
Chapter 66 - Diversion

The front gate was very busy with enemies flooding about. Hammering the wooden gate with their gate crusher made of chiselled wood on the pointy tip.

Slamming the door which was on the other side, has many guards stationed.

"On positions! Do not falter or this will be the end! Hold out for long!" The captain of the guards shouted without fail.

The bowmen were firing at the top of the walls and they were all firing nonstop. The goblins who were below didn\'t let them become living targets so they all covered themselves with shields. Others have a wooden cart covers made to anti the arrows. Has wooden wheels to push it accordingly.

Making way for them to arrive at the fort with covers but the bowmen started to shoot burning arrows. Making them lose their covers on the process. .


The gate was holding out but not for long. With the continued hammering on the gate, it will not be for long before they will enter.

Hobgoblins were pushing and pulling the large chiselled tree to the gate but they were continuously fired at by the archers.

Covering them with shields from the top of their heads.

As time passes by, Isaias arrived at their situation and called for help. All was not being heard as they all were focused on the enemies. Isaias can only sigh himself. He took the trouble to ran towards them and receiving no help in the process. He approached the Captain and pleaded for help.

"Captain of the guards! There is an attack on the south gate! We should send help there too!"

"We are out of hands here for help. But still, I will dispatch some of my men for you to guide with." The Guard Captain said.

"Thank you for your support! I will leave as soon as possible!" Isaias said to him.

Still, the battle rages on. The gate that was ever strong was pounded several times before it was ultimately crushed.

The guards positioned in the front of the gate and positioned their shields on the front. Spearmen were on their backs. Ready to cover for them. Sweat trickled their faces and they gulped a handful of saliva.

"Men! Brace for impact!" Shouted their Captian.

Soon, rushing enemies came out of the gate and flooded them.

"Stop them!" The Captain shouted again.


The goblins crashed the defenders with a bang. Making the war rage on both sides. Goblins who were shorter compensated their height with tactics and cunning. As long as they were banded, they were strong.

Now in that darkness, torches were lit up above their heads. Many torchbearers were in their ranks to make the guards see in the dark. With just a few of them, they didn\'t lose hope of what was coming ahead of them.

The fight ensued and killed each other. Hobgoblins in the ranks of the enemies were something harder to kill as it has higher height compared to regular humans. Broader body and stronger muscles. Having big clubs on their hands dyed with blood.

This was the weakness of the full plated armours. A brute force that can break bones and damage even the most protected armours. Full plated armours and chain mails alike.

The Hobgoblins smashed the guards who were blocking with their shields. Able to break their blocks like they were nothing.

The guards didn\'t even stand there just to be killed immediately, they have killed far more goblins than the goblins made a number on them.

They all defended their lives for a noble cause. Not something that was not expected but an ordinary one when it comes to this world full of dangers.

Isaias and as well as the other guards numbered in ten was walking towards the other side of the town. Arranged torches were in the way burning in their lights for making the path steadily illuminated.

Weapons were drawn and shields were lifted at chest level. Prepared to clash with enemies anytime.

Travelling in the silent road for a while, they saw goblins blocking their way. Others were already ransacking the doors of other villager\'s homes.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Isaias shouted and the goblins attacked them. They were all seven in numbers.

They all went to clash with them and were all killed immediately. Just they were celebrating, they saw hobgoblins pulling the hairs of a girl and dragging it to them. Guards infuriated so they went to chase it.

Other Hobs were blocking the way. Making them initiate a clash.

Hobgoblins smashed their shields and it made them thrown a bit. With more of the goblins to appear, they were all surrounded. Isaias was alarmed as it was not the first time he saw that Hobgoblins were inside the village and it was already inside just a few minutes before.

"Maybe they began infiltrating after I saw them before!" Isaias cursed.

They all moved to defend themselves. Goblins have bows and so they fired at their formation. Isaias rotated his staff and it blocked some of the arrows. Other guards were all backing away for them not to be rained upon with arrows.

The enemies all approached them. Having the tides of the battle was on their side, they all stepped forward and launched a full-blown attack.

"Guards! Defend!" Isaias shouted and so they all crowded themselves.

The enemies all attacked and they all defended themselves. Goblins who had daggers, stabbed but they all were slashed with the guard\'s swords. Which has a longer reach.

Other goblins attacked and they all were one by one blocked and slashed with their weapons. Renewed hope was seen so the guards went to the offensive this time.

They attack the goblins with coordination surpassing the goblins themselves. The others slashed but the others cover for their flanks. Others were supporting them by blocking the other goblin\'s attacks.

They killed them all but they heard more shouts from the vicinity of their town.

"No, please! Help!"

"Don\'t take her away!"

"No! Please don\'t!"

Cries were what bathed the surrounding areas and it alarmed the guards. Isaias can feel the hairs in his skin rise and he immediately commanded the guards.

"Save the villagers! We don\'t have much time!" He shouted.

They all went on their way to rescue as much as they can. Seeing the nearest to them, they all killed the goblins kidnapping the citizens. The other kids were dragged and were saved by the guards.

Others were bloody as they were seen to fight back against the enemies. Abrasions and cuts were seen in their skins and it only made the guards to agitate more of what happened. Boiling anger was rising and it made them grit their teeth on the process.

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