
Chapter 195 Acting Award

“What do you think?” Wu Kong asked Jul’Taras seriously.

“He’s exhibiting abnormally high levels of combat strength. The benefits brought about by the Sentient Weapon should not be this powerful. There is something that’s boosting his power on a very fundamental level.” Jul’Taras analyzed Elliot’s situation calmly.

“And so far, the only strange things that were quite inexplicable were his search for moles and the round seeds that he consumed before being attacked by Autumn Rosenbloom. If I have to wager a guess, the two events were connected. The moles brought the seeds to him, and those seeds gave him that ridiculous power boost.

Jul’Taras glanced at Wu Kong and Jessica Sands after she ended her statement.

Her subtle invitation was as clear as day. A Saharan Desert day.

“Should we go and visit Earth?” Were her hidden words.

“Are you serious Jules? That will be soo exciting!!” Jessica Sands squealed in excitement.

Wu Kong shook his head lightly.

“We would immediately lose our Diamond Sponsor status if we go. We might even get banned from the Games forever. And I have no intention of doing so. I still need to secure the Forbidden Box and also recruit him into my clan later.”

“We’ll get banned from the games forever… IF we get caught.” Jul’Taras smiled sweetly but with supreme confidence.

“It’s too risky.” Wu Kong frowned.

“Awww come on monkey. Don’t be such a spoil sport! Let’s go! I’ll get Jules to compensate you for any losses you make due to your disqualification as Diamond Sponsor. In fact, I’ll get her to double your capital and current profit!” Jessica pleaded and tempted Wu Kong at the same time.

“Hey, when did I agree to that?” Jul’Taras said indignantly.

“It’s just a few hundred or maybe a few thousand resource planets, why are you complaining?” Jessica Sands grumbled cutely at her.

“A few thousand? Ah right. Okay. I’ll compensate you ten thousand if you go. How’s that?

The Hegemon Mage that my uncle had sent is already standing by. We can also go secure that Forbidden Box and at the same time, recruit Elliot as soon as we meet him. We’re moving your goals up front and center by going. And don’t worry about getting caught at all. With me around, that would never happen.” Jul’Taras said gently as she placed one hand on Monkey’s arm in a gesture that was clearly very, very romantic in nature.

Jessica’s eyes shot wide open and her jaw dropped when she saw Jules do that!

“Whaa… What’s going on? Why are you touching him, Jules?” Jessica sputtered in shock.

“What? What do you mean?” Jul’Taras looked at Jessica innocently while still leaving her hand on Wu Kong’s arm.

“That! That! You’re putting your hand on his arm!! You NEVER touch anybody you don’t really care about! Oh my God. Are you two in love? Will you two get married soon? If you two get married, what sort of babies will you two produce? Monkeys or elves? Ahh this is so exciting!! Monkey, do you love her? Do you take her as your wife, to love and to hold, till death do you part??” Jessica was so excited that she ended up trying to officiate their wedding on the spot!

“Hmmmm.” Jul’Taras turned to look at Wu Kong to see what he would say to Jessica’s blunt question.

“When a Monkey of the Frosthaven Empire pledges his love, it will be completely and unto death, whether or not the love is requited.” Wu Kong said slowly.

“Yes. Yes. And?!” Jessica Sands started to hop in excitement.

Wu Kong smiled at Jessica and then looked at Jul’Taras tenderly.

No words needed to be said.

Jul’Taras wasn’t a giddy school girl who needed to hear explicit words to know exactly what her chosen mate was thinking and feeling. She needed no reassurance beyond that of the facts she knew for certain.

Like Wu Kong’s upright character. And the fact that he was very close to pledging his love, but he wasn’t there yet.

On the other hand, there WAS a giddy school girl there with them.

“Say it! Say it!” Jessica Sands shouted excitedly. “I wana hear it! I wana hear it now!”

Next to them, Aunt Hillary couldn’t help but chuckle and sigh very slightly. Youthful love was indeed a glorious time. She too, had beautiful memories of that season, once upon a time a very long time ago.

“Not yet.” Jul’Taras smiled at the over excited Jessica. “There is a time and place for everything.”

“Awwww. You two aren’t even married yet, and you’re already adopting his spoil sport ways! Boooo!” Jessica pouted cutely.

“Ignore her.” Jul’Taras smiled ad Wu Kong. “How about my offer though? It’ll be awesome if we can join in the fun on planet Earth. We can even try out their vaunted automobile races! I don’t think anyone can beat me when it comes to racing.”

Wu Kong laughed at her obvious plot to reel him into agreeing. But at that moment, with Jul’Taras’ many irresistable offers, and the allure of doing something exciting with her, Wu Kong was a big fat fish that was very much willing to be reeled.

“Alright, with so much generosity being thrown my way, I would be stupid to reject them.” Wu Kong finally agreed.

“YEAYYY! WE’RE GOING TO EARTH!! WOOHOO!!” Jessica couldn’t help but scream out their plans out loud for the entire room to hear!!

All three others immediately stared at her in horror.

“You… you just told the entire universe, including all of our enemies of our plans!!” Jul’Taras sputtered at Jessica in disbelief.

“Ah!! Damn it!! I just told all our enemies all of our plans!!” Jessica gasped in horror.

“Go all in. Make it look like you are telling them on purpose. That will make them not believe it instead.” Wu Kong whispered calmly.

Jessica blinked once and immediately went on to unleash an act that would have gotten her an acting award if she was an actress.

For the worst acting ever, that is.

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