
Chapter Volume 15 8.7

Editor : Minak Amie. Thank you for the hard work!


How could Feng Ming, who ran around allday from place to place, have found the time to concern himself over some royaldocument?

However, Su Jin Chao kindly took his timeto explain the details. “Rong Tian, as Xi Lei’s king, had the respect andsupport of the entire kingdom, but was unexpectedly injured and went missingduring battle. My king, because of his blood relations with the royal family,was of course the most suitable candidate to inherit the throne. At that time,his ascension of the throne was a sensible decision. He should not becriticized for it.”

The words he said were not bad, except heneglected to mention the fact that Rong Tian’s injury and disappearance in YongYin was a result of Rong Tong’s betrayal.

However, Xi Lei’s influence was large andthe one sitting on the throne at the moment was Rong Tong. Even though thehearts of the dignitaries felt conflicted, they all continued acting asbystanders during the debate between Duke Ming and Xi Lei’s assistantambassador.

In his previous life, Feng Ming hadwatched a lot of debate scenes that occurred during banquets on televisionconsisting of outstanding tongue-twister like dialogue. However this was hisfirst time being directly involved in such an amusing event. He could not holdback from grinning as he nodded his head in reply. “I am really sorry that youthought Rong Tian had died, when in fact he was very much alive. Since yourking acknowledged the fact that he inherited the throne from Rong Tian, then…cough… cough… if Rong Tian were to appear, your king should return the throneback to its former owner, right?”

His words sounded relaxed and amused, butat the same time extremely direct.

A sound of light laughter came frombehind. Although not loud, it was pleasant to hear and attracted the attentionof others.

Who would be daring enough to show disrespect towards the representativefrom Xi Lei? Were they not afraid of suffering some consequences following thebanquet?

Feng Ming looked at the person withsurprise. It was actually the man he had previously noticed in the beginning ofthe banquet, the young and handsome man named Wu Qian.

“We originally wanted to return thethrone. Our king is an honourable man who has never engaged in immorality. Eachand every one of his actions are in consideration of Xi Lei. How could he everconsider coveting the throne for himself?” Su Jin Chao spoke his wordsconfidently.

All those present could not help but stareat him dumbfounded.

Feng Ming looked at him with wide eyes. Healmost suspected that this assistant was actually a hidden follower of RongTian. If not, why would he speak in the interest of Rong Tian?

Su Jin Chao was very satisfied with thereactions to his words. He stood up in his seat and looked at Feng Mingconceitedly as he continued. “But, at the time when our king wanted tocelebrate the news of Rong Tian’s survival and was ready to return the throne,we discovered that his predecessor, Rong Tian, was completely unqualified torule Xi Lei once again.”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“Rong Tian is not qualified to rule XiLei.” Su Jin Chao’s voice rang throughout the spacious hall, clearly resoundingin the audience’s ears. “He, as Xi Lei’s king, betrayed the royal family, aswell as generations of Xi Lei’s noble families. For him to create a plan forequality such as the Grace Order would eliminate the great foundation built bynobility that has survived all these years. This kind of king who has betrayedhis homeland, how could he be qualified to once again sit on the throne?”

His condescending gaze stopped at FengMing as he coldly said, “Xiao Family’s young Lord is not wrong. Rong Tian wasonce Xi Lei’s king, but he is a king who has betrayed Xi Lei. Therefore, allhis former edicts have already been nullified by my king, including theridiculous edict that conferred you the title of Duke Ming which allowed you tohave an almost equal amount of power as Xi Lei’s king.”

The hundreds of people within the hallfell silent as if their breaths had been stolen away.

Feng Ming finally understood what that socalled royal document entailed.

So it appears that Tong er was not a complete idiot. At least heknew how to maintain his false position as king. He had an explanation for thecitizens as to why, despite Rong Tian having not kicked the bucket yet, he wasnot afraid the former king would return for the throne, and why he did notobediently yield but rather sent people to deal with him.

Any struggle for a position of higherpower will of course never be backed by benevolent and genuine reasons.

However, the thoughts of the people haveto be controlled. And the way the other kingdoms view them is an importantthing to consider.

Tong erhad grabbed hold of the most perfect reason for why Rong Tian was unworthy torule.

As for the evidence, he had nailed theiron plate directly on the Grace Order.

Creating the Grace Order was similar tobetraying Xi Lei. Betraying Xi Lei was the same as denying Rong Tian’s qualificationto rule, and the denial was the same as officially recognizing Rong Tong as XiLei’s next king.

Feng Ming slowly drank his cup of wine.His mind was silently calculating how to retaliate twice as hard.

“Young Lord, this little assistant has saidquite enough. Now. I invite you to respond. You, as a trivial businessman’sson, cannot even be considered an aristocrat and yet you unexpectedly dare toboast without shame, acting as Xi Lei’s representative to sign a treaty withanother kingdom. Are you harbouring ill intentions by ignoring Xi Lei’sdignified position?” Su Jin Chao malevolently laughed and continued, “This isan insult to our Xi Lei’s sovereign and can be seen as an adequate reason toattack. I, as one of the representatives from Xi Lei, request the Tong Kingdom,as our ally, to arrest and execute this person.”

Qing Li’s eyes suddenly brightened.

This is great!

With this, his assassination plan can becalled off and he could straightforwardly incite the kingdom to imprison thisbastard Duke Ming, killing him off afterwards. With the strong pressure of thealliance with Xi Lei, if this brat fails to make these matters clear, even theRoyal Uncle cannot use his authority to stop Xi Lei at the risk of bringingtheir alliance into peril.

Su Jin Chao, this young greenhorn, wasmuch better than the silent ambassador.

“Haha,” seeing the situation deteriorateinto a dangerous state, He Di laughed lightly before he interrupted, “Assistantambassador of Xi Lei… this prince has absolutely no interest in meddling withthe affairs of your kingdom, but there is one thing I want to make clear. DukeMing… no, I mean Xiao Family’s young Lord, signed the treaty with me using hisown name, Feng Ming, and used his own thumbprint as the seal. There is definitelyno Duke Ming involved in this matter. Kong Liu, on the treaty there is aclause, what does it say in regards to restrictions?”

Kong Liu, who was seated behind him,answered in a volume that could be heard throughout the hall, “The treatydetails the parties and in what areas the treaty is valid. This consists of thePrince’s area of influence, and as for the other party, Feng Ming and RongTian, consists of the areas they hold domination and power over. So, simply put, if Rong Tian does not have Xi Lei under his influence,then naturally, Xi Lei cannot be considered as a part of the treaty.”

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