
Chapter 187 Absolute Dominance

As if they planned it beforehand, the red dragon and all of his beasts suddenly let out a collective roar that was so loud it shook the entire area!




The roar unleashed by the red dragon and his beasts seemed to gain some sort of cadence that boosted the morale of their allies and instilled debilitating fear in the hearts of their enemies.

Imagine Brock.

He was a powerful beast, close to ten meters tall at that moment, and his full throated roar could literally cause the stones on the ground to vibrate and shake. The air around him would be saturated by the sound and heavy with his killing intent. Any life form facing him which was below Emperor level would be filled with dread, and if below King level, would be completely petrified with terror.

Multiply that sound a hundred fold, and increase the density of the killing intent by a factor of a thousand, and it would come quite close to the scene that was unfolding at that moment.

The roar was so horrific that the terrifying beasts that the Dark Necromancer had summoned were affected and their once gloriously intense killing intent started to dim very significantly!

Sensing that the enemy’s morale had been weakened, Elliot’s beasts immediately burst into action and charged!


Their charge shook the ground with such strength that mini fissures opened up where they passed and the very air seemed to come alive as the bloodlust emitted by Elliot’s beasts clashed with the killing intent of the Forsaken Warriors!

There was no contest.

The momentum was clearly in Elliot’s side and their bloodlust completely trampled over whatever waning killing intent was left within the hearts of the Forsaken Warriors.

The battle was half over even before a single blow was struck!

Elliot’s heart couldn’t help but glow slightly in pride.

“The core strength of a Beast Master truly lies in the number and power of his beasts.” Elliot internalized. “The more Beast Apostles I have, the more powerful I will be! I need to find more Apostles as soon as I can!”

The Beast Apostle system provided Elliot with endless benefits and at the same time, allowed him to unleash an incredible amount of firepower in battle.

In terms of benefits, each time Elliot gained a Beast Apostle, he could gain extremely unique and powerful skills which would definitely increase his utility and survivability. Although the skills would probably not exceed the damage he could bring forth via the Nameless Sword Techniques, they were still extremely good to have.

Afterall, the Nameless Sword Technique used his Purgatory Fire Energy which was not infinite and would more often than not run out in the middle of intense battles.

Having powerful system-generated skills was still extremely useful and important for Elliot!

However, the real benefit of his Beast Apostle System lies not in the skills he could get from his Beast Apostles. It was in the stat and Exp cycle.

Each time ANY member of his Beast Apostle Clans made a kill, he would receive a small amount of XP. Multiply that at maximum by twelve clans and potentially a few thousand members per clan, Elliot would be able to receive ridiculous amounts of XP without even lifting a finger!

And with such massive Exp bonuses, Elliot would be able to level up very, very rapidly. And when HE levels up, his Beast Apostles would get stat bonuses too!

The stat bonuses would make his Beast Apostles more powerful and make levelling up easier for them. And when THEY level up, Elliot would get stat bonuses from them as well.

It was a very powerful cycle of stat generation and distribution, and Elliot sat at the center of it all, slowly growing fat with XP and stats.

In terms of firepower, however, the core strength of a normal Beast Master usually lies in the strength and number of his beasts. Like what Elliot was doing at that moment, if a Beast Master were to make an appearance with ALL of his overpowered Beast Apostles, Tamed Beasts and Summoned Beasts, he would be unleashing a literal beast tide upon his enemies! Their bloodlust alone would cause immeasurable chaos upon the enemy’s morale.

However, Elliot was by no means a normal Beast Master. The firepower that HE could unleash was not merely limited to that of a normal Beast Master’s.

For starters, the newest spell he had gained from Jessica was a game-breaking blink spell which completely freed him up from movement constraints and allowed him to attack accurately, instantly and with devastating effect on the enemy’s blindspots.

Elliot had also powered up using a Red Dragon Blood Essence which unlocked the massive power potential of Red dragons and transplanted it into him, allowing him to gain access to a powerful new form of energy called the Fire Dragon Energy which was several times more potent than a normal energy.

And like pouring a boatload of oil into an already raging inferno, Elliot had also consumed mysterious Life Seeds which evolved his Dragon Energy into a higher Energy form…The Purgatory Fire Energy!

And as though it wasn’t enough, the Life Seeds also somehow triggered a rarely seen phenomena which the Divine Fighter had called “Energy Awakening”!

Incredible? Yes!

And was that all?

No! Not by a long shot! Or rather, not by 25,000 movements!

Elliot had also mastered the first stage of the Nameless Sword Technique which was perfected by a genius Hegemon, while wielding said Hegemon’s soul-infused Sentient Weapon.

All of that gave rise to an incredible situation where a King was able to effectively fight against an Emperor, and even have the means to not only contend, but rip said Emperor’s secret transformation to shreds!

Forsaken Warriors? Ha!

Babes in the woods!

With Elliot’s current power, there was only one outcome available in the fight against the Dark Necromancer’s Forsaken Warriors.

Absolute dominance.

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