
Chapter 396: Mission

Chapter 396: Mission

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

“Join them back...” Feng Bujue calmed down. Woody snapped his fingers. Brother Jue’s leg flew on his own and joined back to its owner. Even his slashed pajama bottom was sewn back together.

“Sit down and we can talk.” Woody signaled. Feng Bujue narrowed his eyes at Woody as he took the seat across from the man. “So... vampire, zombie, ghost, Buddha... they are all real?”

“One thing is not the same as the other...” Arthas mocked.

“Some of them are real,” Woody replied. “And others... Hehe... are products of you humans’ imagination.”

“Okay...” Feng Bujue’s mind was muddled. “Then... I remember you said, you came from hell?”

“Yes,” Woody admitted.

“And you said...” Feng Bujue tried to remember every sentence of their previous conversation, “I will go wherever you come from...”

“Why? Do you think you have the chance to go to heaven after you die?” Woody asked.

“It’s not that,” Feng Bujue said. “I’m just wondering... about the time of my departure. It’s not going to be soon, right?”

“You’re worried about that shadow in your brain, is it?” Woody smiled. “Hehe... haven’t you noticed this? When I am in the same room with you, you will regain the sense of fear.”

Hearing that, Feng Bujue’s face blanched. A proposition popped into his mind. A scary one, at that. He raised his eyes at Woody and said darkly, “It’s you... You’re the one who did something to my brain.”

“Oh... Well... I can neither confirm nor deny that... Hehehe...” Woody mumbled ambiguously. “Alright, I know you have many questions.” He paused. “But I promise I will not answer all of them. Hehehe...” Another wretched laugh. “But for now, let us talk about... the most imminent problem.” He enunciated the word one by one. “Wang Tanzhi.”

“You’re not going to tell me that Xiao Tan actually is some kind of monster, right?” Feng Bujue asked.

“Hehehe... Very good, after you have accepted the presence of supernatural in this world, your way of thinking is perceptive to many other options.” Woody smiled, “But your guess is wrong.”

“Then what is it? Multiple personality disorder?” Feng Bujue inquired.

“Not that either...” Woody replied, “If anything, it should be called some kind of soul’s self-defense mechanism. A kind of power... that he currently is not able to fully comprehend and utilize.”

“Okay... and this mechanism that you speak off will cause the loss of memory?” Feng Bujue asked.

“Of course not,” Woody answered.

“Hmm... then that’s strange,” Feng Bujue said contemplatively, “I remember... on the day after the fateful event, Xiao Tan’s family helped him ask for a week off from school and brought him away from City S. At the time, I thought they were planning to go on the run and escaping the country... But one week later, Xiao Tan came back to school like nothing had ever happened.” At this point, he paused. “After that, I dropped a few hints on several occasions... I can be sure that he has fully forgotten what happened inside that alley. I have gone to approach his parents too and what they told me was... Xiao Tan has forgotten about that and wished for me to stop bringing it up, because that’s what’s best for him.”

“Hehehe... They were not wrong, because that part of Wang Tanzhi’s memory indeed has been cordoned off by someone,” Woody replied.

“Huh?” Feng Bujue was baffled and then he proposed a supposition, “So... he was indeed brought overseas to have a brainwash?”

“Of course not,” Woody corrected. “But Wang Tanzhi’s parents worried about their son so they brought him to Dubai to ask his grandfather for help.”

“Wait a minute, Xiao Tan’s grandfather is a magician?” Feng Bujue asked.

“Hahahahaha...” That seemed to tickle Woody’s funny bone and he could not stop laughing. “Hahaha... well, he once was... hahahahaha...” As the laughter became louder, he even got to the point of slapping himself on his leg.

“Aiz... They are all supposed to be geniuses but normally they act like such fools...” Arthas sighed while she looked at her boss.

“Ah... I’m sorry... Hehehe...” Woody only stopped laughing after a long time. “You reminded me of something very interesting.”

“So, let me conclude this...” Feng Bujue began. “The best friend that I grew up with, a second-generation who is handsome, tall, and has a good job... has some kind of supernatural reserve of power hidden within him and his family knows about this but decided to not do anything about it. Because since the generation of his grandfather, this is something that is very common.”

“Bingo,” Woody confirmed.

