
Chapter 469: Doubt

Chapter 469: Doubt

After Levi and Lili had entered his soul world, emerging inside the lake that was much larger than Levi had expected, Shane had finally found some time to take a proper look at his soul world.

While Lili was exploring everything, she scared many humans who had been focused on work, only to see a more than 20 meters long, purple-scaled serpent slithering past them.

It was an amusing sight to look at, but instead of wasting his time, Shane would rather focus on the ancient magi trees, the treants, and how exactly they planned to plant the world tree seedling as well as the several hundred magi tree seedlings.

Shane found this more interesting because planting the tree seedlings in a specific way might increase the final result by generating more mana, or less than it would usually generate!

Even if Shane wanted to help, he had no idea about agriculture, let alone the specific way on how a proper network between a world tree and more than a thousand mana generating trees was established and improved.

As such, he could only observe what the treants were doing without actively doing anything himself.

Because of that, Shane realised that he was just wasting time in which he could do something different.

Nevertheless, observing the treants had calmed him down, and it gave him the opportunity to figure out that Levi could just talk to him, even without the need for Shane to actively enter his soul world.

This was interesting, but Shane was not shocked about it as the Hidden Paradise had become his soul after it had turned into the soul world in connection to his bloodline unsealment.

There were still many things about his bloodline that were weird, yet, Shane assumed that he had figured out certain things.

His connection with Umbra had been strengthened, reaching a state that was called ‘fortified soul conjunction’ based on the Creator’s transmitted information.

Shane had yet to figure out whether his soul world was roughly the same as the Creator had stated because there was something that confused him.

According to the information he had received, a soul world shouldn’t be able to accommodate animate or inanimate beings that haven’t been bound to his soul!

As such, neither the soil, trees, constructions, humans, treants, Levi, Lili, or anything other than his soulbonds should have been able to enter his soul world.

Other than that, he was missing something that was deemed necessary to bind beasts.

What he was missing was, in fact, soul energy that should accumulate around his soul world core.

If that was enough, being confused, and maybe even worried would already be normal, but his soul world also had energy storage, and could generate energy on its own!

This was something a normal soul world shouldn’t be able to do either.

Because of these things, Shane got confused, and he wondered if it might turn into a problem in the long run.

However, recalling how the Creator had called his soul world a variant and that it had progressed further than it should normally be at his cultivation stage, Shane could only think that it might not be that bad.

At least he hoped so because he couldn’t cope with more problems right now.

There were already too many thoughts tormenting his mind, in addition to the responsibility of safely transporting more than a hundred million humans that wanted to leave with him to colonize a new planet.

While Shane and the other higher-ups of the Astral Starlight faction were happy about this, the government and the organisations backed by other races couldn’t accept the increasing popularity of the faction.

As such, they decided to turn against the faction, and ruin its goodwill and public image.

Their attacks were not direct, let alone physical, but more focused on spreading rumors saying horrifying things about them.

One of such rumors was that John Stella was recently spotted with a Dark Ice elf, or that Shane’s uncle, Cheng was a traitor who was betraying mankind, and his family just because of a woman of another race!

There were quite a few rumors about Cheng which was something Shane couldn’t understand.

His Uncle was the most loyal person he knew, and Shane was unable to understand why someone would try to tarnish his reputation.

It simply made no sense, which was exactly why he thought about the rumors concerning Cheng much more than others.

They sounded so implausible, yet had so many supporting theories that even Shane would have believed the rumors had he not known his uncle personally.

He might look cold on the outside, but Shane knew him to be the most kind-hearted and loving person.

Even if he hadn’t seen him a lot in his childhood because he was always busy, and almost never on Igra, Cheng had taught him almost everything about weaponry.

Because the short time he spent with Cheng was efficiently used, Shane was even able to learn more about the weapons of foreign races.

Uncle Cheng had always been crazy about all kinds of weapons which caused him to visit other races with unique weapons and combat styles that he wanted to learn for himself.

As such, Shane assumed the rumors to be based on this information as almost every human knew of it.

Thus, tarnishing Cheng’s reputation made others believe that it might be dangerous to colonize a new planet with a possible traitor amidst them.

However, Shane found this to be utterly ridiculous.

Excluding the fact that he knew his Uncle would never betray him, even if that was the case, there were more than a hundred million humans. 

Amongst them, there should be at least a few that could betray mankind, and even more who were likely to cause problems once they were to colonize a new planet.

It was unlikely for many to stay put once a new governing system would be established on a new planet that had yet to be explored, and everyone would feel the desire to be free and independent on said planet.

Unfortunately, everything was not as easy as it looked on the outside because Shane and the others didn’t want to prevent anyone from accompanying them just because they could be traitors.

This might as well be wrong, and Shane felt that the kinds of problems these traitors could cause were minuscule.

Once the system was to disappear, they would leave, and after that, being able to message each other would become extremely difficult, or maybe even close to impossible.

Shane didn’t know why, but the more rumors he heard about Uncle Cheng, the weirder his gut feeling became.

Only his father had had a wife, and the others were said to be married to their respective hobby or occupation.

However, somehow, Shane couldn’t really help but feel that the possibility of Uncle Cheng finding a partner from another race while searching for new, unique weapons and combat styles was not completely impossible.

‘If he found someone, and they’re threatening him to kill her, would he betray us?’

This thought was only hypothetical, but it made Shane worry more than he expected because it shouldn’t be something to be bothered about.

‘He was not around when I told everyone about receiving a wish from the Creator, so he shouldn’t know about it yet…would he prevent us from colonizing a new planet, if he had a chance to protect someone he loves?

Would another race enslave us then?’

Shane’s thoughts were running wild, and only after a few minutes did he regain his senses by slapping his cheeks.

They were turning red, and hurt a little, but Shane didn’t bother about that at all.

‘I should really stop being suspicious about everyone and everything… If Uncle Cheng finds out that I doubted him, he might as well tear me apart!!’


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