
Chapter 173 Confrontation

The wind beat against Dorian's chest like an ominous drum, setting the air around him aflutter. He took several deep breaths as he looked out past the edge of the Flying Ship, gazing down upon the ground beneath him.

'Time seems to flow by so quickly…' He muttered, feeling a little sad. His life had been full of non-stop action the past few weeks, all chaos and rush. He longed for the days back on Earth where he had lived life slowly, taking it easy.

He blinked, swiveling slightly as he went on alert. He spread his senses out, trying to detect any approaching Anomalies.

He sighed.

'I can't think of any other ways to feel Fifteen's presence.'

His mind went back to the conversation he had had with Helena, just a few hours prior.

Originally, Dorian had planned on keeping the fact that he had fought with Fifteen a secret from Helena. He wanted her to fully focus on healing and rest, without having anything to distract her.

Unfortunately, Helena seemed to have the same innate intuitiveness that most of the women in Dorian's life back on Earth had, able to ferret out even the smallest secret. He'd given in to her queries and told her about the battle, explaining the risks Fifteen posed and the threat he'd thrown at Dorian.

Helena had ended up stumped as well after she heard more about Fifteen's Grey Mantor form.

'How do you detect something that can walk outside of Fate itself?' He shook his head. The question was truly too difficult to answer. Maybe a genius Fate Wizard or powerful Angelic expert would have an answer, but for someone at Dorian's level, there seemed to be no solution.

The only thing Dorian could think of was the fact that he could automatically detect an Anomaly when it came close to him.

It was true that Grey Mantors couldn't be seen by Fate. When it was Faded, even Dorian was unable to detect its presence. At the same time, however, it was impossible for the Grey Mantors to see or detect anyone else as well.

Therefore, before a Grey Mantor attacked, it would need to resurface for a split instant, to figure out where exactly it was. Of course, it was possible the Grey Mantor would stay Faded and try to predict everything ahead of time, but such foresight and precision would require an essentially impossible level of planning.

'In the instant that he appears, I can detect his presence and use that moment to block whatever attack he launches.' He nodded his head at the thought. It was the only possible defense that seemed to exist, at least for him.

There was a reason the Grey Mantors were feared as vicious predators. If their own corrosive blood didn't essentially wipe out their race by killing their young, the powerful beings would no doubt be an extremely deadly threat in the modern 30,000 Worlds.

"If it's not possible to do anything else, then just ignore it and focus on things you can deal with." Helena's words of advice had stuck to him.

After thinking about it, he'd settled back down into meditation and had an epiphany of sorts. When he let everything go, it became almost too easy to meditate and focus on the Laws. It felt like his mind was coming in tune with the world around him, his unique soul making it easier than ever.


Laws Progress


Law of Valor: 25%

Law of Mercy: 20%

Law of Charity: 5%

Law of Greed: 22%

Law of Wrath: 40%


In a single night, he had made enormous progress across the board in regards to his understanding of various Laws.


Dorian - Soul Status

Soul Stage: Lord Class (Pseudo-King)

Health: Perfect

Energy: 215,282/218,602


The strength of his soul had increased substantially as well, especially when his understanding in the Law of Wrath hit 40%. The moment that occurred, Dorian had felt his soul seem to expand slightly, drinking in energy like it hadn't before.

He had officially reached the Middle of Lord Class in his understanding of the Law of Wrath, a substantial achievement.

After he reached that point, he'd stopped meditating and come up on deck for a breath of fresh air. Even if he was obsessed with training, he still needed time off from it. Otherwise he'd go insane just from the monotony of constantly studying Laws.

"Lord Inigo! We are beginning our descent! We should arrive in Cracktyl in just a few minutes!" One of the Lord Class Mystic Martial Artists informed Dorian, the man's voice carrying over the rushing wind.

Dorian waved his hand behind him, acknowledging the information. He kept looking out at the world rushing by, unable to quite describe the emotions he felt.

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

"How dare you speak to the Holy Highlord like that! I don't care who you are, I, Fabian of the Spear, a glorious Captain of the Moria Liberation Force, will silence you!" An earthshaking shout rumbled out of the bushy-mustache-bearing Fabian's mouth as he stepped forward, swinging a long, black spear out in front of him.

