
Chapter 676 - Chapter 63 Episode 12 Asura

Chapter 676: Chapter 63 Episode 12 Asura

The Black Mamba, who had been smashing his head with the wind, lost all his strength. He built a large fork lane and shoveled it.

‘Laser gun? It’s not...’

Black Mamba shook his head. The laser, which was practically used in industrial fields and medical fields, induced emission energy that was equalizing wave interference and frequency, and its focus and straightness were vital. The beam of light that Garuda fired exploded in the form of a funnel, sweeping the front of the handball court. There couldn’t be a diffuse laser.

Military powers, including the United States, strive to develop laser cannons and laser guns, but within this century, they were wrong. There were two reasons. This was because it was difficult to develop a density-of-state resonator that could amplify the potential difference, and a huge energy source and pump were required to achieve long-distance projection and destructive power.

By analogy, it was creating a Paladin self-propelled artillery-class laser cannon by combining a $1 billion optical resonator and a 100MW class power plant. There was no efficiency, but where would they use a weapon that could not be moved? It was a weapon that could not be dreamed of without Garuda equipped with a fusion reactor and a micro lattice resonator.

“Chicken is chicken, but it’s a munchkin!”

He was pleased. He knew it was going t be masterful, but he didn’t expect it to be this much. Whether it was a laser cannon or a beam cannon, they could beat and catch the enemy well. It would be trouble when someone else’s dog was wild, but it would be reassuring when your dog was wild.


“Aaaah! What-what is it??”

A scream burst from the top of the high sandstone pillars. Shocked by heart and brain, Rüppell trainer Kigoma suddenly vomited black blood. The shaman would transmit his will to Tamer through brainwave tuning. In synchrony, Tamer would share the pain and joy he feels. If the Tamer’s life was suddenly lost, the shaman would lose his life.

With trembling hands, Kigoma found the Yorunba syringe and stabbed it in his arm. Yorunba was the worst ecstasy drug, but it was also the best elixir for suppressing the excessively secreted neurotransmitter.

Kigoma, barely able to find stability, wiped his lips and looked up at the sky. There was only a single piece of black cloud in the sky and not a single beloved child. At the impact level, at least two hundred died, but there are more than three thousand Rüppells inhabiting Eagle Fortress.

“What is it, where did they all go?”

There was no way to see Rüppell, who had escaped at a height of ten thousand meters. Kigoma looked up at the sky with binoculars. White eyeballs and reddish brown beaks filled the lens.

“Ugh! That- what’s that?”

Kigoma swallowed the wind and unknowingly took a step backward. He was so startled that he almost fell from the Eagle Watchtower. He controlled binocular magnification. The black cloud was a giant bird hovering, no, a bird-like monster at a high altitude.

“Is that Bodoon, no Petro?”

He was the killer, without thinking about it. When he increased the magnification, he saw a human sitting on the head of the monster. From the moment Bodoon with a giant shovel appeared, he was in a bad mood, and then a terrible unique object and a being who was controlling it appeared.

‘Is Rüppell all dead?’

Kigoma shuddered with an ominous premonition.

[My child, where are you?]


A wave of uneasy swaying thoughts was transmitted. Kigoma increased the binocular magnification to the fullest extent. A lot of black spots were visible at an altitude of 10,000 m. At the same time as relief, anger warmed his heart. It was certain that humans or animals were sensitive to the territory.

Even Bodoon could not handle thousands of Rüppells with steel beaks and claws. Even if the monster couldn’t do anything, it was over if Bodoon even only would drop. Kigoma gave orders that he should not be done.

[Kill intruders!]

[Pitter patter]- Thousands of black dots plummeted. It was a horrible scene that a normal human would see in a dream, but the Black Mamba was relaxed. He had a powerful pesticide spreader, so what worries!

[A chicken head, or a bird head? Even if it gets hit, it flies out.]

[Shall we do the cleaning?]

[Of course. These are pests.]

[Not pests. They are just flies. Wide-area annihilation mode activated!]

[Clap] – A spherical lightning bolt went back and forth between the two horns, amplifying the quantum field. Quantum fields, which were dense enough to be seen, diffused at the speed of light. [Crack] – A magnetic field enveloped the space where the flock of Rüppells descended.

[Whizz] – The third horn emitted microwaves in the 300 GHz band. The area where Garuda set coordinates became a microwave oven, or to be more precise, a microwave oven that was 1.5 km wide. The 300 GHz electromagnetic wave, which was similar to the natural frequency of a water molecule, was fatal to living things. The water molecules that made up their organism pushed, pulled, and hit, and their body temperature soared in an instant.

