
Chapter 97 The Test (4)

It was the day of the practical test.

I woke up early and did some warm up exercises, but I made sure that I didn\'t strain my body too much as I needed it in tip-top condition for the practical\'s.

The test changed ever year, of course I knew what it was going to be.

This year the first year\'s had a race of sorts, it was similar to a \'test of courage\', where a person followed a path alone to prove his courage and the rest tried to scare him by pretending to ghosts and monsters.

The students were made to cross a tunnel...alone.

The only difference between this test and the game was that the test actually included real monsters...

Well...not exactly real monsters, they were artificially made using synthetic fibers.

They were programmed to attack students, they weren\'t lethal as they were programmed to only knock the students out.

The monsters were attuned to the average power level recorded among the students to make it fair.

" How\'s the nose ?", Eric asks while changing into his uniform.

I didn\'t say anything in response, I think my middle finger conveyed all that I wanted to say.

My nose had healed within an hour yesterday thanks to the potion of eternity, but to be completely honest I wasn\'t all that angry at Eric.

I\'m well aware of the fact that I\'m a lying narcissistic piece of shit, who wouldn\'t want to hit me ?

I\'m only pretending to be angry to make him feel guilty, I can cash in a favor or something in the future if he feels really bad...


Eric and I start walking to our class, as usual we\'re met with the rest on the way.

I observe Emilia, she looked a little better but still I could tell that she was still not completely back to her past cheery self. I\'ll give her some more time.

" What do you think the practical\'s gonna be about ?", Max asks Lecia.

Why is he talking to her when I specifically told him not too...but strangely it didn\'t seem to bother Lecia...well he isn\'t acting creepy like earlier but still...

" I think it\'s gonna be one on one battles...", Lecia says

" I think it\'s gonna be some kind of group test...", Jennifer chimed in.

" Based on statistics, it\'s gonna be related to monster hunting, the numbers say it all....if we look---------"

We listen to Katherine drone on and on about statistics and numbers until we reach our class.

\' You\'re all so not prepared...hehehe\', I thought

We enter the classroom and class begins for the day.

The test was scheduled after the classes ended.

I nervously wait for the test half-heartedly listening to the history teacher\'s words.


To prepare for the test, most of the students trained physically in an intense manner, but what I did was completely different...I trained my mind...by watching horror movies.

The truth of the matter was that everybody in my class except for the really weak ones were fully capable of defeating all the monsters in the tunnel but in the novel, many still failed.

The reason for their failure was simple, they were too afraid.

Even thought the monsters are man-made, this was still the first time most of the students here were fighting an actual monster..it was only natural that they would be afraid.

But the test took this to the next level, as they made the monster and the tunnel extra...creepy and scary. So, when the moment to take action came most of the students froze and failed...what in actuality was a simple test.

Now that I think about it....it really is a \'test of courage\' isn\'t it ?

" Please follow me in an orderly manner.", says Liam Wood, our training instructor.

Class had finished for the day and we had a small and light lunch before the test officially began.

We were taken on a bus, which was supposed to drop us off at the location of the test. On the ride there, none of us talk as we were all too nervous....well everyone except me. I\'m completely prepared...yeah...totally.

After an hour or so, the bus stops and we got off.

We were in a spacious field that spread over a long distance, a huge tunnel was constructed, it ran through the center of field akin to a huge snake.

All the students were lead to the entrance of the tunnel.

" I\'ll leave you all with Miss Domino now.", says Liam before heading back to the bus and riding off, probably to bring the next batch of students.


We were asked to wait for some time since 5-B was currently taking the test, I didn\'t see anybody coming out of the tunnel so there must be a separate exit.

We wait patiently for about fifteen minutes, after which Miss Domino finally makes her appearance.

" The test for this year includes braving through this tunnel infested with monsters. Before starting the test, I\'ll be taking your attendance...", Domino spoke in an monotonous voice.

She didn\'t seem to want to be here...I can\'t blame her all too much for not being interested....she\'s an angel that\'s lived for a long time...why would she be interested in a small test ?

After making sure that everyone from our class was present, Domino says,

" Now please enter the tunnel, when I call out your name."

" Rank 1, Max Reynolds"

Hearing his name being called Max walks towards the tunnel.

" Good luck, Max !", Katherine calls out in encouragement.

We all do the same as well.

Max smiles and enters the tunnel.

After exactly seventeen minutes, Domino called out Eric\'s name which meant that Max had passed without any issue.

Eric goes in and we wish him the best of luck, then Emilia went after which Katherine did the same...

Jennifer and Jacob were called in as well.

I watched as my classmates went inside the tunnel, some took a lot of time while others took less time.

" Rank 500, Adam Creed."

My name was called out finally.

I could see a bus coming in our direction from the distance, it\'s probably the next set of students.

Taking a deep breath, I step into the tunnel.


I\'ve been walking for five minutes and I haven\'t even met a single monster.

\' Something\'s not right...\', I thought nervously.

I knew for a fact that a monster would pounce on me during the first minute I was in the tunnel or a monster was supposed to pounce on me....nothing\'s happened till now.


The silence feels even more scary than a raging monster.

I walk without encountering a monster for about five minutes.

But suddenly out of nowhere, I see a pair of golden eyes staring at me a few feet away, the eyes seemed to glow in the darkness of the tunnel.

\' Finally...\', I thought relieved.

It was about time a monster appeared.

I run in full speed with my fist balled up to punch whatever kind of monster it was.

But my punch is blocked by a pair of hands....[ ?]

What\'s going on here ?

There were no humanoid monsters so who\'s th-


The monster makes me slip and fall on the ground.

\'I need to get up..\', I thought starting to panic.

" Stop squirming.", a familiar voice rang out through the tunnel.

No way....

A ball of light which sprang out of nowhere, illuminates the tunnel revealing the \'monster\' before me.

" We need to talk." says Dina staring down at me with cold eyes.


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