
Chapter 208

At sunset, round tents were propped everywhere and smoke whispered into the air. The knights and soldiers had bright expressions. After all, this was the first camp they set up after leaving on the expedition. Furthermore, they had plentiful supplies, so everyone was given chicken vegetable stew, soft bread, smoked meat, and even a bit of wine. It was a stark contrast from the dark rye bread and the thick porridge usually given to soldiers on an expedition.

The same food was served to the southern nobles and the landlords who joined the coalition forces, and most people accepted it without a word. But not everyone was happy with the arrangements.


“Huh? What is this?”

“This is… dinner.”

The servant hesitated and carefully put the plate down on the table. The plate consisted of two slices of bread, some smoked chicken legs, and a hot steaming stew full of meat and vegetables.

Altien’s landlord, Jian, was clearly displeased at the sight. He replied with a frown.

“What? Are you telling me to eat this?”

“Yes… Well, all of the knights of the 7th and the 11th regiment are eating the same thing. For the nobles, they have specially prepared chicken legs and put lots of meat in the stew…”


“Crazy bastard! I am from the prestigious family of Berdo of Altien! Are you really telling me to eat this crap!?”

Jian kicked the table while screaming.

“First you give me a shabby tent like this! And now you are giving me the same flimsy food as the damn commoners?”


The servant hurriedly retreated with his head down. He knew his master’s spasmodic personality very well.


“Damn it all…”

Jian stomped on the table once more before gritting his teeth. He had been forced to join the coalition regardless of his intention, which had been bad enough, but now they were treating him like a measly commoner with the tent and the food. He could hardly calm his anger.

‘Even if it is for a few days, I cannot tolerate it.’

When the boiling anger did not subside, Jian jumped up from his seat.

“Hmph! How dare they treat me like this! I won’t take this anymore!”

“No, Lord Jian, it’s…!”

Jian promptly strode out of the tent, and the servant hurriedly followed behind.

“Hmph! It’s evident by the way that they are treating me. I come all this way to help out the coalition, and they dare treat me like… Hmm?”

Jian huffed and hurried to the meal distribution center, then stopped at a certain sight. At a long table right next to the meal line up, a knight was seated and conversing with the dozens of soldiers while eating his meal.


A shocked expression appeared on Jian’s face.

Surprisingly, commander-in-chief Moraine and the other commanders of the coalition were casually eating together at a table that was full of ordinary soldiers. Moreover, they were partaking in the same food that he had complained over just before.

“What is…. Heuk?”

His eyes grew even larger in astonishment.

Two particular individuals were taking their seats opposite Viscount Moraine after receiving their food. It was Duke Pendragon and his knight Elkin Isla.

“Mmm, the food tastes very good. I cannot believe that I am enjoying this luxury in the field. I can’t tell whether I am going on a field trip or on a war.”

“I agree completely. As expected of the famous southern cuisine. If we feed our kids like this every day, they will probably want to stay in the army for the rest of their lives.”

Raven spoke with a satisfied expression, and Viscount Moraine replied with a grin as he tore off a chicken leg.

“We should indulge when we can. When we get to the Great Forest, we will only have jerky and porridge to go off of.”

“Even that is a feast! Isn’t it much better than chewing on raw fish heads?”


The surrounding nobles and knights burst into laughter at the words of Viscount Moraine. They could not tell if he was joking, however, as he spent most of his time fighting on the sea or islands.

“W, what is…”

Jian’s expression crumpled at the sight.

A duke of the empire and a viscount, who was also the commander-in-chief of the coalition, were eating the same food in the same place as ordinary foot soldiers and knights.

It was a disturbing, shocking sight for Jian, who had spent his entire life strictly abiding by status and prestige. Maybe it was possible to dine with the common knights, but it was unimaginable for a noble to eat with the commoners.

Furthermore, it was apparent that some of the southern nobles and knights had built up a friendship with Viscount Moraine and Duke Pendragon. They were laughing and conversing casually with the two esteemed figures.

’Damn them. They are already aiming to receive distinction after the expedition.’

And he was not the only one who thought as such.

A few other nobles had also come rushing to the food distribution center with similar reactions. They were all looking at the scene with flustered expressions.

“Sir Jian?”

“Ah, Sir Toldo…”

The few nobles met each other’s gazes and nodded before quietly forming a group and leaving together. Raven observed the scene with a subdued expression, then gestured towards a soldier.

The soldier saluted silently, then quickly headed towards where Jian and the others had disappeared off to.

“They must be planning to get started.”

“This is faster than I expected. Let us observe for now.”

Raven responded with a grin at Viscount Moraine’s whispers.


“Damn! They have already started forming into factions!”

Jian burst into anger, and the others voiced their agreements.

“Hmph! To think they would cling to Duke Pendragon and the commander like a little rat.”

“All of them were from lands nearby the Great Forest, and they only provided soldiers in the hundreds.”

“I am certain that they are trying to use our own soldiers as scapegoats to take all the credit for themselves. Trying to suck up to the duke and the commander like that.”