[Shriek]- [Shriek] – Rüppells writhed like crazy. The body temperature that animal brain tissue could withstand was approximately 42℃. When the body temperature would rise above that, the brain tissue would coagulate like tofu. Rüppell’s writhing in the microwave ended in an instant.

[Pitter patter]- Black rain, no, the whole roasted Rüppells were pouring down. Rüppells, whose life was cut off, was barbecued while falling, by the time it fell to the ground, it was charred. The Rüppell flock, which had harassed Novatopia, disappeared in vain.

The sandstone standing area 30 km away from Bachilkile Valley, the so-called Eagle Fortress, was filled with the smell of burning protein. It was a commanding that only Munchkin Garuda could do.

“Hey! It smells good!”

Even the Black Mamba of the world forgot what to say and wrinkled his nose like he did when he passed his mother-in-law’s chicken shop.

[Pick up and eat. Humans would get cancer when they absorbed hydrocarbons.]

The chicken was so lukewarm that he meddled with it. That wasn’t what the guy who ate the radioactive Nureonna whole would say.

[Howl] – A tremendous howl shook the atmosphere. It was Ouma Rüppell, who led the Rüppell flock and raided Novatopia. The red Rüppell descended sharply. It wasn’t a crash, it was a running Poomsae.

“Hey, he’s not dead!”

The shape was a Rüppell, but it was big enough to steam a Terrorist Bird. The wingspan alone seemed to be 30m wide. Black Mamba grabbed Rakshasa’s handle and released it. There was a lackey who was doing the job well, so there was no reason to work hard.

[Chicken, catch alive it.]

[It doesn’t look delicious....]

Garuda’s taste was based on the level of radioactive contamination and the concentration of tritium.

[Let’s use the analog method.]

[Sparkle] – A white flash of light flashed from the back. A flash of light that soared like a clothesline unfolded in front of Ouma Rüppell. [Boing]-? Ouma jumped into the white trap without changing direction.

[Thud] – The trap shrunk in an instant. Ouma, caught in a trap of light, struggled to tear it apart with his spear-blade beak and claws. The trap was tightly clamped so that could catch the booty. In the end, Ouma was on the verge of being unable to do even a slight movement. Briefly captured Ouma swayed in front of Black Mamba’s eyes.

[It is doing all the tricks!]

[There’s still a lot left.]

Garuda shrugged.

If there was a guy who would gain, there was also a guy who would lose.

“Ugh~ Mahaduraka!”

Mardu fell from Kigoma’s hands.

Thanks to the injection of Yorunba, he escaped from psychic impact, but another impact wave hit. Even Grandfather Bodoon could not burn and kill three thousand Rüppells at once and capture Ouma, who had no opponents.

The monster-bearing being was Mahaduraka, the Great Spirit who rolls the world like a scroll and judges the soul. Kigoma hurriedly pulled out the mennang. Only the thought of letting Houngan know the reality of Mahaduraka filled his head.


Hamada (rock desert), located 120 km from the Bachilkile Valley in the direction of Sudan, was the eastern boundary of the Ennedi Plateau. The rock region where a clump of grass couldn’t be seen was torn entirely and turned over. His whole body was blood-stained, leaned against a red rock, and gasped. It was Ssamdi, who smashed the deflector in the Vine Erg and eagerly waited for Kamuge.

Ssamdi’s appearance was unbearable to see. His chest was wide open, revealing his intestines, and his breath grew harsh like a bellows from his half-severed throat. There was not a cloth left in his clothes. It was the result of fighting and being chased until the night and day change four times after starting the battle at Vine Erg, and they have been pushed to the end of the Ennedi Plateau.

“Damn it!”

He threw away the scrap metal machine gun and stared at Kamuge, who was sitting on a rock. Ouma, who resembled a gorilla, was strong, but his combat power was lower than that of himself. The problem was the Kamuge that intervened with each decisive blow.

He used all sorts of cruel magic, such as blindfolding with magic, grabbing his legs, or creating an empty space to lose their balance. A slight handicap turned into a big blow when the air was exchanged like a flash. Originally, he was supposed to hit two and get hit with one, but he got hit with one and got hit with two.

“Samedi, stop surrendering. Let’s create a great Damballah World with me. You deserve it.”

A spirit called Barong Samdi or Barong Samedi was the chief spirit that rules over the Iwa of Death. Kamuge’s mentor Odam summoned Samedi and possessed Ssamdi.


Ssamdi pretended he didn’t hear it and tried his best to regenerate his broken body. Somehow the guy said the same thing dozens of times without making a single mistake. He was tired of even listening.

