
Chapter 115 Training with the Enemy (Don's Side)

Don had to train all day due to the upcoming game, even during the Week’s End.

He was prepared to tell Ronin that he would not be able to join him in busking to gain volunteers for his experiment…

But to his surprise, Ronin told him that there would be no experiment for that Week’s End.

“I will be at the Training Hall, giving some tips for Cermin based on what I have observed in his Ascension exam.” He told him.

The Training Hall was inside the Spire of Warriors, where they hold most of their classes which revolve mostly around different types of combat.

The hall was divided in several halls fitting several types of fighting styles or techniques.

There were halls meant for just exercising and fighting dummies, hall for hand-to-hand combat… Hell, even a hall for fighting underwater!

“So you would be watching me train as well?” Don said excitedly.

“We’ll be in a different Training Room, I’m afraid.” Ronin said. “But maybe I would be able to hear you, and peer for a bit without gaining yours and Volken’s attention.”

After all, with how wary the former Gridiron captain was towards him, and his past history with Cermin….

Yeah, they absolutely cannot see each other, let alone train in the same room..

Don was disappointed, but shrugged. “I’ll make sure to do my best in case you are watching, Brother!”

Ronin just nodded and said. “Be careful with that Volken. I’m sure you must have heard some rumors and stories about him by now.”

Don’s smile faltered at this and he lowered his head. “I did.”

“Cermin pushed him from the stairs, my teammates told me. That’s how he sustained his injuries.”

He creased his eyebrows. “That must be why he wasn’t allowed to be in the team anymore, right? Brother… “

“I know what you’re thinking. There are different sides to all stories.” Ronin placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s more complex than you think. “

“But do you believe in his innocence?” Don asked him.

“Yes.” Ronin told him.

And for this certain incident, that’s the truth.

But as for Cermin’s innocence as a person….. Ronin believes no one could be completely pure or innocent at all, not if they’re a human.

In this world, this Stone Mage world that was based on a game, perhaps such innocent characters can exist. But Cermin was from his world and he was sure he must be like everyone else.

A hypocrite with skeletons hiding in his closet.

But he didn’t tell Don this, as he simply does not trust anyone, whether ‘real’ or ‘fictional’.

He just said. “Cermin is harmless to me. But Volken…. You told me he was hurt by you back in the party, right?”

Don nodded. “I know, Brother. I will keep my guard up.”

And so, as always, Don did keep his guard up during the Week’s End. Most of the time, Volken just watch him train and fight fo dummies, giving advice…..

But on this certain day, he stood up from his wheelchair, and asked his nurse aide to leave.

“But sire—“

“I will be perfectly well, Mercutio. No need to worry.” He said with a bright smile, stretching his arms.

“It’s about time that I start training Don in hand-to-hand combat. This is important especially in certain time you lose your weapon during the game and could not retrieve it.”

Don was sweating after continuously hitting magically animated dummies with his morningstar again and again. He wiped his sweat and narrowed his eyes as this man approached him.

“After all, both of us use melee weapons.” Volken wore that ever-present wolfish grin. “It could be knocked out by your opponent, and then what will you do?”

Don just wore a neutral face. “I have practiced combat without weapons before.”

“Oh, and who did you practice with?” Volken said with genuine interest.

“No one. No one that you needed to know.” Don answered. “But still, I would have no problems with such training. The question is…..”

He went into a stance, placing his two feet apart, his arms locked and his core steady.

“Will you, Former Captain?”

Volken could only grin at his confidence, and also went into a stance.

“Of course. No problems at all, I can fight even when my body is bruised and bleeding to death.”

They just stated intensely at each other for a few seconds, anticipating who will make the first move….

And eventually, Volken leaped on his feet to pounce and grapple Don!

It was a very fast and strong first attack, and Don rolled over to the floor to avoid it. But Volken kept on rushing towards him like a ferocious animal, maybe even wilder than that.

His eyes gleamed with murderous range, and his fingers with long and sharp fingernails were curled as if to claw Don’s eye’s out.

Don blocked every attack, and aimed his strong heavy fist towards his jaw. Volken avoided it and tried to trip him with his feet, but Don jumped up in time and headbutted him!

“Hah!” Volken just made a short and boisterous laugh from the headbutt, and continued to assault Don with continues blows to his vital points.

Don had blocked everything using his hands, just as Ronin had trained him to do. However…..

All this chasing and running was slowly eating away his stamina. Meanwhile, Volken kept going with the same ferocity as before, never going slow or weakening his attacks.

Like how a wolf would tire out its prey, until he mange to capture it!

Sweat trickled on Don’s forehead. He couldn’t find an opening with this endless punches and kicks, and his head was already spinning after the tiresome exercise with the dummies earlier.

When he found his chance to deliver a blow to Volken’s nose—

Volken capture his wrist, and his other one…

And swung him to the wall!

Don had a smaller frame than this beast of a man, and he had not much stamina left. After the impact, he felt like all the muscles and bones in his body were screaming for help.

He struggled to stand up with everything he had, even when his body was punishing him for it with more pain….


But in the end, he can only scream in frustration, as he collapsed back down!

His enemy walked towards him.

“I see. Is this all you got, Bluebelle? A pretty face and a nice big weapon?”

Volken sneered at him, looking down with that condescending eyes.

“Without the blessing Freja gave you and the hailstorms of yours, you’re like a weak ragdoll. I can even toss you around so easily.”

He kneeled down at the glaring boy, and patted his cheek.

“But I suppose you did better than a girl, eh?”

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