
Chapter 192 - 191 The Announcement

"Since we're all gathered here right now, me and Cid have an important announcement for everyone." Lickity begins once Symbia calms down. 

"First of all, we've both reached level 100, and I Unlocked the Dark Enchantress class. It allows me to enchant equipment without the incredibly rare and expensive materials needed for traditional enchantments. So those who have finished their training can feel free to come to me to get your gear enhanced." She informs the group, and a round of congratulations ensues.

"Secondly, we will both be retiring from active leveling for a while to help Char with the training and focus on my crafting skills. But the reason for that is the actual news. I'm pregnant. Three bouncy baby Demons out maybe Vampires. The doctor in town couldn't tell us exactly how they'll turn out, being a blend of Vampire and Succubus, but they're non identical triplets. A boy and two girls."

Oh, she's in for quite the time. Triplets, for her first pregnancy, and Lickity is quite small, so she will look and feel huge by the time they're ready.

"How long is a Succubus pregnancy? I need to go shopping. Where are we setting up the nursery?" Misha asks excitedly, taking Lickity's hands.

"It's variable. Anything from two weeks to three months. Something about Succubus physiology growing them at an optimal rate based on their attributes. The stronger they are going to be as demons the faster they will grow. So we don't know the due date yet. But we will build the nursery in Sunnybrook first, as Cid is going to help train the new warriors while the kids are little so he can be with me." The Succubus says, leaning back into the big Vampires arms.

"So, if they're growing based on strength, we should plan a baby shower for next week?" Char laughs and Lickity gets a contemplating sort of look. 

"Likely. We found out three days ago and already I'm feeling big. I don't think we're going to have a maximum length term."

"I like your recruitment technique brother." Nathaniel, one of their Clerics, a slender human man with short brown hair in a tidy style, congratulates Cid. 

"Yeah, with terms that short, you can just add a handful of members a year and Aunty Char will never run out of kids to train." One of the girls teases, who exactly it was Cain can't tell, but Cid is laughing so hard he's gasping for air. 

"No, I don't think so. I might be a Succubus, but I'm not a brood mare. We've got three coming now, so one more time is enough. Five children maximum, and even that is a lot of toddlers for one family." Lickity insists.

She sounds like the triplets news was a big shock to her system. But her annoyance isn't what is catching Cain's attention, it's the longing look that Misha is giving Lickity's belly. Is he ready to be a family man though?

Things might have started out as party members with benefits, but they've moved way beyond that, even if they've not formally discussed it. 

"That calls for a party. How about Graska? We've got the tavern there and the Dwarves are always up for a good celebration. Don't worry Lickity, we know a lot of good non alcoholic recipes." Triss, the bartender and Dwarven Warrior with great skill in brawling suggests.

"Gramps and Ragnar will be overjoyed." Cid laughs and Cain sends a Guild message. 

[Attention everyone not currently at the Guild Castle. Big party in Graska tonight to celebrate Lickity's pregnancy. All are welcome, prepare for full Guild attendance.]

[We're on it.] Gramps sends back, reassuring Cain that there will be enough food and drink for a large party.

The Guild is up to over forty members now, many of whom are too young to drink, but they'll need a lot of food and cake. The old Dwarf knows what he's doing, he ran a pub for longer then Cain has lived in two lifetimes.

Heading outside into the courtyard for one last look around, admiring the now flourishing little oasis that is their castle compound, Cain calls out the Lamia and releases all but one of the Oath Breakers from his Merger, before calling and Cloning the rest with Lesser Demon Army, so there are eleven standing in front of him. 

"You lot, along with the water Elementals, are on Guard duty. Don't let anyone mess with our castle while we're gone." He instructs and they nod in agreement. 

"Sorry to everyone who was looking forward to a dungeon run, we can do that tomorrow afternoon, celebrations take priority." Cain says with a strict look, making Belle laugh, the chains on her biker leather outfit jingling. 

"As long as we still get to do the dungeon eventually, it's all good. Who would have expected today's news, right? Though maybe I should have. Because, you know, Succubus." Belle teases and Lickity thumps her head. 

By the time all the joking and teasing is done the pub in Graska has announced they're ready to receive the party. It's still early in the day, so the place isn't too busy, just a few regulars who would have shown up when they heard the party going on anyhow. 

"That's quite the group you've got going on. Did you steal every fresh transfer and advanced class under level 20 in the valley?" Gramps jokes when he sees the wave of new recruits enter the pub. 

"Of course not. Only the ones with a good attitude." Char jokes. 

"We've got a couple of members getting close to Graska's level too, so the house here will start getting busy again before too long, filled up with members building strength in the Beastkin dungeon." The ones Char is talking about mostly already live here though, the first few recruits they took in from the Orphanage and Sunnybrook that have finished training and are getting close to level 50 now, but it shouldn't be too long until they're ready for the Beastkin dungeon. 

Gramps snorts in amusement at her definition of close, since it usually takes a number of years at a regular weekly pace to go between level 50 and 70, but the whole Guild is powering through the levels, so she might not be wrong. 

"I went to the shops in Assah first, so I could buy you a gift from the Guild." Triss begins, holding out a small box to Lickity. 

"It's not much, and I used Guild Funds, so technically it's from us all, but congratulations on level 100." The bartender smiles as Lickity opens the gift.

[Book of Experience Enchantment] Armor Only. Enchantress, Dark Enchantress exclusive. Grants wearer 10 percent bonus experience on kill. 

Cain checks the Guild fund log, finding that the A rank book cost them eight thousand Gold, but with the ability to enchant 5 pieces of gear per member, everyone can enjoy a little of the fast leveling experience. 

Lickity has the Dwarf in a crushing hug, planting happy kisses all over her face while Cixelcid struggles not to laugh. Lickity wasn't joking about Succubus hormones, she's running every emotion at 110 percent all the time. 

"You know she actually just brought you more work right?" Cid finally says, making Lickity stop and glare at Triss. 

"He's right, now everyone will want me to cast this for them five times." The Succubus agrees. 

"Cake as an apology?" The Dwarf counters, smoothly deflecting the criticism with all the grace of an experienced waitress. Those who noticed all share a smile, but the youngest members are more interested in finding out what kind of cake there is. 

The pub is packed, to the point Dwarves are drinking in the streets outside, with the front doors wide open so everyone can hear Nemu sing and play various instruments while everyone dances, shaking the entire building in time with the beat.

It's looking like a long night when suddenly an Alert flashes across all the Guild Members vision. 

[Montauk Guild House is under Attack] 

"Dammit, everyone stay here and keep partying, I'll go see who is stupid enough to try attacking the house while we're out." Cain shouts, running for the portal. 

Others make to follow him, but he waves them off. "I can take care of this alone, but if there's a bunch of us it will likely turn into a full blown war and a bloodbath."

That's good enough for the others, who retreat back to the party, a little more concerned and less lively than before, but they quicky calm down the lower level members, lying and telling them it is most likely just someone's mistake at the other end. 

Cain is already annoyed when he reaches the portal, he was going to set up proper security in the next few days, using Symbia's magic, but some idiot just had to attack the house today.. So when he sees that the main room is trashed and full of drunk and celebrating transfers, sun bleached from the desert with a [Montauk Exiles] Guild Tag, he's not in the best mood for negotiations. 

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