
Chapter 313 Web Novel?

Chairman El’Taras, who had been strangely quiet about his niece and her first ever boyfriend, suddenly smiled and nodded at Monkey King in approval.

Here is a male who is confident in his self worth and in the feelings of his chosen mate.

A good fit for the externally confident but actually internally insecure Jul’Taras who doubted that she would ever find someone who could love her without fearing her.

Jul’Taras’ heart, which was rather filled with irritation due to Harold Sands’ words, suddenly melted and she could feel an deep welling up of warmth in her heart for Monkey King.

Jul’Taras blushed a deep shade of red and smiled a silly smile.

“Hehehehe. Do I? I wonder… anyway, back to my story. About the war on the Gaming Commission…”

Monkey King grinned at her affectionately and let it slide.

“Yes, please tell me about the massive war that I am about to fight against three behemoths, thank you very much.” Chairman El’Taras said wryly.

Jul’Taras grinned at her uncle widely. She was in a pretty good mood.

“Well, although I am not strong enough to use my God’s Eyes on the current ruling coalition within the three super powers, I have been rather liberal with my powers with the promising young males of all the major powers, the Central Galaxies included.

And because my God’s Eye is much weaker than yours, it doesn’t come with the same limitations as yours. I am able to use it on many, many more targets than you.”

Harold Sands frowned deeply at her words.

“Wait a minute, then the reason why Jerome Sands has been acting so strangely recently after a trip to the Central Galaxies was…”

Jul’Taras merely blinked at him and smiled angelically.

Harold Sands nearly choked with anger and frustration. Jerome Sands was one of the Sands of Time Clan’s rising stars!

“The current Crown Princes of all three Central Galaxies, as well as a number of their young Generals and Ministers are all mine.” Jul’Taras continued with her explanation of the current situation.

“This war with the Gaming Commission had all been tasked to the three Crown Princes as per their request to their fathers, and would be “attacking” us and “successfully” taking over several planets near their territories which are chock full of our long-term cells.

They will then proceed towards our HQ in the West and will “accidentally” have a falling out, during which one of the Crown Princes will be captured and “killed”.

The three galaxies will then be plunged into war, and they will be too busy to send more than a small detachment to deal with Elliot, and our new Empire.” Jul’Taras finished grandly. “How’s that for a puppeteer?”

Chairman El’Taras clapped slowly and appreciatively. “You are well and truly the best heir for my throne. I would definitely name you successor if I am not so young and still have way too many years to live.”

Next to them, Aunt Hills who had remained completely quiet at that moment suddenly giggled.

“May I ask as to what you find so funny, my dear Lady Hillary?” Chairman El’Taras frowned and asked.

“Oh nothing. I am just reading a novel which had a villain say something really similar you just said.” Aunt Hills grinned.

“Had?” Chairman El’Taras raised his eyebrow questioningly

“Had.” Aunt Hills nodded. “He died 2 chapters later.”

“Hahahaha! My daughter is a bookworm and has an overactive imagination! Don’t worry too much about her words, chairman. How could you, the universe’s largest stalker, be a mere villain and die a mere 2 chapters later?

Even if you must be a villain, you will be the mega villain that will outlive all of the heroes! You will definitely have a long life! Super long life! Ten thousand years. Twenty thousand years, even!” Harold Sands roared out with laughter while thumping the Chairman’s shoulder heavy handedly with his right hand.

Chairman El’Taras frowned deeply once more and shrugged off Harold Sand’s hand.

“Of course I am not a villain. And I won’t die for another hundred thousand years. What race is the villain who died in the novel?” Chairman El’Taras asked Aunt Hills.

“Elf.” Aunt Hills instantly replied.

“Elf? What is his name?” Chairman El’Taras’ frown deepened.

“El… Taros.” Aunt Hills said innocently.

“What?!” Chairman El’Taras’ eyes bulged out so wide that they very nearly popped out of his eye sockets! “What’s the story about?”

“Well… El’Taros is the leader of a gambling den called Gambling Commission…” Aunt Hills began.

“Preposterous!” Chairman El’Taros, I mean, El’Taras shouted. “Someone is obviously taking my life as an inspiration, and writing a novel about it!”

“Uhh, he is not the main character, so the novel is not technically about him…” Aunt His clarified.

“Preposterous! Every character is the main character in their own story! Of course he is the main character as well… Who is the author? I want to sue him for using my story without paying royalties!” Chairman El’Taras asked Aunt Hills angrily.

“Uhhh… Hahaha. Why bother suing such a small time author? Hahaha…She’s just an online web novel author who writes as a hobby about her wildest fantasies! She likes her Female Lead Main Character to have flings with evil villains… Hahaha!” Aunt Hills laughed rather awkwardly.

“Web novel? Female lead main character? Flings with evil villains?” Chairman El’Taras shook his head helplessly. Hegemons nowadays have so much free time, they actually read novels online? But he was in no place to judge. After all, he was the leader of the largest entertainment company in the whole universe…

“Anyway, back to our discussion. If you have the situation well under control for the next few months, then I suggest you get your best friends, Jessica Sands and Elliot Musk to give all they have in advancing their respective skills, while we work to replicate what they have.

Elliot’s is pretty straight forward. We will scan the known universe for more of the strange energy he is wielding. Jessica’s is much more complicated. We need to understand exactly what her Ascendant Runes do, and that would require Runic Geniuses to study them. I don’t suppose you can allow a few of our geniuses access to her Ascendant Runes?” Chairman El’Taras asked.

However, at that moment, Jul’Taras’ Void Communicator suddenly came to life from the couch behind them.

“Hey guys, you won’t believe this. Jessica’s Ascendant Rune is completely nuts! I’ve already killed that Ancient!” Came Elliot’s voice.

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