
Chapter 114 - The Vice-Heads

Chapter 114: The Vice-Heads

“Have you ever heard the name ‘Lady Ausra’ before?”

Dorian stared at Mira, his eyes widening just slightly.

‘Ausra? Do you know her?’ He internally asked the construct in his Soul Spell Matrix a question.

He received no response, not unexpectedly.

“Yes, I’ve heard of her. She was one of the Five Great Heroes of the Yale Demon Invasion.” Dorian said slowly, studying the Wise Jade Dragon. Despite her almost ethereal, beautiful appearance, the woman in front of him was monstrously strong.

“Ah, yes, the human name for the Third Demon War.” Mira nodded, her appearance dimming slightly, as if recalling unpleasant memories.

“Do you know anything else about her?” Mira continued, giving him a questioning look.

Dorian shook his head.

“Well, let me tell you a little, just so this makes sense.” Mira gestured with her hand at him,

“Lady Ausra was a gifted and talented woman, known to the Tribes as the Wise Lady. She was the greatest researcher, the greatest mind that ever lived in the Wise Jade Dragon Tribe.” Mira’s voice was full of passion as she spoke of Ausra,

“She had a grand dream, a goal that was unmatched in history.” Her eyes shined as she began to talk,

“She wanted to create a list of every creature in existence. Their growth limitations, their powers, their Abilities, their descriptions. To compile the knowledge that recorded the features of every single living being.”

“Just the idea itself was something never before attempted. Her ambition leapt above every competitor, every other researcher. She had always focused on the biggest picture, the world itself.”

“How can we come to terms with any being if we do not first understand who and what they are?”

Mira finished talking for a moment, slightly breathless. Her eyes kept glowing, however, the passion and adoration she held for Lady Ausra clear.

‘A list of every creature in existence? Defining their Abilities, their powers?’ Dorian’s eyes widened.

That sounded like exactly what his Soul Spell Matrix had.

“This was her life’s work. Lady Ausra was unique among the Wise Jade Dragon Tribe. She was born with a special Ability that allowed her to draw information from Fate itself, in a manner unlike that of normal Fate Wizards. She used this, alongside her fastidious research over hundreds of years, to compile her list.” Mira nodded her head as she continued,

“Unfortunately, the Third Demon War broke out, interrupting her work. Her list remained unfinished, as far as the Wise Jade Dragon Tribe is concerned. Everything that followed thereafter is history. She joined up with an elite team of geniuses, widely respected across all races, to strike down the powerful Demon Emperor.”

“After that, she vanished, never to be seen again.” Mira finished her speech, her eyes glistening with emotion.

A quiet moment of silence reigned as she caught herself, looking at Dorian.

“And that brings me to you.” She took a step forward, standing just a few feet from him.

“You see, Lady Ausra was my grandmother. And while other races might not know this, us Wise Jade Dragons are unique. We all have an inborn connection with others of our kind. We can innately sense when one of our own is near us.” She tapped a finger lightly on Dorian’s chest.

“And right now… I can sense traces of my grandmother within you.”

Her eyes were calm as she looked at Dorian,

“What relation do you have with my grandmother? Who are you?”

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Helena rushed out of the tent, her heart racing. Blood pounded in her ears as she went on full alert, scanning her surroundings.

A webwork of energy was visible, surrounding the entire plateau.

“They triggered the shield outline.” Trajan’s voice carried a hint of calm excitement as he sauntered towards Helena, Probus right behind him. The two Anomalies stood at the center of the camp, the armored Aron resting his hand on the hilt of his sword, while the chef Xaphan was looking at the sky curiously.

“Where are they?” Helena barked out a command as her Vampire subordinates appeared. They were all at the Grandmaster Class, specialized Blood Trackers or Wizards that could manipulate Fate.

They wouldn’t prove useful in any high-level combat, but they were part of the reason they’d managed to find Arial.

“They should be approaching from the south.” One of the Wizards said, pointing down one of the winding stone paths that approached their outcropping.

Helena turned, holding her hands at the ready. She tapped on her Spatial Ring lightly, remembering the Artifact she had tucked away, gifted to her by General Carus.

‘…I can only use it if I absolutely need to.’ She nodded to herself.

As everyone in the group turned to look at one of the winding stone paths, in the distance, two figures appeared.

Helena’s eyes narrowed as she saw them.

