
Chapter 93 - Seeing An Old Friend

    Meiren quickly in a calm voice replies. "Well it is your place, if you believe you can stop it from affecting others, then I will trust you."

    Yue then says. "I am glad you trust me, now there is something I want to tell you ahead of time and would like for you to tell the others." Yueliang then whispers in her ear, before saying. "Got it?"

    Meiren acknowledges before running off. "I will take care of it immediately. We will get it done quickly. Please take your time."

    Yueliang chuckles at her reply before working on setting up a formation around the garden, so that nothing there would affect any people. Which considering the size of the garden, took a few minutes. 

    After that was finished, Yueliang summons Rei with a snap of his fingers. A split second later, Rei asks with a drenched body. "May I have a towel or some clothes please? I would rather not give a free show right now."

    Yue replies. "Sorry about that, but I do not have any clothes right now, but here is a towel." Pulling a towel from his inventory and tossing it to Rei, he continues. "Sorry for interrupting your shower. Anyways, once you are dressed, could you tell everyone that I need to have another meeting immediately."

    Rei wraps the towel around himself while saying. "Actually, I was taking a nice soothing bath. I do not mind, however you do realize it is almost midnight right? I mean, normally it would not be a problem, however today, many of them exhausted themselves working on some improvements to this place." 

    With curiosity Yue asks. "Hmm, you are right, then I guess I will just have it at sunrise. Wait, you said improvements? What have you been up to?"

    "Well, we have been creating more equipment, so that we can actually do our experiments and what not with more efficiency. Also, some of the others, have been working on building the next wall, and the buildings inside, which will be where we do most of our experiments from now on since we need a lot of room for some of them. However if that is a problem we can take it down?" 

    "No problem, however I am surprised you did not just talk to Blake, and make some super mini small worlds. It just seems like you could have had a lot more room that way." Yue explains.

    "While that is true, there are a number of reasons why we do not do that, one such being that unless we make it with the exact specifications of the planet we are currently residing on, it will effect the results. Anyways, overall it just makes it easier if we can modify things based on our knowledge of our surroundings."

    "So basically like the difference of a gun on my old world, vs on the moon?" Yueliang asks.

    "To put it in terms a child could understand, yes, that is the case." 

    "I see, well anyways, sleep well, and sorry again for bringing you out naked. However I am sure the ladies will appreciate the eye candy." Yueliang teases after seeing his 12 of abs, well toned and not too big of muscles on his arms and legs, basically everything about him looked like many ladies dream man.

    "Well, if it pleases them. haha." Rei jokes back, knowing full well how handsome he is. 

    "Hahaha" Yueliang joins in, as the two walk out of the garden, looking like the oldest of friends. Laughing and talking down the street, they eventually arrive at Reis' place, and he says. "Thank you for walking with me."

    "No need to thank me, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow my friend." Yueliang replies.

    Rei says while walking into his house not even looking back just waving. "Well, see you tomorrow."

    Yue continues to walk down the road, just thinking to himself. 'I really need to work on myself more, and do my daily quests more often, or things will get bad. Well, at least there should be plenty of time soon. What more is there to do? I feel like I just want to sleep at this point. Now that I think about it, Rei has it right, a soothing bath is probably much better.'

    While walking, Yue hears a familiar voice. "Yueliang, could you wait a moment?" Yue turns around to face the voice coming towards him, to see who it is, thinking. 'Who would be awake right now, and want to talk to .... Oh!'

    Finishing his thought, Yue says. "Yin, it has been a while. How are you?"

    Yin quickly replies. "Good, but to the matter at hand, I heard what is going on. When where you going to tell me?" 

    Yue swiftly answers. "Haha, sorry about that, I guess Meiren got to you before I could. Anyways, are you on board or no?" 

    Feeling like he jumped to the conclusion too fast Yin says. "You know me, obviously I am. However when will the project be ready?" 

      "Soon, very soon. Although I am not sure how happy the 'Orcs' will be to hear about this."

      "Do not worry about it, I am sure they would love the idea. Although I do agree, it will take time away from their research that they love so dearly." 

      After a few moments of silence, Yueliang asks. "Well, anyways, how are the grandfather, granddaughter duo doing in magic training?" 

    Yin laughs and says. "That is a funny way of putting it, but to answer your question, quite well. I look forward to getting some time off soon. Honestly, at this point I have already taught them most of the basics and intermediate knowledge they need. The rest they can figure out themselves, so now that they are finished for now, what do you want to do?"

    Yue answers and asks. "Obviously I want to hang out with my friend. Although, we only have about 5 - 6 hours before sunrise, which is when I need to address everyone, and tell them the new plans. So what do you want to do in the mean time?"

    Thinking for a few moments Yin says. "I heard you enjoyed your magic swordsmanship duel. What do you think of practicing with me? It has been a while since I have played around with such a thing, and should be fun."

    Pondering Yue answers. "Hmm. That sounds great, then should we go to Blakes' Gourmet or where should we do it?" 

    "Sure, Blakes' Gourmet sounds good. I just hope you do not mind getting beaten in front of a crowd." Yin jokes around with Yue.

    "Alright, alright, we should should get moving so we have more time to play around."

    The two walk and talk for a few minutes before arriving at Blakes' Gourmet. The restaurant still looking as beautiful as ever, as they walk in, is so quiet one almost would not notice the few people sitting around eating.

    Seeing a beautiful slime in human form walking up to them, Yue immediately recognizes her saying. "Hello Yinshui Ji, it has been a few days. How are you?" 

    "Good, thank you for asking. I see you brought a friend, so is it dinner for two?" Yinshui Ji asks with her soothing melodic sounding voice.

    "Yes, and oh right, where are my manners." Yueliang says after a light nudge from Yin, before continuing with a pitiful voice, getting the hint. "This is Yin, he is a cool man, and awesome friend. However, it is too bad he is single. Anyways Yin, this is Yinshui Ji. She is kind, and amazing. I hope you can come good friend." Yue drops a hint of his own, not that Yin notices.

    Yinshui Ji thinking at first that Yue was trying to set her up was a little disappointed, until she heard the last part and smiles while replying. "It is nice to meet you Yin, although, may I bring you two to your table? We should not block the door, and you must be hungry."

    "Of course, sorry about that." Yin says in a slightly nervous tone, feeling bad about forgetting something so simple. 

    Hearing his reply, Yinshui Ji says. "Follow me, and I will take you to your table." She says before turning around and walking towards the stairs, before saying. "I apologize, I forgot to ask, do you want a table on the second floor or the first?"

    Yueliang thinks to himself with a smile. 'Looks like she has a lot on her mind, if she forgot that, however it happens to the best of us.' Then he replies. "The first floor will be fine, we intend to use the stage after our meal anyways."

    "Alright, thank you, and once again, I apologize for forgetting such a matter."  Yinshui Ji says.

    Leading them toward the stage, she seats them a table near one of the pillars. Once they are seated, she reaches into her chest, pulling out the menus, before saying and waiting near their table. "Please take your time, esteemed guests." 

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