
Chapter 45 Chimera

If this floor didn’t turn out to be some kind of special floor with special conditions, it would mean that the monsters roaming around would be at most four types, and the chimeras may or may not be the highest levelled. Victor wasn’t sure if he would be seeing the chimeras often, but in case he did, the test of how much was enough would help him a lot.

Victor avoided the chimeras’ attack as he moved behind the third one while still breathing out a massive breath of flames, but at that moment he cut out the fire coming out of his mouth, as if he wanted to keep it up, it would only be disadvantageous to him. The chimeras were fast, the only thing being that they lacked explosive speed, but within a close range, they could still move well. Standing just a few metres away from them was still within range of them manoeuvring easily behind Victor and make an attack.

The test however of whether his fire breath could deal any substantial damage was partially a success, and from what he could see, the skill seemed to affect it a little, but only enough to cause pain in the arm for at most a second before adrenaline or whatever was the equivalent in such a monster kicked in.

Though Victor could move and fight a level 90 relatively well, going against three at the same time was a different case. He would have to put in some extra work to scale through. From what he had noticed, the chimeras’ skin was very tough, enough to protect them from a strong collision, but the thing this time was that Victor was not going to entertain any prolonged battle.

‘Touch of Death.’ Victor activated his skill mentally.

As he did, both of his hands seemed to be covered with faint blackish purple haze of smoke. From then on, Victor could feel his mana being drained rapidly, as the skill took 10 points of mana per second while activated. Normally, Victor would activate it after he had made contact with the enemy, or just before he does, but this time the plan was different. He was against three strong monsters; there was no need to waste brain power on calculating the time to activate his skill and the time not to, so he would just leave it active for the time being. His mana reserve was sufficient, so it was no big deal for now.


Mp: 3,600/3,600 >> 3,590/3,600 >> 3,580/3,600 >> 3,570/3,600


As time went on, Victor’s mana kept reducing by the second, making him even more determined to end the fight quicker.

Victor, with a light touch of his feet on the ground shot forward towards the chimeras to attack, and since his speed was greater than their reaction time, he was able to hold an upper hand in the fight and get a few touches on them.

The period of time between his attacks and their reaction was only something of milliseconds, but these milliseconds held the ground between victory and defeat. The skill didn’t seem to do much at first since it was still at level one, and the chimeras seemed to have a high magical resistance, but as time passed, the effects became greater. The various injuries started piling up and each little one made the other greater and weakened the vessel overall until the chimera could no longer ignore the damage being done to them.

The next thing Victor saw was one of the chimeras, the one he had the most contact with which was also the most damaged at this point heaving its chest. The other two momentarily increased their attacks, succeeding in blocking Victor’ view of the last one, though not completely, it was enough to stop him from monitoring it effectively.

By the time the two chimeras putting pressure cleared the path between Victor and the last one, its chest was pushed up, and seeing this, Victor knew something was coming. The other chimeras retreated behind the third one to make way for it to do its attack and went behind it immediately.

The third one that had been preparing an attack for some seconds at this point opened its eyes wide while its mouth was opened as wide as it could be. Victor seeing this stopped using his skill touch of death as he saw no need to waste his mana in such a situation. Though Victor had no defensive skill, his body was extremely tough, so that in itself was a good defence, besides, with the offensive skills he had, saying a good attack is a good defence wasn’t out of the question.

From the chimera’s mouth came a blanket of greenish soapy liquid that spread and covered the entire space before it leaving no open space, and also blocking Victor’s vision. The attack was one with a wide range, and poison was one of the most terrifying things in battle, but unfortunately, against a zombie, it was completely useless.

‘Is that, poison?’ Victor thought to himself.

Seeing the poison come towards him, there was only one thought in Victor’s mind, push forward. He completely ignored the poison attack and just leapt through it. The moment he went through the cover of poison, the next attack that followed was fire, then ice, all in similar fashion, covering the place. Of course, none of these had any effect, and Victor landed right before the chimera in front. With one single punch, Victor aimed at the spot just below the jaw, between the jaw and the throat, and-


Victor drove one in as he drilled his hand into its throat, his eyes widened a bit, then the other hand went through before tearing apart its throat leaving its head to hang from the remaining flesh.

‘Shit, I should be more careful.’

[Chimera killed]


From what Victor could see, the more damage the chimeras took, the more their attack and defence reduced. He had done this same attack before but only managed to shut the thing’s mouth, but now his hand actually went through.

Victor saw a straight path ahead from this single kill. He pulled out the great sword from his inventory and planted it into the floor through one of the chimera’s foot, then again with the same motion he tore the chimera’s throat. While he hung from stabbing his hand into the chimera’s throat, the last one was able to land a perfect hit on Victor, sending his body flying right into the cave wall by the side, and then the chimera rushed with its palm and slammed it unto Victor’s body.

[Chimera killed]


Though it seemed like the attack was strong, it actually was, and the area of the wall around where the chimera slammed its fist against the wall completely shattered into chunks. Even with such strength and viciousness in the attack, a hand emerged from behind the chimera’s palm and grabbed onto the sides of the palms. Two to four seconds later, the chimera simply collapsed to the floor and remained there, then Victor fell from the small dent that was made on the cave wall unto the ground.

[Chimera killed]


‘Unnecessary trouble.’ Victor said in his mind, as he looked at the chimera corpses before him.

Now that the monsters were dead, it was time to do with them what he wanted.

It was evident that Victor wouldn’t even consider getting any evolution material from the chimera corpses as such a mess was something he would want to stay away from to begin with. “Such a nasty combination of creatures should be avoided. Isekai 101.” Victor said to himself. The only difference this time was that he wasn’t laughing to his jokes like he normally would. The effects on his mind were solid. A trace of smile did appear on his face for while, but it disappeared just as soon as it appeared.

“Ok, the first one is useless, unless I wanted the evolution material.” Victor said as he turned his eyes to the last chimera he killed.

“Arise.” Victor said.



[Monster exceeds the level range]





[Monster exceeds the level range]

“System, what does this mean?”

[You cannot raise undead 50 levels above yourself]

“Oh, I see. Then there’s no need to carry-on with the plan then.”

Victor was going to minimize damage on the the chimera’s body to raise them later, but now that it was impossible, he would just kill them for the experience.

Victor wasted little time there with the corpses and moved deeper into the cave. Unlike the other floors, this floor seemed to go direct through a single route, and so far there had been no other way. The was it looked, it was as though Victor would be having a lot of group fights where he would have to face more than one enemy at a time, so that had to be kept in mind.

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