
Chapter 484 - The Death Of Past.

At Harmon mansion,

Elder Harmon got ready as usual on the day of the death anniversary of his wife. Just like every year, the butler helped him get a bouquet of chrysanthemums, decorated with small lilies and roses.

After his breakfast, he was going towards the main door when Leon asked plainly, "Where are you going?" He had just completed his meditation according to the routine of his anger management.

Elder Harmon ignored Leon\'s question so the butler quickly responded to Leon, "Master, Elder master is going to visit Elder madam."

Leon noticed the bouquet to which his nose wrinkled and then it struck him that it was his grandmother\'s death anniversary. He wanted to stop his grandfather as Aarvi\'s plan included his family too. He is aware she won\'t hurt any of them but take them all away from him, just like his wife. 

Eliza? He was planning to bring her back after a round of attack on Skylar and Aarvi.

But stopping Elder Harmon wasn\'t a good choice. He would make a huge fuss and threaten Leon that he would kill himself. Leon couldn\'t take that chance.

He glanced at the back of his grandfather before instructing the butler. "Send ten guards to protect grandfather. Nobody should reach him. And you are staying back to attend to the guests." Then he walked away to the dining hall for breakfast.

Elder Harmon shrugged as he walked away. He hadn\'t called anybody to save him from Leon, neither he wanted to escape. Ten or one guards, he didn\'t care until he could get the time to spend with his wife.

The butler responded to Leon before he ran out and asked the men to escort Elder Harmon to the cemetery and be careful about his safety.


At nine in the cemetery,

Elder Harmon walked with a tender smile on his face. His aged face had wrinkled with happiness. He only gets one day to meet his sons, daughters-in-law, granddaughter, and dear wife.

He placed each nosegay, a small bunch of flowers, in front of each of his family members\' tombstones. He didn\'t have much to say to them other than feeling distressed for his granddaughter who would have been a young woman at prime age. 

  He sighed internally as he moved towards his wife\'s tombstone. Sensing the guards walking close to him, he turned around and grunted, "Couldn\'t you leave me alone with my wife for a moment?"

One of the guards who usually accompanies the butler and Elder Harmon, nodded at the rest to back away. He had seen Elder Harmon sit and talk to the stone for a long time until he could feel his legs cramp and couldn\'t stand up. He found the Elder Harmon crazy but he also knew he had none to talk heartily other than the stone.

The guards backed away for more than ten steps and kept a watch so that none could reach Elder Harmon or disturb him.

Elder Harmon saw their contemptuous faces. He ignored it. It was a stone for them but to him, a destination. He stopped in front of his wife.

He used to be sad for her departure but seeing how their sons and daughter-in-law lost their life, how his grandchildren are living, he was glad his wife didn\'t have to go through so many difficulties and sadness.

Hence, rather than being sad for losing her, he was happy she was resting in peace. He placed chrysanthemums flowers, his wife\'s favorite flowers, in front of the tombstone. He deeply bowed to his wife with sincerity and love.

He was straightening his back when he noticed a girl sitting behind the next tombstone and watching him

She was beautiful and unbelievably radiant, and harmless that brought a warm smile to his face. "Child, did you come to meet your loved one?"

Aarvi smiled back, Aaron was right, the old man was amiable. Aarvi shook her head and promptly responded, "Nope, I had planned to meet you here, probably a year back."

If it was somebody, they would have guarded against her. But Elder Harmon laughed in delight. He found it fascinating that she waited to meet him, used for nothing, an old man for a year. 

He slowly sat down holding the tombstone for help. He usually sits in front of it. But this time, he sat at the side so that he could see the girl and his wife.

"I see, a beautiful young lady has a crush on me." He humorously said adjusting himself on the ground.

Aarvi couldn\'t make a loud noise, however, she couldn\'t help but chuckle at his words. Looking at his longing gaze at his wife\'s picture, she could only sigh. She can\'t bring back the dead.

"Will your wife be mad if I have a date with you, right in front of her?" Aarvi tried to lighten his heavy feelings.

The smile was back on Elder Harmon\'s face and the corner of his eyes moistened looking at her. According to him, women are the most sensible and caring so Aarvi reminded him of his granddaughter who would be of her age if alive.

"Then, let\'s make her jealous." He added jokingly but didn\'t complete his words, \'So that my wife could take me to her sooner.\' He didn\'t want to make the young lady sad with his words.

Aarvi could understand Elder Harmon\'s personality just by a few words. He wasn\'t a strict man, he was loving, kind, and caring who gives a lot of respect to family ties. But she likes Jordan more. Jordan knew to control where it is needed so the family members always loved each other and stayed together.

After a few seconds of silence, Aarvi asked him after seeing him uninterested why she was there to meet him. Elder Harmon could already guess why she took a year to meet him right there. He doesn\'t stay alone anywhere else but near his wife. He wasn\'t allowed to go out either so it was a general deduction.

"Elder Harmon, aren\'t you curious why I am here?" She started with easy lines instead of shocking him with on-point questions.

Elder Harmon faintly smiled. A hint of worry flashed in his eyes before he mentioned what was going on in his mind, "I am thinking why did you put yourself in danger." Those ten men would do everything before killing her.

Aarvi shook her head, "I have better bodyguards than them. Those will lie dead on the ground if they try to touch me. Please don\'t worry about it." She assured him.

She noticed Elder Harmon breathing in relief before he nodded. If her life wasn\'t in danger, then he had nothing to worry about.

Aarvi pointed to a tombstone that was pretty far away, "That\'s my tombstone."

Elder Harmon tried to look but his eyes weren\'t as sharp as they used to be. When Aarvi turned back to him, he extended his hand at her without a hint of fear or hesitation.

Aarvi smiled resignedly and placed her hand on his palm to let him know she was alive and she hadn\'t completed her words yet. 

He breathed slowly after knowing she was alive, "I almost thought Leon killed you." He just stated it out loud to her.

Aarvi faintly smiled before continuing, "Well, he had almost killed me. I was in a vegetative state for a year. That tomb is the death of my past."

Instead of feeling sad for her, the elder man\'s eyes shone, "Cherish your life, Child. Avoid this scumbag." He patted her backhand, hoping she would live a happy life away from falling into Leon\'s eyes.

A man noticed Elder Harmon holding and patting a hand. He pulled a knife from his ankle-length boots and cued others to be soundless as he proceeded towards Elder Harmon.

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