
Chapter 53 - A Close Call...

    "Hmm, either way, I have to get ready to go on a quest soon. Right now, I just went through a lot, and should have gained a lot of strength. However I need to make sure I understand it, and can utilize it fully." Yue said and then began walking back to his room to take care of a few matters before hand.

    As Yue is walking towards his house, he thinks. 'I need to check my rewards now. I feel like there is something missing. 'Notifications.''


{Rewards for completing your trial:

  + 20 for all stats

  + 20, 000 experience}

    "Master, I have something I must say, however first, congratulations on becoming a core realm cultivator. Now for the next and most important part, because of your increase in cultivation, you have gained a lot of stats. This is good and all, however, in order for your body to fully adjust, I am slowly giving it to you, however your number on the status will remain the same in the mean time.

    Also, as I am sure you know, your cultivation did not raise other stats besides your chi, life, and soul. In order to keep you safe I will protect you as long as I can, but you must increase your soul stat as soon as possible, or you will surely die. The longest I can hold it is a week. Do you understand?"

    Yue immediately starts thinking. 'Yes, and woah, I completely forgot about that... This really was a close call, thank you Yang. By the way, is there a way to increase a stat through the store?'

    "Yes, however instead of shop credits, you trade years, otherwise no one would work for their stats. Either way, with the amount you have you could only get an extra 1,000 for 2,000 years. It will not be enough to save you, hence you will have a lot of work to do this week. Do you want to make that trade?" Yang asked hopingly.

    'Hmm... Not yet, first let me see how much I can get in 5 days. If I cannot get enough by then, then yes.' Yue replied to Yang, hoping to not have to waste a lot of years.

    'Oh, Yang, one more thing, how much for all the rest of the supplies needed to construct the ship my people are working on?' Yue added.

    "Either 100,000 shop coins, or 200 years. Take your pick, although I can guess which you will take." Yang said in an unenthusiastic voice.

    '200 years, also if you could, please pull up contracts that will gain me more years and shop coins at the same time.'

    "Of course, no problem." Yang said happily, seeing that he was taking this at least semi seriously.

    [Rescue a kidnapped Prince 0/1 then Kill the kidnappers/ accomplices 0/20]  8: 42: 00 Hours

{ + 2,000,000 Shop Credits }

    [Assist in War, kill as many of the enemy as you can] 74: 48: 00 Hours

{ + 100 Shop Credits per enemy killed}

    [Wipe out a cave of cultists 0/80]  167: 59: 38 Hours

{ + 200,000 Shop Credits

  + any loot, etcetera found }

    "I have placed them in order for you, well in the order that you should do them. Either way, these are time sensitive mission, thus be certain to be quick in doing these. Once the timer goes out the mission will be gone. By the way, in case you did not understand the clock, it goes: hour, minute, second." Yang reminded Yue.

    "Thank you once again Yang. 'Status.' "

[Character Sheet

Name: Yueliang Haizi

Title: Dark Horse

Class: None

Race: Draconic Human

Age: 21

Life Expectancy: 2,000 -> 4000 More years

Level: 17 { 24, 000 / 25, 600 next level }

Health: 28, 400/ 28, 400

Strength: 150 -> 170

Agility:160 -> 180

Endurance: 170 -> 190

Intelligence: 175 -> 195

Soul: 180 -> 10, 200


Luck: 120  -> 140

Charm: 108 -> 128

Mana: 115 -> 135

Chi: 110 -> 30, 130 

Aura: 125 -> 145

Customizable stat points: 20]

[Shop Coins: 9,400]

      "Wow, my stats really went up, sadly I cannot utilize my cultivation to the fullest yet. Which by the way, it seems I could have just made the supplies instead of buying them. Seriously, it is terrible how much I am missing lately." Yue mumbled to himself, and then started thinking. 'It is time to rescue a prince. Really never thought I would be saying that. Hahehe.'

