
Chapter 186 Cleanse


Nothing happened.

The tube didn\'t move at all and remained perfectly stable.

Dorian stared at it in consternation for a moment before his eyes flashed, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Ah, like this. Of course." He pulled on the Sealing Tube again, this time infusing it with energy from his Soul Spell Matrix, activating it.


Immediately, Dorian felt a wave of energy swarm over his body. The tingling sensation he got from the electrifying flow of energy was heightened, expanding to a throbbing burn. Despite the pain, however, Dorian could tell that he wasn\'t being injured. If anything, the energy that was swarming around him was actually healing any minor injuries he still had, protecting him.

It was almost as if the energy was a part of him and didn\'t want to harm him. It was comfortable, though the sheer amount of it stretched the limit of his tolerance.

Meanwhile, the world around Dorian began to undulate. Bright sparkles of red, green, and blue energy appeared in the air, streams of pure light that glowed with mystical power.

The air itself began to vibrate.

"Arrrrgh!" Dorian groaned out loud as he felt his body become so full of energy it was painful. A virtual explosion of energy and light blasted out from his body.

Despite the incredible quaking of energy, the dais and throne he was standing on remained unchanged. The castle walls, roof, everything was undamaged.

It was only the sensation of energy that could be felt, brutal waves of power bursting free and filling the air.

\'I need to control this! I need to let it out gradually!\'

In Dorian\'s mind, a mental image of the world being held down by thousands of chains could be seen. When he pulled this Sealing Tube out, around 15% of the chains had started to pull back with it, trembling.

This trembling had manifested in reality as a powerful wave of energy, shaking the air.

Dorian realized the seriousness of the situation as he maintained his Perfect Body state, taking several deep breaths as he concentrated fully on controlling the Sealing Tube.

Distinctly, he could feel the Sealing mechanism that the Tube controlled. It was as if his awareness had been thrust into this weird Artifact-Spell hybrid, giving him complete control over it. He could instinctively tell that it was something he was unable to absorb, an abnormality in itself.

\'I need to gradually pull the Tube all the way out… the more I pull it, the tighter those chains will be. They will reach their maximum level of tension right as it\'s about to be fully removed…\'

The Sealing Tube was planted firmly in the floor of this raised dais. However, through some type of Magic, it was as if the Tube was planted in reality itself. By pulling it out of its spot, Dorian was functionally breaking the effect of the Sealing Tube.

When it was fully removed…

All the chains that it controlled would snap like twigs.

Down below the dais, where all the Shades and Mello were currently waiting, it was as if a concussive blast had knocked them all to the ground. Most of them were clutching their heads, even Mello, as they blearily looked around.

The world around them was shaking, the very fabric of reality vibrating.

"Arrrgh!" Dorian grunted again as he slowly pulled, his arms screaming at him. He felt like he was trying to drag a huge, enormous mountain using his bare hands.

Despite that, inch by inch, he made progress.

The world around him began to fluctuate more and more. The air began to feel stretched out, as if a huge amount of tension was building. A deep, inborn fear in him began to rise as he felt like he was about to be hit with an enormous blow.

It was kind of like stretching out a rubber band, back on earth. Eventually, that rubber band was either going to break or you were going to have to let go of it. Either way, a large amount of tension and force would build up.

"Almost there…" As the force grew, Dorian\'s control grew alongside it. The more he felt the energy tugging at him, the easier he found it to control the Sealing Tube and remove it. It was like his soul was adapting to the strain, perhaps something to do with his existence as an Anomaly.


Finally, Dorian felt the Sealing Tube reach the very tip, pulled almost all the way out. By this point, the world around Dorian was a crescendo of violent energy, cascading in the air and all about. Explosions of light and sound echoed around him, blinding and deafening.

As all of this built up, Dorian made one last final jerking motion.

He pulled the Sealing Tube fully out.


Immediately, the mental image in Dorian\'s mind had shattered as the Sealing Tube he was holding in his hand fell to dust. Before the image dissipated, Dorian could just barely see a multitude of the massive chains being pulled to their very edge, tightened beyond reason as they impossibly tensed up for one more brief second…

...and then snapped.

