
Chapter 56 - One Sided Massacre

"I was told that you would all be separated. It seems that you are very tight knit. But I am afraid that all of you must be stopped from climbing anymore. The marquess does not wish to see you so soon. You should come another time.", the man said.

"I even know your subordinate's name. What's yours though?", Lucas asked.

The man smiled bitterly. "I am called Elyon. And by the way, I can see that man taking something out of his bag, and I strongly suggest against fighting us. We might not be that strong, but together, we are an unbeatable unit.", Elyon said.

"Elyon. Interesting name. Well, Elyon. Have you ever heard of the council? The group of people who make sure that supernatural creatures don't wreak havoc within the mortal world? Guess what? We ARE that council. And you think that you can stop us?", Lucas asked.

His eyes glowed once more, and more fur started appearing on his face and on his hands. Slowly, he was becoming more wolf, and less human. A few seconds later, he was almost unrecognizable. He did not look like Lucas anymore.

He said with a growl, "You better keep your word. It has been years since I fully transformed. This better be worth it.".

"Careful everyone. This is going to be a tough fight.", Elyon said. His face also changed, and within mere moments, he turned into a fully transformed werewolf.

On the council's side, Angela and Raphael did not change much in appearance, other than their eyes, which turned a blood red. Eva's and Mu Chen's arms turned into branches, as they stepped forward. Michael was also fully transformed, and he perfectly suited the misty appearance of the floor. As for Praneeth, he was just standing to the side. His third eye was not open, and he had a serious look on his face.

"Aim for the ones behind the werewolves. They will be the most irritating, yet the easiest to pick out.", Elyon said as he stepped forward.

"Oh no. You are mine.", Michael said as he also stepped forward to intercept him. Within instants, they were next to each other. The both of them punched at each other at such ferocity that the noise of the impact could be heard a hundred meters away.

"I thought that as the strongest, I will be facing the red wolf. Who would have thought that I would be disappointed by this sorry display of a fight?", Elyon taunted Michael.

"I thought that you didn't want to court death? Yet here you are, begging for it. And, I only faced you because your dear admiration also loves killing. So, why don't you also take a look at how your pack is faring?", Michael said, not even reacting to what Elyon said.

Indeed, Michael was right. What was going on on the pack's end was nothing short of a massacre. Lucas was out there ripping heads like ripping feathers off of a chicken. Behind him, the others from the council, bar Praneeth, were helping him out. They were not as outrageously strong as Praneeth, but they still had no difficulty taking care of the few werewolves who had got past Lucas.

Lucas was smiling. His smile was so wide that it creeped Raphael and Angela, who were the closes to him, completely.

"Stop laughing when you are taking lives. It is very creepy, irritating, and kind of goes against everything that we do.", Raphael said.

"We protect the innocent. That is what we do. Not these people who are dying to destroy the world.", Lucas said.

"Do whatever. How much longer is this going to take though? It is taking quite some time. I am getting a little bored.", Raphael said as his pocket started vibrating.

"Don't worry. I don't need you for this child's play. You will come out when something serious starts.", he said.

"We should be done in a few. They are handing them to us like food on a platter.", Lucas said.

"So much for, we are a force to reckon with together.", Angela mocked Elyon.

"No. He didn't say it like that. I am sure he said something like, together we are unstoppable.", Lucas said.

The three of them laughed. Behind the trio, Mu Chen and Eva were giving them support.

"What the hell are you three doing. Easy or not, this is still a fight. Don't slack off.", Eva shouted.

"Oh please. Harbinger of boring. Why do you want to kill all the fun in the world?", Lucas asked. He ducked to avoid a swing, and he took the hand of the werewolf and held it tight. Unable to move away, the werewolf desperately took another swing with his left hand. Lucas did not even move to defend it. He took the punch to the face.

"Baby punched aren't going to work here.", he said, as he held the werewolf's head tight. The werewolf screamed with pain, but Lucas started squeezing it tighter. Soon, it burst and splattered blood all around.

"So gory! And you said that she was the one who killed all the fun?", Angela said.

"Means to an end. Nothing I can do about it.", Lucas shrugged.

"Fine. Let us just keep going.", Raphael sighed.

Away from the pack fight going on, Lucas and Elyon were bawling it out.

"Looks like this is not going to take long. Soon, your pack will be finished, and you will be the only one left. Then, I can finish you off as well, giving all of this a fitting end.", Michael said.


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