    Yue then reopens the mission screen, and selects to start the 'Rescue The Prince' quest.

[ Teleporting in 10 seconds ]

    'Hmm, that is longer than usual. Maybe it is because Yang is busy protecting me?' He wondered to himself.

[ 7 ]

[ 6 ]

. . . .

[ Teleporting Now ]

    By the time Yue even blinked, his scenery had changed. Yue decides to look left and right, to gain his bearings. Having looked around, he sees, a dense, almost tropical forest, and a mage like tower like a certain princess from an old book was in. Then Yue thinks to himself. 'Really? It is normal that prince gets kidnapped I guess, but really, treating him like a princess? Then again, towers are kind of technically unisex, seeing as male mages and farmers use them. Well, time to get started it seems.'

    Yue then starts walking forward, and at the same time, starts drawing in chi. He prepares and teaches it, then produces a metal chain. Upon arriving at the towers base, he guides his chi into the chain, to silently, yet quickly make it straighten, and move according to his will. Reaching the top, the chain wraps around the spire on the roof.

    Reaching above himself, Yueliang climbs up the rope, pulling himself up one step at a time, very quickly. 'Almost to the middle.' Yue thought to himself.

    *Crash* An icicle flies above Yueliang and hits the chain, right where he was about to grab next. The chain starts pulling apart, just like any other chain under weight, since Yue was no longer in control of it. 

      Yue quickly decided to kick off the wall that was only about a foot away from his dangling self, then swinging out he lets go of the chain and after getting some air, he lands in a tree. He looks down, spotting his attackers. 'Honestly, are these cultists or bandits? It seems they are all just mixing together. *sigh*' He thinks to himself.

    *Fwoosh  'Well at least they are smart enough to try burning me out of the tree, however too bad they were stupid enough to attack me.' Yue jumps down while pulling his sword out of his inventory. He rolls as he lands, to lessen the effect of such a high fall. Dashing towards the enemy, Yue draws the sword to his right, then slashed diagonally downward, cutting the person into two parts, one arm on each side. 

      Rushing towards the group behind the one he just slew he thinks. 'Well if he survives, he might have a hard time walking, or if he thinks with his lower half, then a hard time talking. Heheh.' He jokes to himself as he proceeds to either decapitate the others, or just pure and simple cut them in half, one way or another, until he gets to his last one of the group.

    A spell is shot towards him, and although it does not hit him, it sends his sword flying behind him. Momentarily looking behind himself to see where his sword went, the enemy prepares his next spell. Looking back as his enemy, he sees a magic missile spell about to be launched the split second before it is. 'Tracking spells, really.' He bolts towards the enemy, knowing he cannot dodge the spell no matter what.

    "Puagh." Yue gets the wind knocked out of him. 'I get that magic missile has no piecing power, and my body is stronger now, but really, right in the xiphoid. At least kill me fast if you are going to try.' He thinks to himself as he raises his fist high, and punches the enemies head in to the ground.

    "Oops, sorry, I accidently turned your head into a bloody mist." Yue mumbled in surprise seeing how his strength affected his fight, then walks over to the tower to try climbing once more. Once he reaches the base, he starts climbing the side of the wall by either digging his fingers into it, or grapping protrusions in the wall. 'Rock climbing is fun, I wonder why more people do not do this?' He wondered to himself.

    He continues to climb, hearing the birds chirping, the animals 'playing' in the forest, and even a nearby waterfall. It all sounds so wonderful while he climbs his way up the side. *Slip "Phew, close one." He says aloud as he reach up to continue climbing this tall mage like tower. As he climbs higher he begins to wonder. 'What would life have been like had I not gained the system? Clearly I would be dead, due to the earths destruction. However aside from that, probably 0 dates, focused on school, and not have the friends I have now. Oh well, I am almost at the top now.' 

    Reaching for his last hold before he can pull himself inside, he makes it, and then sees something surprising, and almost loses his grip on the ledge. "..." 

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