more by the minute. The mayor himself is a politician, not a warrior, but this visiting Duke has excellent combat skills, and he is willing to help the city out for just the quest rewards, without asking for any further conditions due to his rank. Many nobles get very snobby when they gain a Mythic Skill, and almost all of them will become obnoxious once the System ranks them as Mythic Quality, as it did for his daughter, as the Mayor believes Vala to be.

For those older than the system, they didn't get a Quality Assignment. They simply were what they were, but if their children are born with an inactive system, they sometimes do, signifying that their modifiers and stats have exceeded what the system considers normal for a mortal. Of course, many demons are far from average, so it is fairly common with them, but among the shorter-lived species, and the elves, who are physically very mundane without the system's help, it is almost unheard of.

"I, unfortunately, have to get back to business, but I will send Marcus here to go with you to the Quest Hall and find what you're looking for. He was headed there anyhow to issue the new quests for the road safety crew." Mayor Sal sighs, looking across town to a black stone building glittering with gold.

That uniform architectural design is making it very hard for Cain to tell what is where in this city. It is like a giant cookie-cutter suburb, every single building looks basically the same, with only signs and small details to tell them apart.

Their arrival at the Quest Hall causes quite a stir among the crowd gathered in anticipation of seeing the reward for the new quests being posted by the city, as they thought at first that Cain and Vala were the Mayor and his wife. That dies down quickly though, as they realize it is just a visiting noble, possibly a relation of the Mayor that is accompanying his right-hand man.

"Alright everyone, clear the way, let the man through so we can get these quests logged and posted." The staff calls, spreading a cheer through the crowd and opening a path for Marcus to walk through, motioning for Cain and the others to follow him.

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