
Chapter 3 - Date Or Fate?

6:00 am June 9th, 2189. Tsinghua University

'Well that was a great sleep, looking forward to starting the day. Oh right, and I have to get a girlfriend today. The question is should I go for a smart lady, the school beauty, or a rich lady? Well smart means they might figure out the system, which is a secret and would be bad to let out. I think I will find a random person and try my chances. I mean considering all the ladies smile, talk to and wave to me when I enter the classroom, I cannot be too bad looking. Well time to find my first girlfriend.' ​​

Yue then got up and got ready for the day. 'Time to do my daily quest, then classes.' He thought to himself and left for the door. However just as his hand reached for the door handle, Yueliang heard one of his roommates voices, to be precise it was Sun again.

"Hold up Yueliang, I have something to tell you." Sun voiced out, as he saw Yueliang turning around while he spoke.

"What did you want to talk about Sun?" Yue smiled as he spoke curiously, because Sun and him did not talk much normally unless they were eating or something.

"Let us head out for breakfast and talk then. You have not had breakfast right?" Sun said as his stomach growled quietly.

"Alright, brother Sun, sounds good. I will pay then, so you pick."

----5 minutes later at Cafe XxXx----

"So what did you want to talk about Sun?" Yue asked as the waitress brought them fried rice and some other delicious looking dishes. After placing their drinks.

"Well, I was talking to my sister the other day and she is looking for a boyfriend right now. I figured since I know you are a good man, and are the most handsome man in school to recommend you. So I set up a date for you two, and before you say anything, do not worry she is kind, raised well, and great appearance." Sun said as the waitress was walking away. However as she heard that she had kind of a crestfallen look because she wanted to ask him out herself.

"Wait, back up. You said I am the most handsome guy in school, since when?" Yue asked completely surprised.

"You really did not notice all the women clamoring over you? Every girl wants to date you, however you are either in class or in the dorm studying. Wow you are either dense, oblivious, or really focused." Sun stated matter of factly.

Yue started thinking to himself on the conversation so far, and figured Sun was definitely right. However before he could say anything Sun spoke again.

"Anyways my sister is really excited, all I want to know is two things. 1. Are you going? 2. Will you treat her well? She is really innocent of the world, caring, and sensitive." Sun asked with a serious face.

"I will go gladly, thank you for trusting me. Also the only people I treat bad are those who treat me with hostility. Anyways, this is my first date ever do you have any pointers." Yue asked kind of curiously while being slightly embarrassed.

"Pfft, Brother are you serious never once? Ok, just be yourself, which should be easy, and compliment and flirt with her. However make sure you are either confident or shy. Never indecisive or anything else, unless heroic to protect her...." Sun continued speaking back and forth with Yue until a few minutes to class, then Yueliang paid, they left going their separate ways for classes.

----Fifteen minutes after his Classes finished----

Pant... Pant....

"Phew... going from classes to parkour feels great on the body, mind, and soul. I should do this more often in addition to my daily quest. I might get stronger from it as well."


[Daily quest completed

30 sit ups

30 push ups

30 times jumping

3 kilometer run



+1 to all stats

+75 experience]

"Sweet, it seems as the difficulty goes up each day, so do the rewards. Also, since incriments of 10 on my stats grow by leaps and bounds I am guessing my level does something similar. Anyways..."


"What is this?"

[Notification, Hidden Quest Unlock Skills x2 Completed]


+20 customizable stat points

+200 experience]

[Notification: Yue has Leveled up to Level 2]

[Store page now unlocked

Ability page now unlocked]


[Character Sheet

Name: Yueliang Haizi

Race: Human

Age: 21

Level: 2 {75/800 next level}

Health: 20

Strength: 15->16

Agility: 5->6

Endurance: 12->13

Intelligence: 10->11

Soul: 3->4


Charm: 2->3?

Mana: 2->3?

Chi: 2->3?

Customizable stat points: 25]


Dash skill Level 1 unlocked

-Allows user to boost their speed by 20% for 1 minute

-Cooldown 5 minutes

Sprint skill Level 1 unlocked

-Allows user to increase speed by 20 points for 5 minutes

-Cooldown 5 minutes

(Warning: bring up perception ability level before use)]

"Wow, this is great, if this is my status now I cannot wait to see my level and stats in a week from now. Anyways add 10 points to agility then, 10 to soul, and 5 to intelligence." Yueliang said with excitement.

[Character Sheet

Name: Yueliang Haizi

Race: Human

Age: 21

Level: 2 {75/800 next level}

Health: 20

Strength: 16

Agility: 6->16

Endurance: 13

Intelligence: 11->16

Soul: 4->14


Charm: 3?

