
Chapter 124 - One Hundred And Twenty-Four: Explanations

"We know." Serin said trying to calm her down.

"I didn\'t believe it either. After seeing how you all were with each other, I just knew that something was wrong. That\'s why I headed to the guild and there I ran into Serin. She told me what you sent her, but honestly, I can\'t believe that Lillia did those things either. It just doesn\'t seem believable to me." Rosa said.

"I can\'t believe it either, but Lillia was the person that did that… But why, we don\'t know. I don\'t want to think she betrayed us by her own will…" I said, with the look on Lillia\'s face from that time still running through my mind.

"None of us want to believe that…" Added Serin. "Rosa ran into me just outside of the guild and after speaking with her we both decided to get out of the capital and look for you. I guessed that you would be headed back in the direction of Dunshelm, probably across country and the back roads. We were lucky that we came across you when we did. Don\'t you think it\'s time that you both explained everything that happened? Otherwise, we really have no chance of understanding."

I glanced at Altria wondering where to begin.

"I\'ll explain the beginning up until I lost consciousness, but then you\'ll have to tell them what happened after that. I mean everything." Altria said looking at me seriously.

"Everything? Do you think it\'s okay to tell Rosa?" I asked.

"Yes… You heard what she said about not believing the rumours about us. I think she\'ll understand, and she\'s already gone out on a limb picking us up like this, so I think it\'s the least you could do to thank her."

"Okay, I will."

After that Altria explained how she had organised with her contact to pick up my relic, after explaining to Rosa exactly what that was and why she should pretend that she knew nothing of it outside of our group. I expect by this point she was already wondering just how much trouble she had gotten herself into by helping us. Then Altria detailed how she had left the inn earlier that night, leaving me to cover for her absence while she went to obtain the item. Then she caught up to where we met on the roof and Lillia\'s arrival, when she was stabbed through the abdomen.

"She really did that! Even though we all agreed we would help Theo obtain it?" Asked Serin.

"Yes…" Altria said pulling to the side her cloak and exposing the most recent scar.

"I can\'t believe she did that. How did she even know that you two were there?"

"Through the party function I suppose." Replied Altria.

"Then what happened?"

"You\'re up from here Theo."

I waited for a moment, carefully considering what I was going to say before I spoke.

"As soon as Altria collapsed, I ran to her and started trying to heal her and at the same time I tried to get some sense from Lillia about what she was doing, but I couldn\'t… Then she started powering up for the attack that blew up the building. I might have been able to get out of there alone, but it would have meant leaving Altria there to her fate. I couldn\'t do that, and as I agonised over how to get out of there, we were saved by someone else." I explained, before stopping worried about how the next part was going to come over.

"So, it was Lillia that blew up that building and killed all of those people. I didn\'t want to believe it, even if the damage looked like one of her attacks…" Serin said with her head in her hands as the truth of the matter started to sink in. "Who was it that saved you? That\'s quite the feat." She asked.

"Well, you see…" I stuttered to a halt.

"Just tell them Theo, it has to come from you." Altria encouraged.

"We were saved by someone that used to be an enemy. Serin, do you remember the succubus from the dungeon in Lintz?" I asked.

"The one that attacked you in your sleep?" Asked Serin.


"Surely you can\'t mean?"

"It was her that saved us. If it wasn\'t for her ability neither of us would be here now and Lillia would have killed two of her friends as well as everyone that died in that building."

"I\'m glad that she saved you, but I don\'t understand you\'ve been working with a demon, and you\'ve been keeping it from us?" Serin asked, I could pick on the hint of anger in her voice.

I knew Serin would be the least appreciative about being kept in the dark about this.

"It was only recently, and I was only going to keep from you all whilst we were all in the capital." I tried to explain.

"How can we believe you?"

"He\'s telling the truth, it has only been since we left the town that this has been going on." Altria said in my defence. "You should explain the rest."

"I will."

I then went on to explain how she had hunted me down and tried to kill me once again. I told them how my latest skill seemed to turn he to our side, or at least mine. This seemed to settle Serin down a little, but not completely.

"You still should have told us." Serin complained.

"I know… But I didn\'t want to add any risk to you all while we were in the capital. At least if you didn\'t know and I got caught… It isn\'t because I don\'t trust you."

"I hope that is the truth, but after the events of the last day I don\'t know what to believe anymore."

I could understand how she would feel like that.

"Theo has agreed that we will decide the succubus girl\'s fate as a party, and he\'ll go along with the group decision. Whatever that is. Even if we decide to execute her."

"Is that true Theo?" Asked Serin.

"It is." I replied.

"Hmm… I don\'t feel that any of the demon kind should be left alone, but killing the one that saved you both, I\'m not sure what to think. I\'ll have to meet this girl."

"You will, but I don\'t think now is the best time or place."

"You\'re probably right. Someone could see us out on the road like this. If we were seen with her that would be it for the rumours, we would all be considered as working with the demons. I hope you are taking that into consideration if you are wanting us to spare her…"

"I am."

"And I\'m still upset that you didn\'t mention it to me right away… It makes me feel that you were worried about my reaction. I thought there was enough trust between us that something like that wouldn\'t be a problem."

"There is… I\'m sorry. Please don\'t feel that I don\'t trust you, because I do." I said trying to reassure her.

"Well Theo, I don\'t blame her for feeling like that. I feel the same myself." Altria said taking my hand. "But you were right to be cautious, if you had told us then Lillia would have known too. I don\'t know what would have happened if that was the case. Chances are that neither of us would be alive now. Your decision was the correct one."

"Thanks Altria."

"Well, I can\'t argue with that." Agreed Serin.

"That\'s good, I was worried for a moment then." Rosa said through the driver\'s slot. Where do we go from here and what do you want to do for lodgings tonight?" She asked.

"I think we should keep to backroads and it\'s probably best if we stay out of the towns and camp out of sight. Are you familiar with the way and do you know any suitable places to camp?" Asked Serin.

"Of course, I do! I\'ve travelled this way plenty of times as well and with passengers that wanted to avoid prying eyes. I know just the place."

"That\'s great. We\'ll leave the route up to you then."

"Hold on Serin, what are we going to do for supplies and tents? Altria and I picked up some food back in the town, but we barely have enough for ourselves, and we didn\'t bring any shelter." I asked.

"Don\'t worry about that. I brought all our gear. I had a feeling we would need it. I was optimistic we would run into each other, and I packed supplies for the journey. We should have more than enough to last us back to Dunshelm." Answered Serin.

"That\'s a relief. I\'m glad you thought it all through."

"Yes, now we just have to hope we can make it back Dunshelm undetected and that the situation there isn\'t as bad for you as it is in the capital. We could end up being wanted by the time we arrive."

"I have a feeling we won\'t have to worry about that." Altria said out of the blue.

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