
Chapter 164 - Disrespect

    While walking through the halls, Yin points out the main areas that he feels his master should know of while saying. "Master while we are on the subject, I just want to say, sorry that you will not be able to see Yueliang just yet. He is busy in training, but that does not mean you cannot meet the others who are in his service. Most of them were asleep at the time, and many have died off, but at least you can still meet those who are left if you are interested."

    "You say that he is busy training. If I may, what sort of training is he up to that he cannot seem to be interrupted? Also I am guessing that the others died shortly after I left, about the time that that meteor crashed into your ship right?" His master asks.

    Hearing this, Yin answers seriously while they are walking. "I do not know much myself. All I know is he went off to cultivate, what when, or how, are all questions that I did not ask. It is not my business, and if he wanted to tell me he would have. Also yes, they died due to the meteor that came after you left, as well as more from another one later. Even then, people live, people die, circle of life. I am not worried about it, but if you are curious, how about you ask him when he gets back?"


    Bing Wen then comments. "No it is alright, I was just making conversation. Although if you are not interested in the subject, feel free to change it."

    "Okay, then I am curious, why were you so against the emperor? He is a nice person, and yet it seemed like you were trying to make an excuse to leave, or to fight. Did he wrong you some how, or do you just really not want to be here or what? I just do not understand." Yin changes the topic. 

    "How astute my disciple. You are right, I did not really want to be here so yes I did cause a reason to leave. But it is not that he wronged me, it is as you said I am not interested in being here but came for you and you alone. Honestly even that would not have happened if you were anyone else, but you seem to be extremely talented, and I would like to see how far it can take you as well as if it will open up a new path in alchemy. ..."

    "... You see, while I may be a hidden master in alchemy, even I have not unraveled all of its secrets yet. I have gone very far in healing various ailments and injuries, but there is still much to learn. Honestly, poisons are what I am working on now, as they are used for healing as well, but when I met you I saw hope for something new besides just healing and poisons, but an opportunity for growth. It is kind of hard to explain, but you probably understand right?" Bing Wen replies.

    Yin quickly replies, while feeling a bit down upon receiving such an answer. "So basically, not caring if you ruin my connections, you decided to try and free yourself of this burden. Although, at the same time you are trying to make it seem like you are the good person so as to stay in my good graces. This all because of one day, I may become a peak alchemist, and if that is dedicated to you, than you will receive far more benefits. Am I missing anything?"

    Laughing a little at the wording, Bing Wen answers. "You are not mad are you? It is not like I hurt you. Well maybe your pride, but still. Look sorry if I made trouble for you, but I will certainly make it up to you once it is time to learn. Although first we need to set up your room for Alchemy."

    Feeling a little annoyed, Yin comments. "No, I am not mad. While you may not have hurt me physically, you have hurt my relationship with the emperor. But I still respect you as a teacher, and just because you made things harder for me does not mean I will abandon your teachings for someone else. However just because I respect you, does not mean that I am not annoyed. *Sigh."

    "I see, well, it is still better than you hating me. So before we go any further, quick question. Are we going to see your friends first or your room?" His master asks as they are about to turn down a hall way.

    "You will see." Yin answers while turning left down the hallway.

    Many minutes later, the two arrive before a door. Opening and jumping inside, Yin goes first, followed by his teacher. Then landing, he looks off into the distance and smiles.

    The two proceed forward past the large house, and onwards to the group off in the distance, and arriving, Yin announces. "I am back everyone, sorry that it took a while. Hopefully you did not have too much fun without me."

    Turning to see where the voice is coming from, Blake smiles and says. "That is enough for today everyone. Take a break, I am going to check on Yin." Then just as she said that, everyone ignored her order and keeps on practicing as they have gotten in such a habit of it. Even as tired as they are, they do not want to let down their young master when he returns nor cheat themselves of something they all now know they can accomplish.

    Seeing this, Blake just shakes her head with a smile, happy that they are doing so much better now. Then she walks over to Yin, and asks. "It has been a little while now, how are you doing?"

    "Not to bad, and you? It seems like you have been busy getting everyone into shape." Yin answers with a smile.

    Blake comments. "Yes, well it is kind of needed if we do not want to be left behind, or even dishonor our king. Anyways, I have been doing pretty well, but you are looking so much better. It seems the techniques that the young master gave you have really been taking effect."

    Hearing that Yin replies. "Haha, I do look pretty handsome now, I agree. Oh right, you already met Bing Wen back when we were on the ship. Anyways, he his now my alchemy teacher. Just figured I would introduce him to the others as well, but they seems busy at the moment, so maybe later."

    'Oh great, so now I am an after thought, and here I was wondering if I would have to introduce myself. Hmm, did I meet such a pretty lady? I am sure I would remember such deep blue eyes, and long black hair. Oh well, but the more serious part is, how can my disciple all of a sudden choose not to introduce me to his peers. Are they more important than me?' Bing Wen thinks to himself upon hearing what his disciple has to say about him.

    Listening to Yin, Blake replies. "Sounds good, plus you probably need your rest. So take care, and see you soon." Blake waves and then turns around to rejoin the others, while dumbfounding Bing Wen with her actions.

    Yin then turns back to the building while motioning for his teacher to follow him. Thus causing him to think. 'I remember hearing these people are not from a major cultivation world, but this is still too much. Maybe they need to be taught the ways of the cultivation worlds. *Sigh. No, I should just learn to deal with this new environment. It will likely all get better soon.' He thinks to himself while following his disciple. 

    Walking across the plains the two master and disciple quickly make it to the housing, where Yin leads his master into the large building that is designed as an ancient chinese structure. The design and layout very aesthetically appealing. The rooms both on the outside and inside halls of the building have a view of nature, as there is a garden grown in the center of the building, and on the outside their are views of the plains, mountains, rivers, and streams.

    Admiring the interior design, and everything, Yin smiles, while his master thinks. 'As expected of the man who calls himself the emperor of a few universes. Not only are the guest room designs as super small worlds, the rooms are also extremely comfortable and peaceful. Either way, where I come from there is no emperor ruling over us, for good reason. He would likely be dead in the first half hour or less of his rule. Not to mention there are too many sects that thrive on the chaos, that they would most likely not allow someone to sooth them into peace. Personally I do not care either which way, although I probably do lean more towards chaos.'

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