Ironically, all of the grumbling people had only contributed very few soldiers to the coalition.

‘Hm, they are all just like me.’

Jian nodded after he looked over the small group. Those gathered in his tent shared in the fact that they had only contributed dozens of soldiers at best.

Their reasoning would be the same as well.

They had joined in the coalition because they were afraid of the monster armies trampling through the nearby lands of the Great Forest and continuing on to their own territories, but they were only pretending to help because of their wariness for the Arangis Duchy.

‘Good. Good.’

Jian gave a satisfied smile inwardly, then spoke with a serious expression.

“Sirs, I do not think that destroying the monsters is the immediate issue.”


“What do you mean by that?”

Everyone showed interest, and Jian continued. They had taken the bait.

“Could you not tell from the march today? Why do you think they placed the 7th and the 11th regiment at the forefront?”

“Well, because they are the main force of the coalition, right? Even when we arrive near the Great Forest, they…”

“Tsk, tsk! You are too naïve. Do you really think they will maintain the same formation as today when we come to face the monster armies?”


A noble responded with a shocked expression, and Jian continued with cold eyes.

“I guarantee. Tomorrow, we will be placed at the forefront once we venture into Blago territory. You ask why? Because Baron Nathan, Blago’s lord, is the nephew-in-law of His Excellency Arangis.”

“But what does that have to do with putting our forces at the forefront?”

Someone asked with a confused expression, and Jian replied while thumping his chest.

“Haah…! This is frustrating. How frustrating! Think about it. Do you think Duke Arangis will just stand by and watch as the combined forces of Duke Pendragon, Governor-General of El Pasa, and the 7th regiment stride through the south? Especially in his nephew-in-law’s territory? And do you think Duke Pendragon and the commander-in-chief do not know this fact?”


The expressions of those gathered finally began to change.

“To get to the Great Forest, you must pass through Blago. In addition, all the territories nearby this area belong to lords with relations to Baron Nathan or the Ocean King. There is no guarantee that nothing will happen. Do you understand?”


Everyone’s expressions hardened.

“As you all know, there is only one way to the Great Forest from Blago. Moreover, the way is situated along a cliff. What do you think will happen if we are attacked in such a place? What do you think will happen if the lead force is separated from the main army?”


They did not have to think to know. It was a basic military tactic to separate the leading and the main forces when attacking a large group on a single path.

“T, then what should we do? According to Sir Jian’s words, they will certainly send us to the forefront starting tomorrow…”

The gathered characters had fearful expressions, and Jian spoke in a quiet voice with a serious expression.

“That is why I contemplated the issue. Just in case, if something like that were to happen, then we have no choice but to…”

Jian’s voice sank down to a whisper.

But he never even imagined that someone was listening to his words outside the tent, where the quivering fire was dimly illuminating the surroundings…


“Welcome back, Your Excellency.”

“Keep up the good work.”

Raven patted the guard on the shoulders before entering his tent. Aside from the flag of the Pendragon Duchy, his residence was no different from the tents of other common knights.

“Let me help you take off your armor, Your Excellency.”

“No, there is no need. By the way, when John Gale comes to see me, let him in right away. You do not have to report his presence.”

John Gale was the name of the soldier Raven sent at the dinner earlier.


When the soldier left, Raven took off his armor and sat down on a chair. He reached for a small bowl to scoop up some cold water from a large basin, which was prepared by the guard earlier, then poured it over his head.


Feeling the cool sensation clear his head, Raven roughly washed his hands and face.

Someone’s voice called from outside.

“Your Excellency.”

“Hm, yes.”

Raven pulled back the entrance to the tent, thinking that the soldier had returned faster than expected.


But a frown appeared on his face at the unexpected sight.

“Ah, Your Excellency! Well…”

The guard became flustered when the duke opened the entrance himself, but that was not the cause for Raven’s frown. There was a person calmly standing next to the flustered guard, but it was not John Gale, the soldier Raven had been waiting for.

“How do you do, Your Excellency. I apologize for interrupting you at such a late hour.”

The figure spoke in the imperial dialect, but with a unique, but strangely pleasing southern accent. It was none other than Iriya Mandy. Perhaps due to her clear black eyes, Iriya’s face displayed a different intellectual charm than the mainland ladies.

She was dressed in a thin shirt, pants, and brown boots, like those worn by men. Even so, she was definitely beautiful.

“What is it?”

Raven asked in a rather blunt voice, but Iriya replied with a calm smile.

“I apologize. I had something to discuss so I took the liberty of coming here. Could you spare me a moment?”


Raven silently observed Iriya for a moment, then soon nodded slowly. He realized that the eyes of the guard and the passersby were headed towards them.

“All right. Come on in.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

Iriya Mandy was the daughter of the south’s tycoon, the lady who was called the flower of El Pasa. She entered Raven’s tent without hesitation.

“You can sit here.”

“Yes, thank you.”

Iriya sat down with her back straightened. She exuded a more beautiful and strange charm when she reflected the dim light of a lamp.

“So. What did you want to discuss?”

But Raven’s gaze was steadfast as he looked at her.

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