
Chapter 162 - Yin Returns

    However about a spilt second later he sees it hit what appears to be water and creating a ripple, but as it touches the water, he watches as it burns. Causing him to feel a bit terrified of whatever is down there saying. "My shoe literally just spontaneously combusted?! Whelp I am definitely not going down there!"

    Loosening his legs, he slowly lowers his bottom half until he is once again up straight. Then using his thighs, he grips tightly onto the metal pillar and pushing with his legs he goes up a little bit. Seeing that he can make it, or at least has a chance, he keeps on pushing his body up little by little. 

    About 45 minutes later, he makes it back up onto the top of the steel spike. Then trying to stand up and balance takes a moment, however he gets to his feet and seeing that he cannot make shortcuts, he closes his eyes. Then feeling very tired he drifts off to sleep while standing in one place.

    Working on sleeping while standing up which is far more difficult than it sounds, Yueliang maintains his balance as he shuts his eyes and falls into his deep sleep. 

    Waking up, he finds himself standing up in the starry dream area once more, however this time it is quite a bit different. Yueliang is standing on top of a stone pillar.. While some are floating sideways, others are up right, or upside down. The farther he looks down the rows of pillars, he sees the thinner they get and farther apart.

    Looking around he sees his older self off in the distance running and jumping in mid air. Seeing this, he thinks to himself. 'So is this trial not just about balance, put lightening your steps until you can eventually walking on air or something along those lines?' 

    Having such thoughts, Yue starts running towards the edge of the pillar he is currently standing on, and then he jumps to the next. Landing on the pillar, he feels it moving really fast. Worried he is going to crash, he jumps to the stone pillar before him. 

    Barely landing, he runs to the next while thinking. 'Clearly this is not as easy as it looks. It feels like someone took a bunch of logs and stood them up on land and while jumping from each, I am trying to keep them from getting nocked over. Well, if I end up making it over to my older self, I can just ask him about this crazy trial is.'

    Jumping from stone pillar to stone pillar, Yueliang makes his way farther and father over to the mystery man. Although about a quarter of the way through, Yueliang misses his footing. Not that it is all that surprising considering how small and far apart they are getting the farther he moves along.

    Falling down about 2 meters, Yueliang teleports back to the beginning, thus having to restart his journey.

    Meanwhile far off back at the meteor with patriarch Shin, Yin, and Bing Wen are standing nearby spreading alchemical pills to the many disciples of this sect. As they do so, the two ensure that each of the disciples and elders are properly taking them, and processing them, thus healing them. Patriarch Shin however just quickly runs around popping all the pills he was given into the injured disciples and elders mouths, not allowing them a second to process the information. 

    Once this is all done, Bing Wen makes one last round to make sure that none of them are injured or sick any more. Having to check the pulse, body, and aura of each took a little while, however once satisfied, he says to patriarch shin. "Thank you for being patient. I have done as you asked, all of your people have been healed. While I normally would not mind staying longer, I seemed to have picked up a slightly impatient disciple along the way."

    "Do not worry about us too much. You have done more than enough already. Please, come again any time. We would be glad to accept you as a guest in the future." Patriarch Shin replies.

    However before they leave, Yin steps up and says. "Master may I have a moment? I would like to say something to Patriarch Shin really quick."

    Bing wen then says. "Oh!! The one who wanted to leave so urgently now wants to stay longer. How interesting...."

    "You are right, I apologize, we should get going." Yin then comments, as he feels a little bad about rushing his teacher.

    "Do not worry about it, it is best not to left things unspoken. Sorry for teasing you young one, just say what you want to say then we can get going." Bing Wen says and then turns around to wait.

    With that said, Yin says. "Thank you master." Then briskly walks over to Patriarch Shin, before saying. "Patriarch Shin, thank you so much for taking us in when we first met. Thank you for your assistance and kindness. Also, I apologize for the trouble that my Young master has brought to your sect. Although I am glad we met, as it has grown our experiences and friendships. Maybe we will see each other again in the future."

    Hearing this, Shin replies. "It was certainly fortuitous that we have met even if it did cause troubles. Either way, hopefully next time we see each other you and your people will have grown be leaps and bounds. Have safe travels my friends." Shin said as he waves farewell to both Bing Wen and Yin.

    Yin waves as well as his master, then the two start walking off into the distance. But with each step they take they are walking into the sky, more specifically space. As they make their way up, they come across the two guards sitting in the sky playing go (Chinese Chess) of all things. 

    Seeing this, Yin clears his thought to get their attention. *Ahem. 

    Looking up from their game they see the two who they are supposed to take back. One of the two guards uses his storage ring and sucks in the board and pieces as if it were never there, while the other one says. "Sir Yin, is this the friend you came for?"

    Yin quickly answers. "Yes, this is my master/ teacher. Anyways, we are ready to go when you are, thank you for your patience."

    The guard then comments. "No, thank you. We do not often get rests, although our pay is enough to make up for it I guess. Anyways, let me get the talisman really quick." The guard says as he searches his storage ring.

    A moment later, he pulls one out, and teleporting the four of them, they all arrive back at the palace gates. Where the guards, Yin, and Bing Wen wonder in their minds. 'What in the world happened here?'

    Bing Wen having never been here before asks. "Is it always like this? If so, you really pick some dangerous places my young disciple."

    'If we are talking age by years, you and I are probably the same age, if not I may be older.' Yin thinks to himself before answering. "I do not know about always like this, but it certainly was not like this when we left here, that I saw anyway."

    One of the two guards quickly comments. "Do not worry, it will be fixed within the hour or less. Our emperor designed it as such, due to the frequency of such attacks. Although where the energy comes from to power such automatic repairs, who knows."

    With that said, the group descends to the ground as they walk forward to the castle to report that they have come back, as well as succeeded in the mission given.

    Making their way through the halls, one of the guards sees them, and says. "Halt, why have you come and where are you going?"

    Yin steps forward to answer for them. "It is alright, I am Yin, one of the subordinates of the young prince Yueliang. I have just come back from my travels, it took longer than expected. We are going to see the emperor now to report the situation. Is there a problem?"

    Hearing this, the guard answers. "We have had a number of attacks over the last few days. Until your status is verified by the emperor, I will be accompanying your group. Shall we continue?"

    The two guards beside Yin and Bing Wen nod before following behind the new guard. Walking into the throne room they notice the herald lying dead, so they just continue into the hall. Then arriving at the steps, the five of them bow at the steps, although Bing Wen being the last to do so, and just following their lead.


    Sorry everyone that I missed one day, I promise I am working hard to get out these chapters. I got very sick and injured yesterday. Either way I will keep on trying to write, as I have yet to lose my ability to do that. Although it is very difficult to think.

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