Feng Bujue took a deep breath. “Fine... I believe you... that explains some of the questions that have troubled me for years.”

“Hehehe...” Woody continued, “You mean the cover-up job for the murders?” He shrugged. “That was my doing, so of course the job was flawless.”

“You’re the one behind it?” Feng Bujue thought about that for a few seconds. “No wonder the whole incident was not reported at all by any media at the time... I mean 4 people died. How could there be no news about it...”

“Hehehe... If not for me, it would have exploded.” Woody smiled. “And... how can you be sure there were only four deaths?”

With that, Feng Bujue felt a chill run up his spine. His gaze shifted. “You mean you...”

“Yes, I dealt with the witnesses as well.” Woody said, “The case was concluded as an inner gang war between the four ruffians and a civilian was unfortunately got in the combat and everyone lost their lives.”

“Don’t tell me even the law enforcement is under your control...” Feng Bujue gasped. “And... how is it possible that the victims’ families would accept an arrangement like that?”

“Like I said, I am the devil... I have nothing but the power of persuasion,” Woody said, “Hehehe... in any case, it is far more... effective than what you did back then.”

“Humph...” Feng Bujue scoffed as he replied. Woody was right... Feng Bujue did do something back then. Something not that different from what Woody did.


That day, in the alley, after Brother Jue showed up, Xiao Tan regained his consciousness, but soon after, he fainted. Therefore, the whole mess fell on Feng Bujue’s shoulders to clean up. Brother Jue calmly assessed the situation around him. He quickly went over to check the pulse of the four ruffians... After confirming the four were all dead, he abandoned the dead and walked to the fatty who was cowering at the corner. He asked him for details of what happened earlier.

With the combination of threats and lies, Brother Jue managed to get the gist of the incident that happened from the sole witness that had been a shocked witness. Then he was faced with a big choice...

Calling the police was undeniably the ‘lawful’ choice. Then everything would be handed to the police and he would have nothing to do with what happened next. Just like what many famed detectives had said, “Our responsibility is to find out the truth, but we have no right to decide a person’s life or death.”

But... Feng Bujue made a different choice... He threatened the witness. He used his own analytical power to gather the fatty’s school, his age, and even his residential address...

Then he used a cold and severe tone to issue a death threat. “You also hate them, right? You also wish for them to die, isn’t it? Plus, do you think anyone will believe me? If both my friend and I give our testimony that it was you who killed them, who do you think the police will believe?” After the threat, came the inducement. Only that way could he make the fatty follow his directions. Only that way, he could make the man believe that by following the orders of this man before him was his only way out.

In a short amount of time, Feng Bujue forced the fatty to remember the testimony of the ‘four ruffians killed each other in a gang fight’. After ensuring the witness would not go to the police, Feng Bujue let him go.

Then, he started to clean up the crime scene and wipe away the evidence... He wiped away the bloody fingerprints on the iron pipe and planted the four dead ruffians’ fingerprints on it instead; he removed the clothes of the victim who wore the leather jacket.

He cleaned away the fingerprints from the spots where they would often be left behind, spots like the collar, the sleeve, and the lapel. And then he brushed the other ruffians’ fingers on this dead man’s clothes and tossed it aside. He wiped away every single footprint and palm print that he and Xiao Tan had left behind. He even tempered with the dead bodies further... He smashed the broken bones in deeper to conceal up the actual wounds and disrupt the process of autopsy...

When Feng Bujue brought himself to be serious to do something... his ability and acumen were very sharp. This whole process took him less than 5 minutes...

Finally, he removed his own school uniform and covered it around Xiao Tan’s clothes. He then carried the man on his back, grabbed both of their school bags, and staggered out of the alley. To avoid the cameras on the street, he purposely took a detour down two blocks and passed through a residential area. Then Brother Jue hailed a cab and sent Xiao Tan home. The journey was not long. Feng Bujue’s uniform covered up the blood and stains on Xiao Tan’s body so the driver did not notice anything out of place.

In less than 10 minutes, the two arrived at Xiao Tan’s home. His family was living at a mansion, the house stood apart from the other. Feng Bujue had been a guest there several times. He called Xiao Tan’s parents through the communicator. One reason was for them to pay the fare as Brother Jue had very little pocket money at the time, and the other, he needed their help to carry Xiao Tan...