‘They aren’t the Shades…’

One was a man and the other was a woman. The man had an odd appearance, with half of his body covered in some type of tight crystal armor, while the woman had a far more normal look, simply wearing a long dress.

‘They’re strong though. Pseudo-King.’ The two figures were not holding back at all. Even from several hundred meters away, each of them was bursting forth with a powerful Aura.


An Aura of Helena’s own burst out, rocketing into the air with power as she displayed her Law of Might for all to see. Her Aura was a dominating one, just a step away from the King Class.

“Halt! Why are you here? What do you want?” Trajan yelled aloud as he released an Aura of his own, his Law of Rain bursting forth in the hot air. The deadly heat of Magmor only slightly affected his strength, the Power of Law was not something regular nature could disperse.

The two figures, man and woman, stopped about a dozen meters from the web of energy that surrounded their campsite. The electrical ward had been set up using a few cantrips by the Grandmaster Class Wizards under Helena. It had no real offensive or defensive power, but was great at enemy detection.

“Greetings, Aurelius Family Reavers.” The man that was half covered in crystal armor spoke first. As Helena looked at him, she realized that the glistening crystals that covered the right side of his body weren’t armor.

They were actually a physical part of him. She shuddered slightly at the sight.

“I bring you a warm welcome from the Borrel Autarchy.” His voice boomed out loud, shaking the air with power. He took several steps forward, stopping just outside of the web of energy.

Helena studied the man.

‘He must be from one of the 108 Departments. That crystal setup… The Earth Department? The Metal Department? The Diamond Department? There are too many Magic Departments in the Borrel Autarchy.’

The Borrel Autarchy was gargantuan in size and scale, and its military forces equally large. Each Department contained a large number of Lord Class Wizards, and usually one or two King Class Wizards. Six or seven Departments together would be enough to take on an entire Family if not for the Highlords and their ancient inheritances.

“I am the leader of the forces here.” Helena stepped forward, her tight dress stretching with her as she walked several meters out, until she was standing on the other side of the energy web.

“What do you want, Borrelian? The Neutrality Pact we signed is still in effect.”

Many years ago, the Borrel Autarchy had clashed with the Three Vampire Families. The war had been a short-lived one, ending when all three Highlords personally engaged the Wizard King in a duel.

The duel ended in a draw, thanks to both the power each Highlord had, as well as the rare inheritances that had been passed on for generations of Vampires to each ruling Highlord.

The Capitoline Wolf Bracelet that General Carus had gifted her to use in an emergency was a part of the ancient Inheritance the Aurelius Family controlled.

“Of course, of course. You are Helena Aurelius, correct?” The Wizard replied, his odd, half-crystal face twisting into a smile as he looked at her.

“Yes.” Helena replied, crossing her arms across her chest.

“I am Taemin, the Vice-Head of the Diamond Department. This is Wimo, the Vice-Head of the Cursed Water Department.” His voice boomed with fervor as he introduced himself and his companion.

‘Vice-Heads? That’s not good.’ Helena’s eyes narrowed, a small seed of worry sprouting in her heart.

Each one of the 108 Departments had a Head, a Wizard that was in charge of all the Wizards that studied under them. This was usually tens of thousands of Wizards, from the Sky Class all the way to the Lord Class.

Each Department had a Head, and each Department usually had one Vice-Head as well.

The Head of each Department was monstrously strong. In fact, if the Department Heads weren’t constantly fighting against each other, barely under the control of the Wizard King, it was almost certain that far more of the 30,000 Worlds would be under the Borrel Autarchy’s reign.

Likewise, the same applied for the Vice-Heads. They were the candidates to replace the current Head.

Of the trillions of humans in existence, each Vice-Head and Head were some of the absolute geniuses among the Human Race. The best of the best.

And right now, they had just encountered two Vice-Heads.

Footsteps rang out as Trajan and Probus walked up behind her, standing off to either side. The two Anomalies remained in the center of the camp, watching the drama unfold with interest. The Blood Trackers and other Grandmaster Class Wizards retreated to the tents, out of sight. They would have little impact in a high-level fight, and would only prove a liability.

“Greetings in return. I am, as you clearly know, Helena Aurelius. This is Trajan and this is Probus.” She gestured at the two beside her before bluntly continuing,

“I repeat. What business do you have with us, Borrelians? If it is nothing important, please be on your way.” They didn’t have time to play diplomat right now. Trajan and Probus silently watched on, supporting her.