Dorian looked at the Shade Captain, and then at the other Shades that were blocking their way, resisting the urge to throw up his hands in frustration.

'How did it end up like this!?'

A few minutes ago, Dorian and Helena, and the rest of their makeshift army, had been flying down towards the city of Cracktyl, their journey at an end. Their arrival was smooth, with no errors or unexpected situations.

They had disembarked as a whole, from the boarding area for Flying Ships near the north side of the city.

As they landed, Dorian had gotten his first look at the powerful city.

Cracktyl, unlike many other cities, didn't have a massive wall. Instead, it had a lowly wall that was only about 5 meters high, built out of aged stone. It was a wall that was thousands of years old, maintained with Magic and considered a relic by people in the city.

Shaptle was a Normal World. Apart from some of its unique wildlife like the irritatingly widespread Warping Turkeys, there weren't many powerful beasts that could be found, at least not anywhere near Cracktyl. As a result, the city and those around it flourished.

Cracktyl was an independent City-State that was jointly operated by the Golden Moon Mercenary Alliance and the Shadow Duke of the South. Experts from both powers guarded it, largely in part due to the lucrative Superior Auction that was held here.

Only two Superior Auctions could be found in the lands of the Shade Commune. Each one drew considerable attention and fame. Rare Artifacts, Natural Treasures, and more were commonplace, pulling in the eyes of many Lord, King, and rarely even Pseudo-Angelic Class experts.

As Dorian arrived, he was greeted with cheers. As usual, word of his travel had flown ahead of him. The general populace was ecstatic to see him, breaking out into singing and hymns.

What he found odd, however, was that there wasn't a delegation here to meet him. In a city of such importance, there was not a doubt in his mind that the higher-ups would be well informed and know he was coming. If it had happened in a minor city, it wouldn't have crossed his mind, but being ignored here… it felt rather odd.

It wasn't that he felt slighted. Far from it, he was glad to avoid the attention. His cover had grown far too popular for his liking, exceeding any reasonable expectations he had placed.

As they moved fully off the ship, Helena carried carefully in her palanquin as she continued to rest, the reasons for this became clear.

"I respect the wisdom you may hold, Fabian of the Spear, and I have heard of your name. However, I stand by my words." A thin, reedy looking Shade could be seen with his arms crossed, shadowy essence rising off the Dark Points all Shades had on their hands as he crossed gazes with Fabian. On the reedy Shade's back was an enormous cauldron, one that dwarfed him in size. He had short black hair and a thin face, not looking anything like a fighter.

"I am the greatest Warrior-Alchemist to have ever lived, Bayran Handsworth. It is my duty as a Shade to uncover those I believe are spreading lies." A powerful, and sharp, King Class Aura burst out around the Shade, causing the air to shiver.

Dorian's eyes widened slightly as he recognized parts of that Aura, calling to mind a Vampire that he knew. The Vampire Swordmaster Probus, a friend of Helena's.

'That is… the Law of Cutting? From… an Alchemist? I don't see a sword...' He stared.

Behind the Alchemist stood several other Shades, some dressed in armor while others wearing a variety of robes. Dorian scanned all of them, not letting a hint of emotion appear on his face.


Species: Shade

Class - King Class (Middle)

Maximum Energy Level: 1,244,900


Species: Shade

Class - Lord Class (Pseudo-King)

Maximum Energy Level: 103,235


Species: Shade

Class - Lord Class (Middle)

Maximum Energy Level: 56,883


Species: Shade

Class - Lord Class (Late)

Maximum Energy Level: 88,224


As he looked from Shade to Shade, around two dozen figures all standing together, he realized that the force before him was a sizable contingent. At the least, with the King Class Alchemist at its head, it was equal to any single division of the three he had split his Moria Liberation Force into.

'They don't seem to be very familiar with each other…' He thought as his eyes flicked between the Shades, looking at their expressions. While the group was standing together, the way they held themselves made it clear they weren't a team that had been together for long.

"If I am wrong, then I shall apologize. But your circumstances, your strength… I am convinced that you are nothing more than a stooge for the Church of Light! Nothing more than a fraud, taking advantage of innocent Shades and leading them to possible doom!" Dorian snapped back to attention as the reedy Shade pointed an accusing finger at him, his words echoing in the air as he spoke.