“Samedi, you don’t even know who you are, do you? You’re the Zombie Samedi of Damballah Wedo. The great teacher Odam raised you from the dead and gave you the name Samedi. You’re not human Ssamdi, you’re zombie Samedi.”

Kamuge sincerely coveted Samedi. Gori and Leela could not reach Samedi in their overall combat power, and in terms of utility value, they could not even be compared. It was amazing to be an intelligent zombie with the strongest combat power. Even God couldn’t bring zombies back to humans. He wanted to madly know how he regained his ego and how he became strong.


Ssamdi kept pretending he didn’t hear. He wanted to smack the snout, but he had to recover his strength even a little bit when they gave me a break.

“Samedi, give up. If you want to kill, you’ve already killed. It’s no use trying to make time. Rousseloufe’s nails and toenails had a poison that destroys cells. Your patience is great. I really covet it.”

“Shut up! A coward who ran away barefoot, a bastard who didn’t even have time to get caught in his master’s claws, only his snout was alive and fluttering. I’m gonna slice starting with your spout.”

Impatient Ssamdi growled.

“You rude zombie bastard! Amule Amule Bakan, Whisper of Damballah! You are Samedi, Samedi, servant of the Great Odam, obey. Slave of the great Damballah. You are Samedi Samedi Samedi ~”

Kamuge memorized a dreary spell. [Tak tak tak] – Mardu’s skeleton moved its jaws. Samedi, who was summoned by Kamuge, found a place to rest and took control of Ssamdi’s brain furtively.


Ssamdi grabbed his head. It felt like his thoughts were paralyzed and his brain turned black like ink, something unknown was pushing his mind away. He was terrified.

“Ohm~ Namora Namora Alya Damora~”

Samdi recited the Mind Centering Technique taught by his great master. The darkened mind was revived. Black Mamba, the owner, master, and the great master who made him a perfect human, the lovely Edel, the friendly Jin Soon, and the cute Mina came to mind in turn. He also remembered the stupidly innocent Pygmy tribe.

Would the little friends still shout that ‘Ssamdi Kinito Uduma! (Praise Ssamdi!) in front of their wooden statue. Ssamdi’s eyes got wet. Zombies had only pain and anger, but how exciting and happy was human life!

“I’m not a zombie Samedi. I’m human Ssamdi.”

The desert rumbled with a loud shout. Ssamdi~ Ssamdi~ Ssamdi~ The towering giant rock returned the echoes. [Ahh] – Samedi, who was trying to be possessed, was pushed away.

“Arghh, what kind of shriveled bastard turned that guy into a human!”

Kamuge, who cast a spell, was in a bad mood. It was crazy to see the magic that seemed to work every time.

“The vulgar shaman baboon dares to curse his master!”

[Pat] – Angry Ssamdi kicked the ground and ran. [Whiz] – The bubble wrap split the air.

[Creak] – The object moved faintly. [Bang] – His hairy arms, as thick as an adult’s torso, blocked the bubble wrap. The blade cut into half of her forearm, but Leela didn’t budge. [Bam] – Ssamdi, who was kicked in the stomach by an island-like kick, flew away like a bale of straw that had been threshed. Leela stood by Kamuge’s side as if nothing had happened.

“Dirty shaman asshole, I’ll kill you!”

Ssamdi woke up.

“Gori, grab him!”

[Pat]- A three-meter-tall, muscular monster rushed like a tank.

“Let’s see the end!”

Ssamdi also ran likewise. [Boing] – The bubble wrap, which had fallen on the top of the head, bounced off. Two-character-long fingernails flew past the bubble wrap with ease. [Bang- bang]- [Boing- boing]- The rocks and the ground suffered again.

In terms of strength and regenerative power, Gori was superior, and in speed and combat skills, Ssamdi, who had mastered the golden ball, was superior. Two monsters have been fighting for 5 days without resting, but they were still energetic.

“Heh heh, it will be over soon!”

Kamuge smiled badly. Samedi started pouring in. Rousseloufe regenerates instantly unless destroyed in a single blow, but zombies have no regeneration ability. Samedi, who had a solid regenerative capacity, was a unique being.

Samedi was more coveted than Novatopia. No, if Samedi would be in their hands, Novatopia was easy to get. With Novatopia as a stepping stone, it was possible to build the world of Damballah and become the king of the world. Just thinking about it was making him feel bad. The mennang trembled.


Kamuge, who had lost his excitement, asked bluntly.

Ennedi Plateau Eagle Fortress. Rüppell’s habitat.

Eagle Fortress Watchtower

Inside Bachilkile Valley

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