
Chapter 15 - Celebration And Test

\'Well, this room is set up, however I think it is about time for the feast. As the host, I cannot be late.\' Yueliang thought to himself as he headed out of the room to change clothes and get ready for the celebration.

---- A few moments later ---- ​​

Now that he was changed and ready to go, Yueliang started heading for the meeting hall to see how everything looked. It only took a few seconds to arrive there. Upon opening the large elegant doors, it was as like in the old movies where it was just so stunning. Standing in the doorway, in front of him looked like a super elegant ball was being held, then by his left and right had more casual food that may suit the orcs taste better. This all blended so well together it was amazing.

He walked to the steps up to the balcony like area that went all around the room. He saw the tables set up well and everything looked nice an elegant. He went down to half way down the steps and saw that they had started filing in. After they all had arrived, he saw that they all looked classy in their suits and dresses respectively even on the children. This race of Sky orcs had greyish skin, it was actually kind of rare but certainly looked cool. The males even had small pyramid like protrusions on their skull that went around looking kind of similar to a crown, however for most their hair covered it. The main thing that looked different on these sky orcs from people where simply their few tusk like teeth that were synonymous with their race.

Yueliang then spoke. "I hope you all enjoy the festivities, I am glad to have you all here. Also, as I am not familiar with your customs, I have tried to prepare what I can. Also, I figured after a few hours of dancing, eating, and or talking, maybe we could get some sparing done in an area I have ready. It just seems to be a good way for us to get familiar with what we are good at."

Rei then replied on behalf of the others. "We could spar if you like, however our tribe is mainly focused on research and development, also, our customs have only some slight differences from the people of this planet. Although mainly just more refined, as you can tell by our apparel. The orcs that the people of your planet know are low born orcs, even below the common orc. I hope we have not disappointed you."

Yue then quickly responded embarrassedly. "I am so sorry if I have offended you. This is just so new to me, I should have just asked you all. I want to do my best, not just as a leader, but as a friend. Please forgive me." He said as he bowed slightly.

The orcs upon hearing and seeing this all knelt down instantly, with their fist against their heart saying. "We do not deserve such actions. Please do not bow before us. As for any misunderstandings, that is what they are. If you have any questions or commands, please ask of us, and we will do our best to fulfill them all." As they said this, it resounded throughout the hall as if it was a decree from the heavens.

Yue then raised himself up said "Let the festivities begin" and then went down to greet them, trying to meet each one individually but quickly in order to have enough time to get to a lot of them. Because there were around 6,000 of the Sky Orc Horde in total, even if he spent 1 minute with each, it would take at least around 100 hours. Either way, the Horde felt honored just by the fact that he took the effort to try to meet and remember each of them.

Yue went around meeting around 180 over the course of about 3 hours. During this time most of the Orcs were dancing, eating, or playing. Some were even discussing theories on their most recent projects. After 3 hours came to an end, Yueliang announced. "Everyone please go up to the balconies or on the stairs, as I would like to learn and see what your combat skills are like, please come forward if you are interested in sparring with me. Of course, if you are not interested in watching or sparring, feel free to do as you please."

Three of the strongest Sky Orcs came forth, and said. "We would like a shot, however just one on one. The reason being you might not have enough strength to fight us yet." Then looked at each other and decided who would go first, second, and third.

The first to come up was a female Sky Orc in a combat skirt that looked like a cute grey orc version of a certain scythe wielder who loves wearing red. Her name was Orslaine. She loved two main things, one was making new inventions, and the other was testing them out.

The two went to the center of the ball room, then went about 20 meters from each other. Bowed to each other, then both dashed towards the other. Of course Yueliang could cross that distance in a split second, however Orslaine was just so much faster due to training her body like everyone else. In that instant, Yueliang only got five meters forward and her fifteen before they clashed. His fist did not even have time to collide with her body before he was punched twice and flew into the wall. He felt his body in severe pain, however still tried standing up. He could feel that he lost about half his health in just that short instant.

Orslaine noticing this, rushed over helping him up. She then asked. "Are you alright? I should have held back more. I am so sorry."

"More?" Yueliang asked then said. "I can certainly feel the difference. Thank you for the lesson."

"Anytime, however please be stronger next time so that we can have more fun together." Orslaine replied.

"Here is a potion that will increase your regeneration speed by leaps and bounds temporarily." The second orc said as he tossed the potion to him. His name was Light.

"It seems I am up against you next Light. Also, thank you for the potion, I will repay you later." Yueliang thanked Light after drinking the potion in a single gulp.

"You do not need to repay me for that, I am sure you will need it more than me. However are you sure you want to continue fighting?" Light asked both curious and slightly worried.

"I am a man of my word, and if you all accept me as your leader, should you not at least know my capabilities? If not you might under or overestimate me at some point. Even if not you, I cannot overestimate myself and put you in danger, so this helps me as well." Yueliang replied straightforwardly as he felt his bones healing from the small cracks that were just made.

"Well, shall we begin milord?" Light asked as he got the proper distance from Yueliang.

"Of course, also, everyone please just call me Yue or whatever makes you feel comfortable." Yueliang said as he bowed with light.

This time, learning from his past mistake, as Light dashed forward to close the distance faster than Orslaine did, Yueliang stayed in place but lightly dodged to his left while raising his right knee. As light arrived in front of him to send him flying like Orslaine did, he instantly coughed out and stepped back a few steps as Yueliang\'s knee hit perfectly below his xiphoid. If it was just a little higher Yueliang would have accidentally killed Light. However although Yueliang landed the hit this time, he was still sent back 5 meters due to the incoming speed of Light.


Cheers rang through the hall as Yueliang was able to land a hit. They all knew all about him, so where amazed by his at his adaptation in battle, and skill, feeling he was truly a prodigy in everything.

Yueliang regained his balance before Light did, and dashed forward to attack first, however failed. As Yue showed up in front of Light about to hit him his fist was caught lightly, then kicked in the chest sent flying onto the stairs. Fortunately the potion was still in effect, but as Yue got up he said. "Good job Light, I am surprised I even got that hit in while you where holding back."

"You give yourself too little credit. You did great my king, I used more force than Orslaine, yet you still adapted to those stronger than you." Light said then continued and chuckled. "Sorry that I am not as good at controlling my attributes as the others."

"Well thank you Light for the praise and lesson. It seems it is time for the last fight for now." Yueliang replied still feeling the healing process continuing.

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