
Chapter 10 - Shop Credits....

'It seems I need the mana body for now, system Yang, are there any quests to earn Shop Coins quickly?' He thought to himself.

"Master there are many quests that will give you shop coins. Personally I am surprised you have not asked sooner. Either way, you do not have to worry about getting to little as the minimum given per quest or mission is five thousand shop credits. However, seeing that this is your first quest, whatever you choose will have either its reward or punishment doubled based on whether or not you succeed. I would only recommend taking an easier quest to have smaller chance of punishment, however if you want to become better and get rewarded I recommend the harder ones heavily." ​​

'Could you please pull up the quests and missions that reward 2 million shop credits that are doable with my current stats?'

"There are only two available choices."

{Find a nest of blue rock salamanders.

+ 2 million shop credits

+ 50 customizable stat points

+ 50,000 experience}

[Warning, extremely dangerous without stealth skill]


{Work as a Scientists Assistant for 2 Years in a Time Warp. (Renewable)

+ 2 million shop credits

+ Possibility of new skills

+ 20,000 experience}

[Warning. Although time in this world will only be 2 seconds, you will still age those 2 years. Recommended to learn to cultivate first as to extend masters life.]

'It seems I will take [Find a nest of Blue Rock Salamanders] first. So I guess that means so long as I succeed, then I get double the reward.'

"Correct master, however there is a time limit on this mission of 24 hours so please be quick."

'No need to worry yang. Although I may not know much about certain things, I learned about these creatures from when I was a child, because of my dad, due to me accidently finding one once. It was funny because as it was still just an egg I asked if I could keep it as a pet. That was when he taught me about it. However I had to return it to its nest. Anyways do we just need the coordinates or do I have to go there?'

"If master knows the exact coordinates, I can check it for 100 shop credits."

'Alright, the coordinates are xxxx, xxx xxx.xx.'

"Coordinates confirmed, searching for Blue Rock Salamanders... Nest Confirmed"


[Find a Blue Rock Salamander Nest, Completed]


+ 4 million shop credits

+ 100 customizable stat points

+ 100,000 experience}

[Level Up to Level 6]

+ 5 customizable Skill points

[Level up to Level 7]

+ 5 customizable Skill points

[Level up to Level 8]

+ 5 customizable Skill points

[Level up to Level 9]

+ 5 customizable Skill points

[Character Sheet

Name: Yueliang Haizi

Race: Human

Age: 21

Life Expectancy: 30 More years

Level: 9 {5,000/102,400 next level}

Health: 800

Strength: 40->56

Agility: 40->56

Endurance: 40->56

Intelligence: 45->53

Soul: 45->53


Charm: 33->41

Mana: 28->51

Chi: 23->41

Customizable stat points: 120]

'Shop' He thought to himself, then the screen popped up in front of him.


{Potions} {Weapons} {Armor} {Techniques} {Abilities} {Skills} {Commodities} {Miscellaneous}

[Shop Coin: 4,000,700]

'Skills Mana Related'

{Mana Veins} {Mana Circuits} {Mana Body} {Mana Core} {Mana Willpower} {More}

SC: 200 SC: 400 SC: 2,000 SC: 1,000 SC: 2,000,000

{Mana Body}

[Description: The user will have a body of mana, the body will be like a core, in that it stores, and generates mana. However will will be like a body in the sense that it will have veins, circuits, blood, etc, except that they will be made of mana. If the user wants to make full use of this skill, it is best to purify the body, turning it draconic. As Dragons are creatures made of pure mana similar to elementals except more pure and more powerful.

{Mana Willpower}

[Description: use with mana control to have perfect control over mana. If one has the mana body as well and hits 1000 minimum mana stat they will have the opportunity to take the divine spark of magic, or can just buy it from system. (Not recommended: as although it will be more powerful, system recommends the divine flame instead.)]

'Buy mana body, and mana willpower' Yueliang thought to himself.

"Master before you complete your purchase I recommend adding two things."

'What are they Yang?'

