
Chapter 115

The head maid’s hand felt cold in Natasha’s grip. The grip made Natasha afraid for some unknown reason but she did not know why she felt such fear.

Was it because Natasha was trying to keep a big secret from the head maid? She had never really lied to someone like this.

“What is wrong, princess? Is there something you wanted to tell me?”

The head maid’s voice was sweet and innocent. The gentle expression on her face was a forced facade Natasha was used to by now.

Even today, it showed nothing but the face of a kind and gentle person who had taken care of the princess.

“No. Nothing is wrong. I just feel tired today so I’ll retreat to my room now.”

There was a flash of disappointment in her head maid’s brown eyes. Natasha had a feeling she should not have said those words.

And yet, the sound coming out of the head maid’s mouth was kindle and gentle.

“I suppose it is quite late. You should go back to your room and rest now.”

Natasha sighed in relief as she turned around. She hoped that Aurora and Rita were done with their find.

She could not buy them any more time with her acting.

“Oh, and by the way, did you enjoy your day outside the palace? I was worried when I got the news that you were gone but I trusted you to come back.”

Natasha felt every bone in her body freeze as she heard those words.

It should have been a given that her head maid had heard about her abrupt disappearance, but the lack of a retrieval team had made Natasha think that it did not matter.

Had she been foolish or just too hopeful to ignore the obvious outcome?

“I had a fun time outside. Your concern is most welcomed.”

Since Natasha could not see her head maid’s face, she did not know how she should react in this situation. This had never happened to her before.

But she also knew the head maid could not lay a hand on her. Natasha needed to be kept alive for the republic’s good.

“Concerned? I think you’re mistaken princess. I always knew you would come back. After all, this is all you have known. Even after you go to the Rocx Academy, this will be the place you will come back to.”

“It not us who need you, but you who need us.”

Natasha could not reply when she was faced with such a declaration. What could she even say in such a situation?

Any wrong word would expose their plan and make things difficult for everyone else as well.

“I do need you people. I should get going now. I am really tired.”

In the end, that was all Natasha could say. Even if Natasha complained about her head maid, who would listen to a kid like her.

Even the nobles ignored her existence and thought of her as a burden.


The head maid watched the little princess walk back to her room. Her gentle smile did not fade until the princess was completely out of her sight.

The smile faded away into a neutral look only once the young girl had disappeared.

“My lady, is it time already? But our preparations are not finished. The next clone to replace the current princess has not been born yet.”

“‘Then hurry up. You know the rules. Once the current princess gets too involved, we need to replace her as soon as possible with a newer model. We cannot allow the princess to gain too much power.”

“W-We will hurry, my lady.”

The head maid frowned but then eased her expression. Her impassive face broke into a smile even when no one was looking.

It was such a forced habit that it could not be dropped even when she was alone.

Shouldering the burdens of the Northern Republic and its royal house had been a big responsibility. It was not something just any normal person could do.

The head maid had been selected carefully and then trained into her role by the noble fraction to maintain their power.

Every day the republicans grew in power and influence while the nobility was pushed to the back. But the nobility could not be eradicated.

And it was all thanks to the Royal Family and their unique power over this land. They were the blessed ones, the ones chosen by the abyss.

And that was also why they needed to be controlled.

The noble fraction had managed to get their hands on a cloning device from the abyss, one that can allow the royal family to live on forever and keep on making a new ‘pure’ noble bloodline.

The princess and the royal family that was once undisputedly important was no more than a pawn now. They were replaceable and should be taken care of as soon as they showed signs of intelligence and betrayal.

This was an openly known secret in the royal palace so no one paid any respect to the princess.

After, why care for her when she would just be killed off soon enough?

But the real problem was Lord Karan’s interference and the Rocx Academy. Things would not be so easy to keep under wraps if the news of the princess leaving the Northern Republic for her education got out.

Their means to control the republic fraction will also be gone for some time.

And it was not like they could just replace the current princess with a new one either. Because their family power could only exist in one individual at a time.

That was why this mess was orchestrated by the noble fraction. They needed a way to maintain their superiority.

“Hello, miss. Would you mind giving me some of your time? I just have a few questions for you.”

The head maid almost jumped as she heard someone speak from behind her. She had not felt someone approach her. When had someone gotten this close to her?

The black-haired man did not look impressive at the first glance but something was unsettling about his aura.

He was powerful and possibly dangerous as well.

“How did you get inside the royal palace? You are not a guard or even a guest?”

The head maid did not want to jump to conclusions but she had a feeling she should get away from this man.

The reason she was feared so much was because of her connections and her mind. Her personal talent was lacking in comparison and it would not be good for her to be caught in such a difficult situation.

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