
Chapter 82 - 82

Once they get into the Dungeon, Cain checks the map he has, verifying landmarks against what's written.

"Looks like the map is correct, let's get a move on. The monsters are going to be tough as we get closer to the exit, ten levels higher than the Naga Raid, so try not to get hit." Cain smiles at his companions. Getting hit is never in the plan, that's what the summons are for.

They make their way carefully through the dungeon, making sure not to pull extra pack or patrols, which brings a sense of nostalgia for Cain. That's how they had to do it when they first entered the Demon Dungeon, because they were under leveled and the demons would attack the party members instead of the summons if they weren't careful.

"Why must there be so many Wrath Demons?" Kone complains softly, to not be heard by nearby demons. "They hit so hard."

"Yeah, my damage stacking ability only works well if we're constantly in combat, this sort of sneaky method cuts out a good portion of my damage, and we don't have the whole group together to make up for it. You're doing fine though, nobody is getting low on health or mana."

"I think it's just the stress of being the only Healer in the group getting to her. In the Raid she always has Misha." Dimnys suggests.

"Yeah, with her here I know I'm fine." Kone says and the Dark Elven Clerics Cain always picks a his Supporters give her a look as if to say "what are we then?"

"See, you've got two other healers here still. They just don't talk much. Now, let's get through these last couple of packs and make sure that gate we can see leads to Graska."

They dismiss all the summons except the Vala twins so that they'll appear to be a 5 person group when they exit and step through the gate. The sight in the other side is glorious, an entire city carved out of a mountain. Not inside the mountain, like Cain had seen in movies during his past life, but the city is the mountain. The outside is elaborate buildings of dark granite, huge tunnels head to a subterranean city center, and a second dungeon portal sits only a hundred meters away, enclosed in the same guarded compound.

"Who are you then?" The dark Dwarf guard asks when they appear. "I would have remembered a group like yours entering the dungeon."

"Just transfers looking for smithy materials." Cain answers and the guard nods, still suspicious of them.

"City entry fee is a silver per head, no matter which city you came from, and don't try to tell me you started your morning here." The Dwarf holds out an official coin pouch and points to a visitors register that looks to have been collecting dust. Clearly, they don't get many visitors through the dungeon, but they know it is possible.

Cain pays the five silver without complaint, not wanting trouble while they're here to buy supplies. That night be easier said than done though, he hasn't seen anyone but Dark Dwarves since they arrived. Dimnys fits right in, but the rest of them stand out like a sore thumb, all but Kone tower over the locals and their fashion is very different from what is common here.

"I think it's best if you book the hotel room." Cain stage whiskers to Dimnys and one of the Dwarves walking by chuckles.

"Try the Stag Head near the market row gate. They're about the only one that serves human food." He says pointing towards a section of town a few hundred meters down the mountain. It's got all sorts of colorful cloth set up over the stalls, so it's likely where all the visitors go, and not the section up here by the dungeons, which looks very heavily guarded.

"What's Graska's local food like?" Cain asks, curious.

"We like meat, and whiskey, and potatoes soaked in Ale." The Dwarf shrugs.

"Where the nearest place to eat then? I'd love to give that a try." Cain smiles and the Dwarf wraps an arm around his waist.

"You just follow me son. We'll get you fed up good or my names not Ragnar." the Dwarf says, dragging them through an alley into a dimly lit basement pub full of Dwarven miners.

"Bertha, we've got a human in. Came through the Dungeon and wants to try Graska's favorite foods." Ragnar shouts into the back room where a wrinkled old Dwarven woman is cooking.

"You got money?" The old woman asks and Cain slaps a large Ruby he picked up in the Naga Raid onto the table.

"Will that do for the evening?" he asks and the woman's wrinkles almost disappear behind her smile.

"See that boys, he even knows how to properly pay for dinner. Drinks are on him." Bertha yells into the quiet room, which suddenly becomes much more lively.

There's pixies in the rafters, raining dust down on them when the Bartender returns with large mugs of what Cain assumes is Ale. He is wrong, only one is Ale, the one for Dimnys, who Bertha declares is still too young for the Whiskey which fills Cain's mug. Kone gets some sort of spiced milk drink she finds delicious if the happy sigh is anything to go by.

"Dwarven Ox milk with pixie honey and cinnamon is what we feed all the children." Ragnar tells Cain.

"Doesn't look like she minds." Cain says as Dimnys slams an empty mug down on the table, foam surrounding her mouth.

"Another if you would please." Dimnys says politely, looking longingly at her empty mug.

"Came from Elven territory did you? Their liquor doesn't sit as well in a Dwarven body." Rupert laughs as the little warrior downs another mug before sipping the third.

The meal consists of an entire roast, with potatoes boiled in honey mead with a side of bread and a large salad for Kone.

"I'm a transfer too, so I'm not totally vegetarian. But I thank you for thinking of me." Kone laughs, cutting off a side of roast to go with her salad and potatoes.

Halfway through the mug of whiskey, Cain needs a heal to keep going, and then another near the bottom.

"Forgive me for being a lightweight, but I had best stick to mead or Ale.." Cain hiccups while Ragnar and the miners cheer him on.

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