
Chapter 130

In another 7days, on August 29, the final match of "Singing China", that is, thenational top 10 finals will be held in the newly opened T1 studio of BeijingSatellite TV.

But on thesame day, Xiangnan Satellite TV’s "Super Singer" just ended, and theirratings barely exceeded 4%. (TN: meaning on August 22)

The newcomer,Ling Xiaoxiao, who had been highly praised, didn’t perform well in the finaland only finished fifth.

In thebattle between the major satellite TV’s ace variety show, the first season of"Singing China" triumphed over "Super Singer".

"SingingChina" knockout competition that was broadcasted live on the 20th inBihai Stadium, had a 5.76% audience rating. The industry speculated that thefinal national finals should be able to easily break the 6% mark, or evenhopefully hit the 7% mark.

Whether itis 6% or 7%, it’s a victory that Beijing Satellite TV deserves to be proud of!!

Lu Chen, oneof the top 10 national singers, also returned to Beijing with the programgroup.

In fact, he couldhave stayed in Bihai for two more days, but there were so many things going onin Beijing that he can only come and go in a hurry, and had no time to reallyenjoy the beauty of the tropical islands in the South China Sea.

Work andresponsibility, like an invisible whip, are pushing Lu Chen forward.

It’s stillfar from being able to lie down and enjoy.

On hissecond day back in Beijing, Lu Chen personally interviewed a job seeker in hisstudio.

Chen Xiang,22 years old, graduated from Fangshan University, majoring in computerapplication. He has been in Beijing for more than a year and is currentlyworking as a programmer in an online company.

FangshanUniversity belongs to the three domestic universities in China, which is a third-rateuniversity, and its educational level is very low.

In a cityfull of talented people, he can’t even count as a small shrimp in the sea, andit is almost impossible for him to find a good job. It should be known that evena graduate like Lu Chen has ran into a wall in the beginning.

Although therecruitment requirements of Lu Chen Studio are not high, they are not as low asthis.

To put itbluntly, three-legged toads are hard to find, but college students with twolegs are everywhere in Beijing!

But ChenXiang’s academic record is still very good. He got a scholarship year afteryear in college. He worked very hard in Beijing. His work performance wasremarkable, or at least a little unexpected.

Mostimportantly, Chen Xiang also has a special identity. He is a member of Lu Chen’sfan group, Lu Family Army.

And a seniorhardcore fan! (TN: meaning he’s been a fan since the beginning)

He contactedLu Chen through Li Feiyu and came over for an interview.

"Why doyou want to work here?"

Lu Chenasked curiously, "Your future on my side is certainly not as good as yourcurrent company."

Although thecompany that Chen Xiang currently works for is not a big company, it belongs toa real IT company. It belongs to the kind of emerging company with greatpotential for development.

In terms of professionalnature and career prospects, it is far better than Lu Chen’s small studio.

In lookingfor a job, in addition to the conditions of treatment, promotion channels andcareer prospects are also very important.

Lu ChenStudio is a small group that specializes in serving Lu Chen himself. Atpresent, the network management personnel recruited are mainly responsible forthe construction and maintenance of the studio’s website, and take into accountnetwork marketing.

Lu Chen hasno intention of expanding the studio into a large company for the time being,so the requirement for candidates is stability and reliability.

However, mostyoung people, especially Beijing drifters, come to Beijing to work mostly withthe dream of a career. The small Lu Chen Studio is obviously unable to meettheir desire to make progress.

In thisregard, Lu Chen has been frank and candid with any interviewer, and will notdeceive and mislead others.

When hefirst came to Beijing to look for a job, he met such an unscrupulous company andhe almost fell into it.

Lu Chen wasvery disgusted with this.

During histour away from Beijing, Lu Xi had interviewed a number of job seekers, but theother party was either proud or arrogant, or has poor level of ability. So far,no suitable candidate has been found.

A trulyoutstanding talent will not yield to an obscure personal studio.

"I know..."

Chen Xiangsaid with a wry smile, "But with my educational background, I can only beat the bottom of the company. I’m not going to get promoted. I don’t get paidvery much for overtime every day. All I do is to repeat the boring work, unableto improve myself."

"So, Iwant to try in the studio, at least you’re here Brother Chen, and I can do morework independently. I also have the time and opportunity to continue learningand enrich myself. I will certainly work hard."

He graduatedfrom college one year earlier than Lu Chen, the same age as Lu Chen, but wasborn two months younger than Lu Chen.

Lu Chen andLu Xi looked at each other, and the latter nodded slightly.

Originally,the recruitment of staff should be done by Lu Xi, but Chen Xiang’s situation isa bit special, coupled with professional reasons, so Lu Chen had to test himhimself.

