
Chapter 237 - She Can Calm the Storm

Chapter 237: She Can Calm the Storm

“Yun, you want to work with me, but this black jadeite... It’s too much to handle,” Austin was troubled.

His company could of course buy the stone as it was one of the world’s top in the jewelry business. But taking so much cash out at once would break their cash flow. Besides, jade wasn’t their main business.

“You have the right idea, for the first part. I wasn’t going to sell you the stone.”

Yun Xiangxiang knew what Austin was thinking. “I want MonRoe to announce that they have purchased this black jadeite. When the jewelry made from this is done, I’ll display it in the company. The stone still belongs to me though. If anyone wants to buy it, tell them it’s sold to someone else.”

“Yun, you have a businessperson’s mind,” Austin was thrilled at the proposal. He could agree to this proposal without the need to call a Board of Directors meeting. “Here’s to another great collaboration.”

If Yun Xiangxiang wanted to swat the harassment and attacks away, she needed to shift the attention by getting the stone off her hands,

By all means, MonRoe could afford this stone. If they could protect “The Star of Peace,” they could protect this black jadeite.

But their remaining cash would fail to support their operations. Only the people in MonRoe knew how much cash the company had. After getting rid of their traitor, MonRoe was a sturdy company now.

Once the news was announced, MonRoe’s fame would soar even higher, positioning them in a better place to expand the Asian market. With the one-of-a-kind black jadeite, they could quickly expand their jade business.

He believed that no matter if it was now or on the day of the black jadeite exhibit, droves of jade lovers would swarm.

These people would provide a sizable income by that time. And all they had to do to gain fame and fortune was help Yun Xiangxiang shift the risk.

It was like hitting two birds with one stone.

As for Yun Xiangxiang, nobody would try to harass her once Austin announced the news. And the stone was still hers. She would also be helping MonRoe build their momentum. Thanks to her being one of their shareholders, she would also reap the profits.

Song Mian called her right after she finished talking with Austin. It was noon where he was none. He heard about it from Song Yao right after he returned from the outbreak area and called her without even managing to change.

“I have arranged someone to negotiate with you. He’s an international jewelry tycoon. I’ll ask him to hold a press conference to announce his purchase of your jadeite.”

Yun Xiangxiang chuckled. “Thanks for looking out for me, Ah Mian. But I am not some defenseless weakling. I can protect myself and come up with ideas to get out of sticky situations myself.”

Before Song Mian could ask, Song Yao handed an iPad to him. The article on the screen was the release of MonRoe’s official worldwide announcement.

Yun Xiangxiang also reposted the official announcement of MonRoe China to end the storm once and for all.

Song Mian, who was bursting with anxiety, suddenly felt that everything was blown away when he saw the news.

The setting sun sprinkled its rays upon the grasslands, granting it a glimmering shade of gold. The dashing man stood there with a smile carving itself on his face. As his smile stretched, his figure was starting to be cloaked in a golden light, looking bright and dazzling.

“The fault lies with me. I underestimated what my girlfriend can do,” said Song Mian gently.

The ground was burning where he was right now. In this season, they could feel the heat even through their shoes. They had been fighting the virus the whole day.

When he dragged his tired body back only to be greeted with Yun Xiangxiang’s troubling news, Song Mian wasn’t frustrated, but he did panic. He was worried she might be in danger, which was why he came up with the fastest way to settle the problem for her.

He didn’t think much about it, but when he saw Yun Xiangxiang resolve it easily, his fatigue was washed away.

He didn’t know how to describe how he was feeling now. He only knew that if Yun Xiangxiang was beside him right now, he wouldn’t let her go from his embrace.

“I’ll let you off the hook this time. But if there’s a next time, you’re going to get it,” Yun Xiangxiang harrumphed.

Song Mian laughed in his baritone voice. He said ambiguously, “My girlfriend, and how exactly am I going to “get it”?”

She was obviously warning him, but when Song Mian twisted those words to imply something else, it made Yun Xiangxiang at a loss for words.

Wei Shanshan was giving her a teasing look right in front of her. Yun Xiangxiang gritted her teeth, “Go have your dinner. I have a lot on my plate now!”

Song Mian looked beaten up and needed to refresh himself. He ended the call.

In the blink of an eye, the rare black jadeite belonged to a company. The crowd sighed collectively. When they recalled that Yun Xiangxiang was MonRoe’s ambassador, they could only blame their luck.

They didn’t release the price of the sale. The crowd was curious. Many asked Yun Xiangxiang, but she didn’t answer them.

At any rate, Yun Xiangxiang’s fans... No, the whole world knew one thing.

Yun Xiangxiang was rich. Filthy rich.

Many of her fans were worried, “Sister Xiang, will you quit acting from now on?”

The fans only realized about this possibility when someone asked it. Thanks to that, Yun Xiangxiang’s Weibo page was filled with cries of sadness, even though it was supposed to be a happy occasion.

Yun Xiangxiang smiled wryly as she read through the comments on Weibo. Only she knew that she was still a pauper who didn’t dare to spend even ten million on a ginseng.

Yun Xiangxiang ignored it. When she thought about the tiring work tomorrow, she only wanted to wash up and have some rest.

Unbeknownst to her, the whole of Weibo was now in a heated discussion over two matters.

The first one was about some disgruntled jewelry company that posted an article, alluding to Yun Xiangxiang worshipping the West. They accused her of only wanting to sell the stone to foreigners even when China had their share of wealthy people too.

It was supposed to be a trivial issue that involved some people going through the sour grapes period.

The jewelry company probably didn’t expect Yun Xiangxiang’s enemies to use that article as a weapon to attack her.

This particular post quickly appeared in Trending on Weibo.

“What rubbish are they writing?” Wei Shanshan was disgusted as she read the post.

The other thing was about a weird guy who wrote essentially one thing under Yun Xiangxiang’s every post. The gist of it was to ask Yun Xiangxiang to donate some money now that she was rich, and not just relying on her fans’ generosity every time.

This post also made it to Trending on Weibo. Agitated Clouds started fighting with the commenter.

But there were also Clouds who thought Yun Xiangxiang should donate some of that money. That would be the fastest way to shut these haters up.

But Yun Xiangxiang didn’t have the money to donate. Even if she did, donating it or not was her choice and hers alone.

She wasn’t some pushover who would donate just because the netizens said so.

She shifted into high gear, tagging the jewelry company and throwing three deadly questions at them.

Does your company deal with sales in foreign countries?

Has your company ever bought any materials from foreign countries?

Can your company guarantee that you will never deal with foreigners?

[Hey guys, do you think these guys are stupid? They actually tried to pick a fight with our Sister Xiang.]

[These guys are nobodies. They just want to get some negative press through our goddess.]

[Our goddess will gladly grant their wish.]

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