
Chapter 270

“A full-time Summon? Is that a thing that Puppet Masters can do?” The big werewolf asks, looking to the Darklight Host members for answers, not realizing most of the people he sees are summons. 

“Indeed it is. It’s the class specialty if you don’t count the actual puppets. I’ve currently got one full-time Summon left, a Commander, who will be able to Summon Sub Lieutenants and temporary summons to assist them. The system decides what it will be and what specialties it gets, though, so I can’t guarantee it will be exactly what you’d hoped for in a Guardian for the valley.”

Cain can feel the excitement building among the Companions as they get ready to meet the newest addition to the family. He might have said that it was random, but the system optimizes them to the situation. The optimization gives Cain hope that the system won’t mess with him too much, so far every permanent Summon it has generated has been both suitable and competent. 

For example, the Lieutenants that Cixelcid got. Succubus combat maids when Lickity had just given birth to triplets. If that’s not proof they’re far from random, Cain doesn’t know what is. 

“We need the perfect spot for this. How about the top of the tower, overlooking the city and the valley? That should give the right mood.” Nemu suggests. 

By the time they ascend the tower, everyone is excited for this new Summon to appear, even James and Damien, who don’t know what will happen. Cain steps into the middle of the room that is the top floor of the central pagoda, an open walled space with hardwood floors and wooden shutters that can slide to enclose the area and keep it dry in wet weather.

After a few moments to enjoy the view, everyone gathers in a semi-circle, leaving the side towards the city open. They can almost see the gears turning in the werewolf Administrator’s mind while he wonders if this is some ritual, his fluffy gray ears flicking in an eager nervousness. He’s otherwise hiding his anticipation well, managing the valley can’t be easy alone, making him the one with the best reason to be excited right now. 

Then Cain summons the Commander, and with a flash of white light, their new friend appears. 180 cm tall, not counting the long fluffy ears, and almost impossibly slender in a white and red Shrine Priestess outfit. The Commander’s back is to everyone, the face blocked by long white hair with golden tips, but the three fluffy white tails and pointy ears give the species away. A Fox Kin, or possibly a Kitsune if they’ve naturally got an entirely animalistic form. 

The Commander stares over Long Fang City before turning around, and Laura cheers. “It’s Prince Sven! But better.”

Indeed, the facial features bear an uncanny resemblance to the former Prince of Landis. Regal and dignified, a flawless fair canvas that needs no makeup to look ready for Royal Court. It’s a more feminine type of beauty, where Sven was merely graceful and delicate, the Commander is most decidedly female as well. 

Curvy in all the right places despite being so narrow at the waist, Cain could wrap his large hands fully around her; the sight severely affects King James, whose feline features show nothing but pure longing. Even the somewhat elderly Damien coughs to hide his gasp at her appearance. 

While they’re reacting, Laura has dropped her Merger, sending both Pixie-sized copies of herself burrowing into the fluffy tails. The Commander giggles, a soft sound that barely carries across the room, before swatting the two tiny Dragons with her third tail and pulling them out to sit in her hands. 

“Hasn’t anyone told you it’s polite to ask before fluffing someone’s tails, little Dragon? I’ll forgive you this time, but be sure to mind your manners or I’ll transform and hide the tails away.” Now that’s a threat that Laura will take seriously. 

“Very sorry, miss Commander. I saw the fluff, and my mind went blank. Please forgive me?” Laura begs, and the Commander laughs again before setting the Dragons on Cain’s shoulders and patting their heads. Cain shakes his head and sighs at the diminutive Companion, Laura never did have much impulse control. Perhaps they should work on that later.

“You are forgiven. Duke Cain, my name is Svetlana, and I will be your Commander from this day forward. What task do you have for me?”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Svetlana. I’ve called you to guard Long Fang Valley, as well as the city within it, from attack and help with the day-to-day management. Damien here is the Administrator and will be taking care of most of the paperwork.

You will represent me in my capacity as Lord of the territory and announce my intentions or even make decisions on my behalf when I’m not around. What might your specialties be?” Cain greets the beautiful Beastkin, and Misha makes an unhappy noise before tucking herself under his arm, much to Svetlana’s amusement. 