The world around Dorian changed.

In a single, heart-pounding second, the terrifying feeling of tension, the fluctuating waves of energy, the chaotic lights and sounds…

All of that vanished in an instant.

The sudden and abrupt absence was incredibly jarring, one that shocked Dorian. He stood frozen atop the dais, his eyes widened as he looked at the world around him.

Slowly, his eyes widened even more as he realized something, a smile appearing on his face.

\'I can sense the presence of the Laws of the Universe.\'

He had done it. The world around him… the presence of the various Laws of the Universe had been restored.

As he sensed this, he drew upon some of the Laws, feeling energy swell from them. He frowned slightly,

\'It\'s not completely fixed… I still can\'t fully use the Laws.\' He noted.

\'Still, at least right here in this part of Moria, it\'s possible to use maybe 40% or 50% of any Law effectively. Far more than before.\' He made a rough estimate, his fine senses able to keenly pick out minor details.


A ripping sound caught his ears, causing him to turn around.

Right where the throne was, set just in front of it, a three meter tall, dimly glowing white portal had appeared.

A faint, trembling tear in space that led to another location.

As Dorian looked at it, he felt an odd connection to it. He instinctively knew that if he entered this portal... it would bring him to another place on Moria.

To a dais just like this one, with a Sealing Tube and whatever Inheritance the Demon Emperor had left behind…

His eyes widened as he realized this.

\'This… this is a lucky chance that might catapult my strength! This might be my ticket! If I can clear out all the Sealing Tubes, not only can I cleanse Moria for real, cementing my reputation and fully protecting Helena and myself, I can also greatly enhance my strength!\' The thoughts flew through his mind, excitement burning in him.

As he realized this, he heard loud cheers echoing in the air. He broke off his chain of thoughts, walking over to the edge of the dais. He stood on the very top step, looking down the 100 steps towards where the Shades and Mello were.


"Look! He\'s cleansed part of Moria!!"

"He is the legend!"

"Praise the Great Hero!"

Cheers and shouts of joy swarmed through the air up at Dorian as devout faces all stared at him, full of glee. Shades danced for joy, celebrating. Even Dorian couldn\'t help but smile as he saw this, feeling their festive mood.

He began to walk down the stairs, headed towards the Shades. He couldn\'t leave through the portal without talking to them first, after all.

\'The pressure, it\'s still here?\' His eyes narrowed as he saw this. The pressure that forced people down the stairs remained, even with the greatly increased ability to sense the Laws of the Universe.

In just a few short moments, he reached the cheering crowd of Shades. All of the warriors looked at him with worship in their eyes.

"Holy Highlord!" Captain Fabian rushed forward, his voice half rushed as he bowed.

"You have done it! You have cleansed Moria!"


More cheers echoed out from the onlooking Shades.

"Only partially." Dorian held up his hand and shook his head, his voice calm.

"I have managed to weaken and break some of the chains that bind Moria, but I did not shatter all of them. You all should be able to sense this, through the Laws of the Universe." His tone was deep and commanding.

All the celebrating Shades paused and then nodded, including Fabian. They were all experts. The fact that they could only draw on half their strength was not something they would miss.

"But the progress you made, Lord Inigo, does that mean we can keep going? That we can cleanse Moria entirely?!" Fabian\'s voice boomed as he spoke, his attempt at a subtle whisper a miserable failure.

Dorian paused for a moment, glancing at the Shades. They were all watching him attentively.

"It is possible." He began. Immediately, hushed gasps of excitement spread about the room. Before things got out of hand, he steadily added,

"But to achieve it… I must take this challenge on my own. I have learned of the Magic that Seals Moria and I can unravel it, but you all will be of no help to me here. Your journey was in escorting me this far safely, fighting off the Demonic remnants." His voice was loud and commanding, convincing every Shade onlooker of its truthfulness,

"You all, my loyal soldiers, must return back to Shaptle, to prepare to receive my victorious return. You must safeguard my lovely wife and ensure her safety while I destroy the last chains that hold down Moria." His every word boomed in the air, infused with his Fate-twisting soul\'s will.