Behind him, several of the other powerful Shades looked on, their arms crossed and their eyes cool. Gasps spread out from several onlookers as these words spread, poignant and commanding.

'Ahh, I see.' His eyes flashed as everything came clear.

His story, he had learned, was being spread far and wide by the Church of Light. For those that believed in the Church of Light, this would vet Dorian as a hero. For those that were suspicious of the Church, however…

The Church of Light was a major influence in the Shade Commune, but so too were the Dukes of Shadow as well as the Shade King. Each power clashed with the others in various ways and would try to subvert one another's plans.

And it seemed like Dorian had inadvertently stepped on the toes of the other powers, and was thus being confronted. The reason he hadn't been greeted by any official delegation likely had to do with that as well.

'Was he sent by the Southern Duke of Shadow?' He thought, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. He didn't recognize the name of the Shade.

They were currently standing in the middle of a large paved stone street, with a few shops and warehouses lining the sides. The transportation zone for Flying Ships was just behind them. To the sides, hundreds of Shade civilians looked on, their cheers for Dorian nowhere to be seen as the tense situation developed forward. Mixed into the crowd, for the first time in a while, Dorian could see a plethora of other races as well. Aethmen, Humans, even a few lizardmen.

The Superior Auction here drew all kinds of beings, especially with the influence of the Golden Moon Mercenary Alliance present. While most of the Shade Commune consisted of Shades, other races could be, on occasion, found.

"How dare you! I will not allo-"

"Hold." Dorian's voice rolled with authority as he took a step forward, holding out his hand to make Fabian pause. The warrior immediately cut himself off, his eyes turning to look at Dorian with something akin to adoration.

After the battle in the Life Years Dream Zone, all the Shades in Dorian's army had become fully convinced of his great and holy self. Not a single one among them would doubt Dorian, even now when he was confronted in public.

"Your name is Bayran Handsworth?" As Dorian stepped forward, moving several steps away from his army, his voice took on a grand and Valorous air. His movements were graceful and precise, bespeaking great strength. A pulsing, Lord Class Aura wrapped around Dorian, throwing off the pressure the Alchemist's King Class Aura pushed forth.

"Yes, I am. You heard my words." The reedy Alchemist stated, his eyes brooking no argument.

"My name is Inigo Montoya." When Dorian spoke those words, he pulled upon his soul to twist Fate, imbuing them with a certain majesty and power.

The eyes of the onlooking Shades widened as they heard this, many of them shivering in awe. No matter who was listening, every single ear within earshot paid great attention to every single word Dorian said.

"I think you have misunderstood something, Bayran." Dorian stopped in the middle of the street, standing equally between both groups of Shade combatants.

"I am not here for glory. I am not here to win anyone's heart. I am not here for the Church of Light, nor am I here for the Shade people." His words thundered in the air as he spoke, gradually picking up more and more power.

"I am here for two things, and two things only. First, I am going to find what I need to save my wife." The streets shook with the power of his voice. Thousands of onlooking Shades all trembled, swept up with emotion.

"And then I am going to kill the man that murdered my father." Dorian's eyes flashed as he put on the best face he could, perfectly acting the part.

"And anything that stands in my way, whether it be Demon or Shade, shall fall to my blade." Dorian meant this line for real. Helena was gravely injured and far behind enemy lines. Anyone that tried to stop him from getting her help was as good as dead in his eyes.

As he finished speaking, he pulled upon his Law of Valor to the maximum, projecting an Aura of absolute confidence and strength. His Lord Class Aura was extremely powerful, able to rival King Class Auras in sheer soul strength.

And, indeed, his tactics were effective. Almost every single one of the Shades that was standing before him stumbled backwards, overwhelmed by Dorian's sheer presence. He couldn't blame them, even he wanted to stumble back, unwilling to offend the 'Great Hero Lord Inigo.'

The onlooking crowd seemed to find their voice at this moment, unleashing a torrent of mixed yells and cheers, some rebuking the Alchemist while others cheering for 'Lord Inigo.'


"You tell them, Great Hero!"

"Praise the Mighty Lord!"

