
Chapter 189 - Letting The Cat Out Of The Bag

    Not having any complaints he uses his ability once more to return her to her room before ultimately walking towards the throne room to see his grandpa Rin. There being a few things that he wants to talk to him about, he moves very quickly while still getting into the habit of walking in the air rather than on the floor.

    Swiftly passing through the halls, he tries to increase his speed. For if he could move fast enough that others could not see or better yet perceive him, than moving around in the future would be not only faster but make it easier to fight any enemies he may encounter.

    Although the guards cannot help but sigh every time they see the prince traveling the hall in such a way. For one it feels unbecoming to see a prince running unless they are in danger or a child, but worse yet he is still a mortal. Thus they feel that he should be more focused on his cultivation.

---- About 5 Minutes Later ----

    Having arrived in front of the throne room, he notices the doors closed which does not seems to happen to often even when he has guests unless it is an exceedingly important conversation. But why his grandpa does not just lock the room with his chi is something that has made him curious. 

    Either way, Yueliang sits by the door next to one of the guards feeling that his matter is not the most important at the moment. As he leans against the wall while sitting the guard next to him feels like it is too much and asks. "Is there something that I can do for you my prince? Surely there is no need for you to sit on the ground."

    Making conversation, Yue replies. "Well I do not see any other place to sit, besides I do not feel like disturbing grandpa if he is busy."

    'Oh! So now you care about not causing trouble for the emperor? Not to mention what you are doing right now.' The guard thinks internally but dare not comment such a thing but says. "My prince, how about I let you go inside? The emperor will likely be very pleased to hear from his descendants that he loves so very much." The guard tries to convince the young prince.

    "It is alright, best not to cause trouble." Yueliang answers. "Besides it feels kind of comfortable now."

    'Comfortable my butt!' He thinks before trying one last time. "Please do not make things difficult for me young prince. If you are seen sitting in the halls, what will others think of the royal family if they see this? Also the higher ups may fire me if they think that I kept you out. But over all it is up to you my prince."

    With that said, Yueliang gets up, not wanting to make things more difficult for someone who is only trying to do his job. Thus replying dejectedly. "I do not intend to make things difficult for you. I will head inside now." 

    The guard smiles wryly, due to feeling bad for trying to coerce the prince into doing this. But after all he does have a family to feed, and take care of.

    Seeing this out of the corner of his eyes, he says without even facing the guard but before just pushing open the doors. "It is alright. I do not hold it against you. After all you are only looking out for our family, as well as trying to take care of your own." Then without another word, he walks into the hall.

    Feeling touched the guard quickly fixes his posture and retaining his original position at his post.

    Walking into the hall, and seeing everyone standing up except his grandpa, Yueliang announces before the herald could say anything. "I apologize for interrupting your meeting Grandpa, there were just a few things that were on my mind, that I was hoping we could talk about if you do not mind. Although seeing as you are busy should I come back later?"

    "No need, we were just finishing up here. Come on over, and tell me what has been on your mind." Rin answers not a moment later while having already known what was going on outside the room mere moments ago.

    Hearing his grandpas words, Yue comes forward and bows down paying his respects before coming to the side of his grandfather as instructed while the other surprised guests as this moment quickly take their leave. For as the emperor had said their matter today has been dealt with.

    Once they are gone, he then says to gramps. "I was just thinking of the past, of my mother and father. Wondering how they met and why exactly things have turned out the way they have. But either way, I know that until I find mom, such answers will likely never come. Do you ever think back on the past?" He asks, and at the same time creating the air of a bonding moment.

    Rin smiles pitifully, as he opens his mouth to reply. "If I said that I did not that would be a lie, as all people are bound to look to the past whether to grow, or just for nostalgia of any sort. You see, as we cultivate it is something that must be done so as to learn and grow. The thing is, the past is the past, we must not allow ourselves to repeat the mistakes of the past. Never the less, why do you ask?"

    "I guess curiosity if nothing else. But ... *Sigh." Yue does not finish his sentence before he sighs.

    Seeing the expression on his grandsons face, Rin says with a sigh. "*Sigh. Do not feel to bad, honestly, I sometimes think back on the loss of my daughter, your mother more specifically. While we can guess that she is not dead I often think back about if I could have convinced her to stay. Did I do something wrong? To be honest, even if I do not get to see her again, just knowing she is alive and safe would put my heart at ease. But if she could appear before me just once more, I could definitely die happy." Rin has a pitiful smile just imagining it.

    A few minutes of silence later he continues. "It just sometimes worries me. Was it me who drove her away, or did she just want to go out on her own? Then if it were the second, why has she not come back home to tell us.... me that is alright? This is just one of the worries that parents have, but you will understand one day when you have a family of your own. Just be patient."

    "Mmm" Yueliang nods, and then says. "Grandpa, there is another thing. I did not want to tell you as it would only add to your worries. Especially since according to the messenger even you are not strong enough. But for the first time I got a message. ..."

    Quickly cutting him off, Rin exclaims with wide eyes and clasping his grandsons shoulders. "Did you get a message from my daughter, my wonderful little Sying? Why would you not tell me sooner? Where is she?"

    Placing his hands on his grandpas wrists to comfort him, Yue quickly replies. "Please take a breath first, you must calm down before I tell you."

    Not wanting to wait any longer Rin takes a deep breath and tries his best to fake his calm state so as to hear the news all the sooner.

    Seeing this, Yueliang just shakes his head and says. "I guess it could not be helped. Anyways, that place you took me for training was apparently a trial designed and made for me with artificial memories as well some interesting things at the end. You see when I finished the path for the most part, I came across a very pretty artificial intelligence robot. She was supposedly made by mom, and told me something surprising. .."

    Cutting him off once again, with an excited expression Rin asks. "So she wants to meet? Where is it? We can go right now!"

    *Sigh. "Please just wait until the end." 

    A few seconds after saying that, Yue continues. "She told me that mom only wants to meet once I have the strength of an upright man so to speak. Basically I must get far stronger, and she did not give a location but instead told me I must grow and try to find more such locations. At that time I will eventually learn of her location where she is currently being held captive. ..."

    "WHAT!!!" Rin exclaims, but before he can say any more, Yueliang grabs his wrist tightly to draw his attention where he says. "It is fine, she was kidnapped, but apparently they have done nothing to her.. She is just being held prisoner but is living relatively comfortable. Not to mention, without her location what can we do?"

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