There was a brief pause as all the Shade\'s stared at him wide-eyed in shock.

Hesitantly, Fabian queried,

"Is there no way we can help you, Holy Highlord?" His voice was full of reluctance.

"No. I can only move onward alone from here, you all must leave me behind."

The Shades took everything he said as complete truth, none of them daring to question his words. Their faith in Dorian had long since reached an absolute level. Yukeli would be proud.

Gradually, the Shades all rumbled in agreement as Dorian directed Fabian to begin to retreat.

The Shades that had been exploring the other pathways and scooping up treasure had already returned, bringing the rare valuables with them. They hadn\'t run into any trouble.

As a group, they all worked together, preparing to leave the castle.

In the midst of this direction, Mello slunk over to stand near Dorian, eyeing him with an unknown emotion. He held out his hand to Dorian, greeting him with a warm smile.

"Go on ahead without me. I am going to create a ritual to help me track down Fifteen. We\'ll probably end up at the same place, eventually." Mello sent him a message that was shielded by energy as he shook his hand.

"Best of luck, Lord Inigo." He said out loud for everyone else to hear. All the Shades nodded, their eyes fervent.

Dorian turned back towards the staircase and began to walk forward, his footsteps confident. The Shades had all finished organizing by this time and were ready to leave.

He climbed back up to the top of the steps, his shoulders proud and unbroken. He looked like a hero from legend, challenging higher powers.

At the top of the stairs, he turned and faced the crowd of onlookers.

"I, Inigo Montoya, will cleanse the rest of Moria! Prepare for my return, my loyal Liberation Force!" He declared loudly, his voice full of Valor.


"Great Hero!!"

"Holy Highlord!"

Dorian stepped back away from the edge, his face impassive.

After he left their field of view, he exhaled slightly. The stress of maintaining his image for so long had taken its toll on him. It was a relief to back away from it, even if it was just temporary.

\'I should probably don a different form if I am going to be sweeping through the other castles. Probably something more Demonic.\' His eyes flashed as he considered the thought, nodding.

Not a second later his Shade body shifted and transformed, turning into his powerful Balance Demon form. Dorian smiled cheerfully as he took up the form, flexing his fingers.

"Ahh…" This form was significantly stronger and tougher than his Shade form was. He hadn\'t used this form in a while and had missed the far stronger capabilities it held.

Then, without hesitation, Dorian walked up to the glowing portal that floated just in front of the throne. He eyed it for a moment before stepping forward, walking fearlessly into the portal.


A flash of light blinded Dorian\'s eyes and, a second later, he vanished, teleporting away.

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

"Mistress of Lust?! What are you doing here?"

"My Lodestone brought me here, Radishow… It was supposed to bring me to the Castle of Lust, I would never have come to this filthy place on purpose."

Two voices could be heard, arguing loudly in the middle of a large, mostly empty circular chamber. At the center of this chamber, a large, raised platform could be seen, with exactly 100 carved stone steps leading up to it, a set of stairs that went up to the platform on all sides.

At the center of this platform was a stone tube, covered by a metal grate, and a bit farther behind that, a large, stone throne.

Two figures could be seen, one a man and one a woman, arguing with each other. Each figure was covered in shadows, making their appearance seem illusory and vague.



A shuddering, echoing noise rang out, one that sounded like the fabric of space itself was tearing.

Both of these figures turned, shock painted on what was visible of their faces, as they looked at the source of the noise.

A large, glowing blue portal had appeared, in the center of the inner sanctum of the Castle of Gluttony.

"Oof!" A new figure tumbled head over heel out of the portal, landing in an unceremonious heap on the stone floor.

Dorian struggled to his feet, brushing off his shoulders as he took in his surroundings. He froze as he looked up, staring at the two figures in front of him.

The two figures stared back.

Dorian blinked.

"Uh, hello there."


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