But Lu Chenshould also respect his sister’s wishes.

Lu Xi had noobjection.

Chen Xiangis thin, tall, and plain looking. He is obviously not a person with a glib tongue.It can be seen that he has a good character and belongs to the kind of employeewho is willing to work hard.

Hiseducation and ability may not be very strong, but it is enough for the currentLu Chen studio.

Lu Chenthought for a moment and said, "Well, since you’ve made up your mind, come tomy side and have a try."

The samemajor, coupled with similar experience of being a Beijing drifter, made Lu Chenhave a sense of identity with Chen Xiang.

Then why notlet him try it?

Chen Xiangwas immediately relieved: "Great, thank you, Brother Chen."

He couldn’thelp but smile.

Lu Xi added:"You’ll first be in a probationary period for half a month. After theprobationary period, we will sign a formal contract."

"Themonthly salary of the formal treatment is 3,500 yuan, plus the five socialinsurances and housing fund, board and lodging allowance is 500 yuan, and performancebenefit and year-end reward are calculated separately. if there is no problem, let’ssign the trial employment contract first."

She asked, "Doyou have any questions?"


Chen Xianghurriedly answered, "No problem, no problem!"

Thetreatment is already better than his current company, and the half-monthprobationary period is very generous.

Many companiesrecruit new people, and the probationary period is usually as long as threemonths, which is the maximum period set by the law.

Then, forthree months, only the minimum wage guarantee was given, and the new recruitswill be worked like cattle and horse under the pretense of training exercise.Finally, they refused to sign a formal contract for a various reason and kickedthem out.

Chen Xianghad been tricked before when he was looking for a job before and was cheated.

Half a monthprobationary period is really too kind!

He secretlymade up his mind to work well here.

Lu Xi smiledand said, "No problem. Then when can you come to work?"

Chen Xiangsaid, "I can come tomorrow!"

He was soeager that Lu Chen and Lu Xi were both stunned.

Lu Chen wassurprised: "Can you resign so soon?"

The normalresignation process usually takes ten days or half a month to complete, or evenseveral months.

Unless it’sa temporary job.

Chen Xiangsaid with a wry smile, "I offended the project team leader. He wanted meto leave, so I can resign tomorrow."

Chen Xianghimself could not tell exactly where he had offended him.

Since takingoffice, the other party has always seen him as an eye sore, often with eyebrowsraised, telling him what to do about his work, and will sneer a few times fromtime to time.

It was justthat the job was not easy to come by, so Chen Xiang silently endured it.

Yesterdaywas supposed to be his day off, but he was caught working overtime by thesupervisor and got scolded.

Chen Xiangwas really angry and the two got into an argument. The relationship between thetwo sides was completely broken, so even if he did not take the initiative toresign, he would not last long in the company.

After theargument, Chen Xiang remembered that Li Feiyu had mentioned in the livebroadcast that Lu Chen had opened a studio, so he asked for contact informationwith the idea of giving it a try and asked if there was a need for professional-relatedstaff.

Luckily forhim, Lu Chen’s studio was really recruiting network manager.

Lu Chensaid: "There is no need to be in such a hurry, we’ll give you three daysto work it out, finish what you started. Anyway, this job is yours."

Chen Xiangnodded hard and said, "Yes!"

In fact, inChen Xiang’s heart, there is something that he didn’t say to Lu Chen.

That was,yesterday, at the time when he had an argument with the project team leader,the reason why he couldn’t control his emotions was because he listened to LuChen’s song "Chasing Dream With A Childlike Heart" that night.

It was thissong that awakened his blood that he has been suppressing!

Chen Xiangcan endure hard and tedious work, and he can endure unfair and discriminatorytreatment.

But he alsohas dignity!

Coming to LuChen’s studio today, Chen Xiang is with the idea of breaking the boat, if hecouldn’t pass the interview here, he will go back to his hometown, and nevercome back. (TN: Breaking the boat - the same as "burning one’s bridge" or there’sno turning back. He didn’t plan to go back to his company)

But Lu Chengave him a chance to start over.

After ChenXiang was sent away, Lu Chen went to Nirvana Studio.

Both studiosare in the same park and are only 10 minutes’ walk from each other, so it isconvenient.

Lu Chen’sdebut album has been under intense production. Nirvana Studio even attaches moreimportance to it than he does. Whether it’s composing or accompaniment, theyhave been striving for perfection. Since the beginning of the month, Lu Chenhas been running outside with the program group, so the production of the albumhas inevitably been affected, but the work of Nirvana Studio has not beeninterrupted.

Now that he’sback, he will naturally have to pull back the lag.

This albumcarries Lu Chen’s first musical dream.

If there’s no accident, he’s going to release his debut album next month, September!

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