The Alchemist Warrior frowned as he heard this, a look of hesitation appearing on his face. After a moment, though, his eyes hardened as he looked at the many Shades Dorian was leading.

"You will only lead them to their deaths… Very well!" Bayran's eyes flashed as he seemed to make up his mind.

"If you are truly a legendary hero, then prove it to me, right here and now!"



"Accept my challenge!"

A huge gust of wind blew spectators back, carried gently in the air by some sort of magic airwave, as the King Class Alchemist flipped over the large cauldron that was strapped to his back, slamming it into the ground in front of him.

Dorian's Aura, no matter how powerful, was inarguably a Lord Class Aura. It was commonly accepted in the 30,000 Worlds that there was an almost insurmountable gap between a King Class expert and a Lord Class expert.

Freaks like the Vice Head of the Diamond Department were an exceedingly rare sight.

Thus, Alchemist Bayran's observations, in the eyes of many, weren't exactly unfounded.

The Shades in Dorian's Moria Liberation Force all smiled or smirked as they saw Dorian be challenged, their eyes full of absolute confidence in Lord Inigo's prowess. All of them looked on with complete faith that he would win.

Dorian stared at the Shade, his nose twitching. His first instinct was to accept the challenge immediately. With his Abilities, even if he was limited to his Shade form and a select number of Laws or powers, Dorian felt he confident he could take on a Middle King Class warrior.

What gave him pause, however, was the cauldron that the reedy warrior had just slammed down in the middle of the street.

For some inexplicable reason, Dorian felt an incredible sense of danger whenever he looked at it. As if that cauldron could threaten his life, in a very real manner.

'I can't refuse him. I'm too far in now.' His eyes flashed, making a decision.

"As you wish, Alchemist."

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

"There you are, bastard." A gruff voice whispered as it stared at Dorian's figure from afar, rumbling out quietly. The familiar figure wore a set of faded brown leather armor and was holding a long, noble-looking red bow.

A bow that was currently pulled back, the air around it quivering as it zeroed in on Dorian.

"Super State."


Leader's body vibrated with raw energy as his entire physique exploded with strength, activating the Ability all King Class Pride Law users could manipulate. His arms and legs bulged as his muscles expanded, a rainbow Aura bursting out around him.

Leader was currently standing on the World Bridge to Moria, a few miles away from the city of Cracktyl. Despite the great distance between him and 'Lord Inigo', Leader could accurately make out the Shade thanks to both his Super State and his powerful King Class physique, as well as his training as an archer.

Picking out tiny targets at a great distance was a necessity for an archer like him.

A large red arrow began to form, crackling with energy upon the red bow.

"You may be abnormally strong, Lord Inigo, I'll give you that… But strength alone will not save you." Leader whispered quietly, his entire body intensely focused on Dorian's Shade form. The ground beneath him began to visibly crack, rock and dirt thrown into the air.

The World Bridge to Moria from Shaptle was one that was covered in sweeping forests for much of its length. The portion that connected directly to Shaptle, however, was a largely empty rocky valley. Few animals lived here due to the lack of shelter or much in the way of resources, beyond a few random Magic Herbs.

"My new Breaker Empyrean Shot has long since broken into the realm of hypervelocity, able to cross more than 3,000 meters in a single second. In fact, it should be even faster now with my new bow. Even I would most likely die if attacked with it out of the blue." Leader continued, his entire body tensed up as he pulled the bow back as far as possible.

"All I need is a single moment of carelessness, where your guard is lowered. I'll only have one shot at this." As Leader went all out, he abruptly froze, his body able to handle the burden of holding the stance for several minutes.

He began to wait, his eyes locked patiently on Dorian's figure.

"Just a single moment…"

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

"Quickly, everyone! Did you hear the news?!"

"Great Hero Lord Inigo is here!"

"What?! In the city?!"

"Yeah! He's in the northern district! The Demon Slaying Alchemist has challenged him to a duel!"


The eyes of a beggar sitting on the side of a street widened imperceptibly as news of Dorian's arrival spread.

An instant later, when no one was watching, the figure of that beggar fluttered and then vanished like the wind.

At the same time, a couple of freshly baked pies sitting on the counter of a certain bakery vanished as well, never to be heard from again…


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