"One is the dragon bloodline (King of dragons recommended), and two is a bundle I made myself (Cultivation manuals) it is the best of the best having every 'type' of cultivation there is. I even made a discount for you, since you are spending quite a lot this time, I have a 30% off discount for you. If you add these two that is, then your total will be.... 3,800,700. Saving over 2 million credits is great right."

'That sounds wonderful, I will take it.' Yueliang said to the system.

"Alright, I hope you do not mind sleeping for 10 hours, as I have to reconstruct your body, then purify it with the King of dragons bloodline. Also, before I start I have a few choices for you.

1. Do you want your body designed for mana?

2. For cultivation?

3. Or do you want the best optimization for both?

Although it seems like an obvious choice I figured I should check as it means 2 days in bed for the best."

'Thank you for the options, however what is 2 days if it means a better life.' Yueliang thought.

"I figured you would say that, one last thing, your cultivation basics will be put into your mind like the other skills, however the manuals, which I recommend reading first, will be in your inventory."

'Thank you.....'

---- 48 Hours Later ----

'That was awesome.' Yueliang thought to himself. 'I was able to see my entire body get deconstructed, then reconstructed, and without any pain at that.'

Yueliang got up from his bed and looked around to see if anyone was nearby. Seeing that nobody was there, he started heading to the roof for his daily quest. While walking up he said "Yang, what is the best sneak skill in the shop, whether it be physical, magic, or chi, or if there are any other types."

"Their are other types, however the best would probably be a chi type one since it is all rounded and can grow. However I have already put it in your bundle. It allows you to separate your body into molecules, then reform yourself. Due to you not really having a form at that point, you will not be able to be detected, you will then use one of a few different abilities, your skill perception, aura, mana, and etcetera to see or perceive things. What you are using now 'perception' is an application of mental power, that you normally would not be able to use as easily without raising your cultivation, however your current soul strength and intelligence make it possible. Although in a sense you are already a partial cultivator due to your stats, you just have yet to understand what you have or are doing."

'Good to know, thank you, I will work harder to become stronger.'

"Well I have two things you should do later, as they will give you an immense amount of strength and useful skills. One is the knowledge to become a lich. Of course you should not do this until you die because you are stronger alive. Also, there are ways to bring yourself back, however I am recommending learning about the lich to help you learn certain things before then, and even if you did bring yourself back, you will have to work to grow again from a certain point.

Then the second thing is becoming a halfling, then growing through the vampire stages. If you just skip these stages you will later regret it. If you complete them all you may even surpass the strongest beings on this planet earth. However there is still a long time until you would have to worry about that." Yang stated matter of excitedly.

'You know, the more I learn about this world, the more I want to immerse myself in it and learn more. Although the way you said this planet I take it there are many more than just the one we are at war with.' He thought while still doing his morning daily routine.

"Yes, well about the war, you will understand later. There is a lot that most people do not know. However you will learn of it eventually, so long as you get strong enough." Yang said quickly.

'Sweet, I cannot wait to travel to another planet, and see what there is over there.' Yueliang thought to himself as he finished up his daily quest.


"Master there is one thing we need to get straight, if you want to take the vampire route, it must be started before you begin your cultivation journey. Although you could do it after, there is a risk of deviation while doing so. While this is fixable, it quite dangerous. However there is also the issue that your cultivation is growing without you cultivating, which means if you do not start soon you will have an unstable base. This may not sound bad, however is highly detrimental. So you must choose now master. Also, I apologize for not bringing this up sooner. As I was trying to teach and guide you, it slipped past me."

'It is alright Yang, things happen. Do not blame yourself, I do not blame you. Anyways, I will take the dangerous route. Plus although their are many benefits from becoming a vampire, it seems my cultivation is more urgent at the moment.' He thought to himself while heading back to the dormitory.

Then Yueliang quietly spoke to himself while walking. "It seems what I really need right now is my own place, as it is getting increasingly difficult to do what I want without causing people to get suspicious. Also, maybe I should take the final now and finish school while I am at it. If I do this, then I will have more free time for a few months until I have to go to war. Which means I can grow a lot more. Also, I only have a couple weeks until my party bringing me out into the underworld, and at the same time celebrate my birthday."

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