Mana: 3?

Chi: 3?

Customizable stat points: 0]


Dash skill Level 1 unlocked

Sprint skill Level 1 unlocked]

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding



----10 minutes later----

"Wow, that felt great, and then I passed out." Yue checks his watch seeing that only 10 minutes passed. "Phew, not bad, I should check my notifications then ask Yang what happened."

"Master, the reason you passed out was due to your body adjusting to the sudden large increase in stats. However, if you continue doing such large growth spurts, you will eventually no longer pass out but even benefit from it more so than you do now. Chough hint hint chough."

Yueliang was surprise and happy to hear this, then laughed at the way the system coughed. "Thank you so much Yang. You are the best."


[Notification: Increase in soul has given multiple new abilities

Soul defense now unlocked

Soul attacks now unlocked

Soul skills, abilities, etc... now unlocked

+ 40 customizable stat points

+400 experience]

[Notification: Increase in soul and intelligence has unlocked a new ability

Perception Level 1 now unlocked

+5 customizable stat points

+100 experience]

[Notification: Due to increase in soul a new ability has been unlocked

Soul sea now unlocked

+5 chi

+5 customizable stat points

+100 experience]

[Notification: due to intelligence level rise a new skill has been unlocked

Charm has now been unlocked

+5 charm

+5 customizable skill points

+100 experience]

'This is too amazing, however before I check all of these out I should get ready for my date tonight. However, I should try out my perception and speed abilities while I go.' He thought to himself excitedly, as this has been a wonderful and fun day for him.

He then noticed perception was actually passive and he could sense and see practically everything around him in a 1 meter radius even underground. If he focused on it, it became more active and he could see even better. Yue then thought about using sprint, and just as he took a step starting to run he moved 3 meters. Once he started running each step almost hit 4 meters in distance in the blink of an eye. He was over joyed and filled with adrenaline as he ran to the nearest suit store because rather than drone delivery things, Yueliang much preferred doing business in person more.

When he eventually arrived he walked in quickly and as they knew him as a frequent customer, sent someone to assist him. Soon after he walked out with new dress shoes and a nice new suit white shirt, blue tie with light design, and a steampunk gothic victorian tailed jacket. Of course still wearing black jeans and not suit pants. These were all pretty much the style these days, except the jeans where his personal style choice as he like something that looks dressy yet is casual enough to do what needs to be done with functionality and appearance.

After he was dressed, he went to the female dormatory with a white stretch limo. Of course cars these days no longer have wheels, they fly with gravitational propulsion, or other means. Then he was about to send the message 'Sun, could you tell your sister I am ready when she is for our date' to his roommate Sun. When all of a sudden before he could send it a beautiful lady came walking out of the dormatory in a blue wedding dress lace applique tulle court train strapless sweetheart lace-up A-line, and heels to match. Looking like an angel, everyone looked at the two as a perfect couple where as Yue's mind went blank, then only one thought crossed his mind. 'Wow, I am the most fortunate man alive, so long as her personality matches.'

Yueliang quickly, yet elegantly walked up to her, put his hand out awaiting hers as such was the custom. She elegantly placed her hand in his own, then he slowly raised it and kissed the back of her hand while admiring her beauty. However she was barely able to move let alone think because the man of her dreams was right in front of her. Him being the most romantic man on the planet.

They then walked arm in arm to the limo. The driver opened the door and Yue helped her inside then went around with the driver to get himself in.

"Milady Xue, right?" He asked to make sure he pronounced it right.

"Yes, Lord Yueliang Haizi. I am surprised you knew my name yet alone my appearance." She said happily while blushing.

"When your brother told me your name, I instantly knew. You are actually who I was planning to ask out today, however this is my first date. Thus, please forgive me if I make a blunder. Also, I am surprise a lady of such high status as yourself would go out with me." He stated confidently yet with a hint of shyness.

Xue promptly replied. "Certainly you jest, my status is still lower than yours although my family may be the top in wealth yours is the top in everything else. In addition your family still follows Noblesse Oblige which is most honorable in my mind. Also your name means moon child right?"

"Yes milady, just as yours means beautiful snow right?"

She instantly blushed and then corrected him. "It means snow, however thank you for the compliment."

They continued talking the whole time that the date ensued. They laughed and had fun, eventually he returned her to her dormatory, then himself. He was overjoyed to have had such a surprise. 'If this is a dream I never want to wake up.' He thought to himself.

"I cannot wait to check out the shop tomorrow" He said to himself quietly while getting ready for bed. However shortly after going to sleep, he was abruptly awoken with a bag over his head....

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