Cain pats Misha and kisses her forehead, calming her down as the new Commander explains her abilities. “I am a Kitsune Spirit Singer. I specialize in illusions and fire magic. I am also trained in several instruments and singing since my class requires them.”

This news makes Nemu very happy. None of her tone-deaf friends can sing, but she’s finally found a kindred spirit. The Felian is already making plans for a song and dance routine at the next festival they get a chance to attend together, and she doesn’t even know if they’re staying here in the valley for any significant amount of time.

“Damien, you might as well greet your new coworker; you’ll be working together quite a bit in the future since she’s in charge of security.”

“Welcome to Long Fang City, Miss Svetlana. I look forward to getting to know you. But Duke Cain, is one Summon enough to secure the area? No offense, but it took many Seraphim to succeed last time.”

“Fear Not, my friend. I can personally call on thirty-six Lesser Golems and Twenty Four Greater plus a small force of Bodyguards. With a security force of sixty even before I call on my Sub Lieutenants, I’m certain we can take care of most threats.”

Damien looks a bit startled at that news. An illusionist and fire mage that can Summon? Cain notices his confusion and decides to give him a bit more information. 

“Commanders gain the use of my basic Summoning abilities. They’re both powerful and versatile well beyond the baseline of their class. So even when I leave the area, she will remain, and my summons will still be available for defense. Her level is also tied to my own, so as I get stronger, Svetlana will, too, the same for the summons she can call. By the time I reach level 300, this might be the safest valley on the continent, or at least in the Capital region.”

King James takes all this information in with a deep concentration, then tilts his head as if an idea just occurred to him, the action looking perfectly normal in his body of Gerald. 

“You mentioned Sub Lieutenants; what are those?” James asks curiously, still looking a little too intently at the slender form of the Youkai. 

Svetlana looks to Cain, who nods his approval. “They’re permanent summons like myself, a cloned pair. They’ll be randomly created based on what the system believes is most necessary at the time of their creation.”

“So, will they be Beastkin?” He asks, not quite following and not understanding the difference between Beastkin and Youkai. 

“Not necessarily. The other Commander is a Vampire, and the system tells me that his Sub Lieutenants are Succubus Royal Guards. They just happened to be what the system thought he needed.” Svetlana explains. 

“Might as well call them now so that you can meet the townsfolk together. I need to run off to the capital tonight, but I’ll come back tonight or tomorrow morning.” Cain suggests.

 Svetlana calls her Lieutenants, and two small balls of white fur appear on the floor, yipping happily and running around the room. It seems easier to examine them than wait for them to calm down, so Cain opens his interface. 

[Name] Gwen

[Race] Kitsune

[Class] Ghost Maker 

[Level] 201

[Lieutenant to Svetlana] 

“Gwen, I know you’re happy to be here, but calm down and say hello.” Cain laughs, and the two foxes stop to look at him before turning into petite dark-haired Fox Girls with black ears and tails. That’s unique. Usually, the transformation matches the coloration of their animal form. Both are wearing black leather pants with calf high boots and black crop tops under a mesh shirt with a long black coat that they quickly unequip in this heat. 

“Hi, we’re Gwen. As Ghost Makers, we specialize in assassination, bodyguard duties, and illusions. Umm, what else should I say? I like Pie.” Laura looks like she won the lottery. Fluffy tails and new friends with a sweet tooth? It’s a good day to be Laura. 

“Good to meet you, Gwen. What’s your favorite Pie?” James asks before anyone else can. 

“Pumpkin. But sweet pumpkin, with whipped cream. Or maybe Strawberry Rhubarb, with vanilla ice cream.”

James nods in understanding. “Good choices. If we get the chance to meet again, I think we could be good friends. I believe everyone needs a reliable pie lover around. There’s nothing worse than having to snack alone.”

James’s joke gives Cain an excellent idea. If he sends one of the Lieutenants to the Castle, he could not only obtain inside information about the happenings in the country but also help keep the young King safe. They’re about to head back to the Capital, so there’s no time like the present to ask.

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