
Chapter 319

Then next ten days were spent on hunting. I needed to gather some points, and also wanted to wait for my friends\' return, so I could travel with them to the bear territory when they would choose to return.

I managed to hoard up 202 927 400 points, and twenty more class points. This was enough to get \'Shadow walk II\' to sixth, the last level for this tier. The same with \'Shadow reach\'. I also got \'Hide presence II\' to fifth.

Those upgrades didn\'t get me stronger by much but were a necessary step to build the basis for faster progress.

Since after leaving an anchor close to ogre city, I didn\'t have to spend twelve hours walking through the labyrinth and could get more crystals in fewer hours, I had enough time to sleep and regenerate a bit from my very tired state.

This and regular visits in Velvet Lotus, with Ki\'rai, lifted my mood a bit. I even scored some as one of those days three familiar girls joined me at the bar and managed to convince me to go with them upstairs.

I could only hope Ki\'rai didn\'t notice anything. She later didn\'t give me anything that would make me suspicious, but you never know.

On the tenth day, I was finally informed by Hailwic herself, that the lovely bunch returned. She looked very tired, so I didn\'t bother her anymore and went to find William.

It took some time to localize that bastard. He was in the pub, drinking with Nil. Both cleaned up, and in fresh clothes.

It was a lively day in the establishment as you could hear drunkards singing, chatting loudly, and laughing. There was even a pair playing flute and a banjo in the corner. Some people sang to it, but since most of the clientele didn\'t know words, it was only them. Fighting with the noise made by others.

- Welcome back boys - I said, and without asking sat among them.

- Peter, good to see you - replied Sanders.

- We\'ve heard already that your little friend lives among us. What happened?

- Yea, I\'m also curious about that - sadi Nil.

I gestured with my hand to them so they would get closer, and myself laned a bit over the table to whisper:

- I got rid of the Xuvi. It\'s a long story, but they were planning to attack us. She doesn\'t know yet though. I brought her back after those assholes tried to use her as a hostage to squeeze more crystals out of me.

- What? You mean you killed them all? - asked Sanders.

- Yes. There was no other choice, and I don\'t give a shit about what you think. I already had this argument with Hatta.

- Calm down, Peter. Nobody here wants to argue. I\'m sure you had a very good reason to do what you did. How about we talk about this sometime later? With less people around - proposed Will.

Nill just nodded.

- Fine - I agreed, and straightened my back, just as they did. - How about now you will share how did your hunt well?

- Good. It\'s kinda boring since we are so proficient at it now - said the former boxer. - I\'m thinking that maybe it\'s time to look for something better?

- The better spots are out of your reach. At least the ones I know about. You could probably hunt in the swamps, but transporting crystals, and also finding a spot for camping will be a great issue for you. The ogre cave is too hard, and although I know of others places, I didn\'t check them yet, so I can\'t help you.

- We mainly need some class points - said Will.

- Yeah. We actually had an idea. Well... Amit did. Specifically to buy out the easiest hunting grounds from people, and just farm there. We have enough crystals to do it - explained Nil.

- Then talk with Hatta. It sounds reasonable enough. I\'m sure he will agree and help you organize this.

- Tomorrow - said Will. - Today I just want to relax. By the way... The other places you mentioned, that you didn\'t check yet. How about you do? It\'s not like you have other things on your schedule now.

- I have plenty to do, but I\'m also planning on doing that. I just need to drop an anchor at the bear territory, so I will be able to travel faster.

- That fancy skills of yours... How about you go with us in a few days? - asked Will.

- I was planing on doing just that.

- So we are set now. Let\'s talk about the details tomorrow. Today I just want to get wasted, and don\'t think about work. I can\'t wait to lie down in my fluffy bed.

- Too bad nobody is going to lie with you, he-he! - Sanders stabbed him with his words.

- Fuck you. If I wanted, I could have plenty of girls in my bed.

- Only if you paid them first.

- You wanna bet on that?

- Sure! Let\'s fucking bet!

I lust listened with a smirk on my face as they argued. It went for a few moments before they agreed on the details. Since they had to change places, and go to Velvet Lotus, I decided to pass.

They left me, so I spent some time alone, finishing my beer, and enjoying the dive bar climate. Then the time to go came, and I went back to my room. The fact I got angry about Sanders judging me over Xuvi still was on my mind.

That damn thing was hunting me even now. Maybe if I could explain to them everything they could understand. I needed that. I needed them to support me. Somebody just hat to say to me, that I did what I had to or I was really gonna start to hate myself over what I did.

I also had to muster my courage, and finally, tell Ki\'rai what happened. She had the right to know. I couldn\'t keep that from her because I was afraid of her reaction...

The day came to an end with 14 749 509 points remaining on my account, and thirty-seven class points.

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