“Our business is not with you, Helena of the Reavers.” The half-diamond Taemin said, his eyes glowing as he looked away from her, towards the center of the camp.

Where Aron and Xaphan stood.

“Our business is with them. Greetings, Anomalies!” He yelled out loud, smiling warmly.

“With us?” Xaphan stepped forward, patting his chest as if he didn’t believe it. Aron walked silently behind the demonic chef, his hand still resting on the hilt of his blade.

“Yes, the Borrel Autarchy would officially like to extend our welcomes! The Wizard King, himself, has invited you to dine with him in Heavenseeker City!” When Taemin spoke about his leader, the adoration in his voice could be physically felt.

Helena started in surprise. She turned to look at the duo, at a bit of a loss.

Xaphan rubbed his forehead, tapping lightly on the emerald gem that was set in it.

“And if we choose not to?” He replied lightly.

“Hahaha, if you choose to decline the Wizard King’s invitation? Why even speak of such a sheer impossibility?” Taemin said cheerfully, clapping his hands together. His eyes, however, carried none of his smile.

“Ah, I see. It’s like that, eh? We can’t decline?” Xaphan nodded, and then rested his hand lightly on Aron’s shoulder.

“That is one way of phrasing it, yes.” Taemin responded, waving his hand encouragingly.

“Very well.” Xaphan shrugged,

“We decline.”

A vein on Taemin’s forehead throbbed briefly.

“I guess we will do it the hard way. Wimo!” The half-diamond man stepped forward, resting his diamond arm on the web of energy. As he moved, his gaunt female companion clasped her hands together, several bubbles of water appearing around her.


As soon as Taemin touched the electric web, the entire thing collapsed, falling apart in a shower of sparks. It was designed purely for reconnaissance and had no real defensive powers.

Helena’s eyes grew cold. She turned her head to the side slightly, sending a look towards Probus.

“Steady there, a moment, friend.” As Taemin took his first step onto the outcropping, he was forced to stop. Probus had moved into his path, his left hand resting upon the hilt of a sword resting on his back. His right sleeve was tied up, the loss of his right arm affecting his wardrobe as well as his technique.

“I’m afraid these Anomalies are with us. You’ll have to invite them some other time.” The Anomalies were vitally important to their plans when it came to restoring Trajan’s and Probus’ injuries, as well as resolving their conflict with the Shades. Helena couldn’t afford to let them be taken right now.

“You are standing against us? Is this an admission of war and a breaking of the Neutrality Pact?” Taemin looked at Probus, half in disbelief, the other half in unwavering fervor, as if he would welcome such an admission.

“No, no, Vice-Head Taemin, we aren’t standing against you.” Trajan’s voice cut through the air as he walked up to stand a few meters behind Probus, his hands holding a small silver wand.

“We’re just standing. Right here. You might not know it, but sometimes we like to practice attacking the air, randomly. It’s hardly our fault if you happen to be in the way of that practice, no? Us Aurelius Reavers are hardcore like that.” He shrugged and then pointed at his eyes,

“Especially me. I’m blind, who knows where I might end up sending dangerous spells. I’m a loose cannon.” He wagged a finger at himself in a reprimanding fashion.

Taemin just stared at him incredulously,

“You’re an idiot.” The air around him began to concentrate as his Aura slowly began to increase in strength.

“Hold o- hold on now! That’s uncalled for!” Xaphan cut back in, his voice sputtering as he came to Trajan’s defense.

Trajan turned slightly and smiled at the Anomaly, mentally raising his opinion of the demonic chef. Perhaps he’d judged him too soon.

“He’s a moron, not an idiot. There’s a difference! I just learned that yesterday!”

If he had had eyes, Trajan would’ve glared daggers at the chef, instantly taking back his raised opinion.

“Whatever.” Taemin stamped his feet.


Instantly, a powerful blue Aura exploded around him, sending a small shockwave of air gusting around. The air around him crackled with power as he looked at Probus who was standing before him.

“Move, or you will be moved.” His command was short.

At the same time, Wimo, the Vice-Head of the Cursed Water Department, had gone into a stare-down with Helena, her eyes cool.

“Do you really think you can take on all of us at once?” Helena stared back at the other Wizard, the air around her bursting with an Aura of Might as she drew upon the Power of Law.

“Only one way to find out.” Wimo spoke, her voice quiet but full of confidence.


The Wizards attacked.

Chaos unfolded.

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