
Chapter 43 - Pathetic Liars...

As Yue did fight the wolves as well, he did not aim to kill any thus although most lay still on the ground, none were dead. Yue then healed the wolves quickly and went to look at each group\'s progress. As he walked past Lancelot\'s pen he said. "Good job, it looks like you tried hard."

Lancelot swiftly replied. "Thank you, may I be healed now?" ​​

"Not yet, as I am not just training your basic abilities, but also your bodies to regenerate on their own faster. I have not even healed myself as you can see." Not that there were any actual wounds on Yue, however he did not try replenishing his stamina either.

Yue continued to the next pens and said while completely ticked off. "WWHHAAATTTT IS THIS!!!!!"

While walking around, Yue became exceedingly ticked off the more he saw. For the soldiers he was meant to train, all except for the knight, had taken the vial he gave them and killed the wolves using that rather than their own skill. Yet not only were they please with themselves, he could see a proud look as if they did something heaven defying on their faces.

Eventually one of the soldiers came forward and said quite pleased with himself. "We did good right? We kill them just as you asked, and pretty quickly I might add."

Yue took a few deep breaths and quickly calmed himself then said both calmly and seriously. "If this is what you call good you are pathetic little liars. Not only did you not use your own skills, you used what I made for you to become stronger. If this is not an insult directly shoved in my face, I do not know what is. You know what, I just came up with a wonderful idea..."

At this moment, all the soldiers could feel a chill running down their spine.

"Since you lot, seem to think this is too difficult as well, I have something easier for you. You can thank me later, no need to worry." Yueliang said as he summoned Yin to his side and continued. "My wonderful friend Yin, it has been a while."

"It has been about a day, or two. Either way, what do you need help with?" Yin asked curiously as he knew Yue was not one to waste time.

"Well, it seems these soldiers here who I have been tasked with training seem to have thought that I was being too hard on them, even when I gave an easier task. Thus, what do you say we summon a few battalions to fight? Do you think they might be more willing to learn?" Yue asked quite seriously yet with a sort of joking tone, as if this was becoming a game, and they were people who needed to be taught a lesson.

"Hmm, could you tell me what happened first?" Yin asked, as he was curious why humans stronger and better trained than his own friend and master could complain about difficulty.

Upon hearing Yin\'s request, Yue explained in detail. After finishing the full story, Yin felt that the potion might have been a little frightening for them, but the wolf one on one fight should not have been too much at all.

Yin eventually came to his conclusion and said with a sly smile. "You are quite right Yue. These people have not put in effort, yet still complain. We should ease the difficulty."

The two then looked at each other and Yue stated. "You three in the third pen will now be put in the pen with your fellow soldiers." As Yue said this, he walked over and let them out and brought them to the other pens, putting two in one and the last in the other.

Yin then spoke up. "Shall I take care of one pen, and you the other?"

"Sounds great, I will take the one with less, as you are more skilled in this field." Yue replied.

Yin then went to one pen, and Yue to the other. They then started by summoning real zombies, not clones. In the first few moments, it was slow and easy, progressively getting faster. The soldiers walked up and punched at their skulls, killing these creatures practically as fast as they could be summoned.

Since these soldiers were stronger than the people from Yue\'s last world, it only took two or three punches to collapse the zombies skulls. Soon after it looked like the soldiers were getting used to the tempo, Yin and Yue sped up the summoning. After about 10 minutes the soldiers were surrounded, and where having a difficult time keeping from getting attacked.

Lancelot while watching the entire scene finally spoke up. "Sir, if you are not careful they might die."

Yue turned around and said while looking into his emerald eyes and leaning against the pen. "Seeing as they can still dodge and attack just fine, it seems they still have some energy left. Also, it was their choice to lie and cheat on their own training. Even if not, this is so much easier, the zombies are slow, and considering they are rotting, you could literally decapitate them with one punch. I am weaker than them, yet they are acting as though this is difficult."

Lancelot replied. "While I doubt you are weaker than them, I also do not think easy is the word for it."

"I am guessing you are referring to the goblin village that I wiped out myself. All because I happen to have wiped them out does not mean anything special. All I did was use weak fire balls to light the gates on fire so they could not escape and killed them with martial arts after."

While the two were speaking casually the soldiers in each pen where nearing their limits. Or at least they began to feel exhausted, and terrified that soon they would either turn into a zombie themselves or just die period. Yet the two continued speaking, half forgetting about the soldiers they were speaking about in the first place.

Lancelot then said. "Well even if that was the case, clearly they are not as skilled as you. Should that not account for something?"

"Nope, I worked hard to get to where I am. If talent made the world go round, your would would be much farther along. I have lightened their load already, if they still find this too difficult then I will send them back to their king, telling him an exact report of what has happened. Then he can deal with them. Tell me what was the punishment for disobeying the king again?" Yue spoke confidently and calmly, then faced the soldiers once more. Seeing how they started falling to the ground he commanded them to be still for now.

Hearing Yue\'s reply, felt like a bolt of lightning struck Lancelot. He knew that if one was to not just disobey the kings direct order, but to even go back and tell him it was too difficult when he himself did it, would mean a fate far worse than just death. He remembered even watching the king do it, although the king did not complete it, he did not fail either.

Lancelot then left it alone, and just watched them get through their new trials. Yue then said. "Yin, let us leave for now. We can pick this up tomorrow, they can spend the night with the zombies. Also, zombies, defend yourselves only lest they try to kill." Then Yin and Yue left everyone in their cages for their houses. Even leaving Lancelot to spend the night in his pen.

It was getting dark around this time anyway, however there were still a few hours before the sun goes down, so Yue asked Yin. "Yin thank you for helping me, however I do wonder, do you like playing games some times? If so want to place Go? It is good for relieving stress and boredom."

"I am not normally one for wasting time, however I could give it a shot if you want. I am a little exhausted so it might help." Yin replied.

"Great, then once we get to my place, then I will teach you how to play it. As it is quite the fun strategy game."

"Strategy game? You mean there are games out there not just for fun or what is that?"

"It is just something that helps you train your mind, and come up with new strategies, there are games for all sorts of learning."

"Hmm, well let us just try \'go\' for now." Yin said, while continuing to follow Yue.

Once the two arrived, Yue pulled out a go set, that he threw in his inventory a while back when he was testing it out. Yin took about 10 minutes to have a good grasp on the game, and the two played for about an hour afterward while talking about random things. They enjoyed their time together, that was not just filled with labor of some kind or fighting.

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