
Chapter 176 A Personal Question

"We have gone through three miles of tunnels, and we have yet to see anything," Messia said into her microphone.

"Yes, it seems that my assumptions about this place are correct. I just got confirmation that the Village Leader, Seshia, was being controlled with Lichtar. I also got confirmation that the BeeBliss Serum was a complete success. This must be the lair of the Predators, but I think that it is best that you all come back out right now," Gamble called, but Miku started to complain.

"But you just said that this is the lair! Why aren\'t we pushing forward?!" Miku whined.

"Because you are all split up, and there is a chance to be Predators waiting for you, or there might not be anything. Regardless, with all the mapping that you all have done, I have narrowed the location that the liar should be. For now, I would like you all to come back, and we will regroup and restock. We will also be waking Ashia up early as long as the results from the Clinic come back the way I think they will," Gamble explained, and Miku relented.

Gamble explained the same thing to the other four that were exploring tunnels, requesting that they all come back to the ship. The last thing that Gamble wanted was to lose one of the Drones, and this required Ashia to be here.

Gamble turned off the microphone he was using and opened a drawer in his desk. Inside there was only one thing, Royal BeeBliss Serum, and probably one of the most embarrassing things he had to collect material for.

Gamble had explained what he was trying to do to Beezli after asking to speak privately with her. Beezli had liked the idea of what he was hoping the serum would do, but then he needed to ask a very personal request from her.

"I would like to create a version that will help speed along with the evolutions, but in order to do that… I will need some Royal Honey. Normally I would ask Riza or even Raine, but I want this to get Ashia back to us faster…." Gamble said with his face on fire and looking at the ground.

Having six of him did not help because all they did was run through the different possible outcomes in real-time. Adding five extra of him would not change his nervousness when asking a personal question like this.

Beezli had just laughed at Gamble and then reached between her breasts, producing a small golden vial.

"This should do for Ashia, and I think what you are doing is excellent. I have heard from everyone that you already have a mission control room set up in your office, so I would like you to be in charge of directing people. Is that okay with you?" Beezli asked, still holding the vial of golden Royal Honey.

Gamble looked up and gingerly took the vial into his hands and then tucked it away in a pocket inside of a pouch he sealed. Then Gamble looked up into Beezli\'s eyes, the calm returning to him now that the embarrassing part was over.

"Yes, I will make sure that everyone and you as well are safe, Goddess Beezli of the Bees. You have my word, and you can count on me!" Gamble said, standing up straight and putting a fist to his chest in salute.

"Yes, I know you will, and that is why I have selected you for the job. I know that you have also been making rounds around the ship, talking with the heads of the departments. Ashia is very lucky to have someone like you at her side; keep up the good work," Bezzli had told him, and even now, as he left his office, the thought made him swell with pride.

Gamble Left out the Honey Gate from Manufacturing and entered the now re-attached third Clinic section. Pixie was there waiting for him as Gamble walked through with big bright eyes.

Pixie had a smile that made the pride he had just felt dwarf compared to the projected love. Pixie ran to him, and Gamble took her in his arms, and the two of them shared a quick kiss.

"It worked! I am so proud of you!" Pixie said with excitement, and Gamble grinned again; This was starting to become a habit, and it wasn\'t that bad.

"Yes, but let\'s go see just how well. If everything goes as planned, then I will be able to wake Ashia up, but I will have also found a way to help the Predators that we captured!" Gamble said, and Pixie nodded and then pulled Gamble to the room where Seshia was staying.

There were complaints coming from the room as they entered, and they found Seshia arguing with Ashia\'s five wives.

"I need to go help my people! I am perfectly fine, and I am the one that did this to them!" Seshia complained but stopped as Gamble and Pixie entered.

All five of the Wives let out a collective sigh that made Gamble chuckle as he stepped forward.

"Sorry for making you wait, but I need to ask you some questions, and then I want to do some checkups on you. None of this will take very long if we get to it, but the sooner I confirm what I need to know about the BeeBliss Surem, the sooner we can give it to your people to heal them like it has done for you," Gamble explained, and Seshia relaxed.

"Yes, I am fine with that then. I just don\'t want the people to be in suffering anymore, and I am a healer," Seshia said, and Gamble nodded as he came over to the side of the bed she was in.

"Good, then you will understand the importance of the question that I am about to ask you. We have other captured Predators that are in stasis, and may not recover, so this is very important to all of us," Gamble explained and then sat down in a chair that Messia had just moved from for him.

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