“What you did indeed could hinder the police’s investigation to a certain degree, but it was far from enough,” Woody said, “And you should know that very well.”

“Yes... even if I purposely avoided the cameras when I exited the alley, I cannot guarantee we were not filmed on camera when they entered the alley...” Feng Bujue admitted. “After all, at the time, I was just a student. Even if I could come up with some plans to sneak into the station and destroy the evidence files, it was impossible to put any of them into action.” He shrugged. “Of course, the thing that worried me that most was that witness... it was just a matter of time until he cracked and spilled the beans.”

“Therefore... at the end of the day, what you did at most was to hinder the progress of the investigation,” Woody added, “Hehe... but you also knew that was more than enough... Because you knew Wang Tanzhi’s family came from a powerful background. With enough time, they could do many things, be it legal... or illegal...”

“Actually, I had already come up with many preparations back then... I was just waiting for the police to come get me to aid in the investigation.” Feng Bujue said, “During that period, I sat before the TV to watch the news every day but there was no report of the incident at all... My initial prediction was this was the result of Xiao Tan’s family getting involved in it but after I gave it some thought, I did not think it was possible... After all, there were four lives that were lost. And today... I finally know the truth.”

“I have a question...” Woody pushed on his glasses and tossed Brother Jue a curious gaze. “If you had the power that I have back then... Would you do what I did, which was to kill the witness to help cover up for your friend?”

“How is that possible? Of course I wouldn’t,” Feng Bujue answered without missing a beat. “I helped Xiao Tan cover up the crime because I believed in him fully. I knew he was doing that out of self-defense,” he said in full self-vindication. “But to even consider silencing a witness... that involves another human life. That witness has done nothing wrong by me. I have not even met him before...”

“You know, we can tell when you are lying,” Arthas interrupted Brother Jue.

“Tsk... you should have told me that sooner.” Feng Bujue’s tone turned lazy and casual. “When since the plan has been put into motion, it is only natural to make sure that everything goes without a hitch... At any price.”

“Well said...” Woody praised. “You are the kind of person I knew you were...”

“Oh? And what kind of people would that be?” Feng Bujue chuckled.

“The kind... who views morals and laws as mere foolish rules to control the sheep and have his own version of yardstick and principles to view the world,” Woody said darkly, “The kind... who needs to be controlled with heavy laws and restricted rules; the kind... who will gets out of serious control when given extraordinary power...”

“Humph... The last two statements could be applied to most human beings,” Feng Bujue argued. “Everyone has that destructive desire in them, don’t they?” He tilted his head to the side. “And for the first statement... wouldn’t it be easier for you to call me a sociopath?”

“Hehehe... Very well...” Woody said, “We shan’t dance around being PC as fellow sociopaths.”

“Then allow me to ask you a few direct questions,” Feng Bujue said, “First... Nothing will happen to Xiao Tan, right?”

“You do not need to worry about him.” Woody pointed at the clock on the wall. “Since he refused to answer his phone... Two minutes ago, Gu Xiaoling already drove to his home.” He chuckled wretchedly. “Hehehe... she can handle something as small as this.”

“Huh?” It hit Feng Bujue, “Don’t tell me. Gu Xiaoling is also...”

“Hehehe... Don’t worry, she is 100 percent a human being.” Woody said, “She is not one of my people.”

“Okay...” Feng Bujue said with a hum. “By the way... of the people that I know, just how many of them are non-human beings?”

“I’m afraid I can’t answer you that,” Woody replied.

“Hah...” Feng Bujue laughed mirthlessly. “Okay, then let’s talk about me.” He raised his hand and used his finger to knock against his temple. “What did you do to my brain?’

“Hehehe... Does that question still bother you? It’s obvious that I have sealed away your sense of fear.” Woody admitted.

“But why?” Feng Bujue asked.

“Ah... Why indeed... Hehehe...” Woody repeated the question and then continued to laugh.

“Is that a question that you can’t answer as well?” Feng Bujue asked directly.

Woody shrugged. “It is not yet time to reveal to you the answer.” Then it appeared like he was reminded of something. “Oh, but don’t you worry, it is not any kind of biological disease. Temporarily, you are not in any mortal danger.”

“Haha...” Feng Bujue laughed drily with clear annoyance on his face. “That is indeed such cheerful news.”

“Hehehe... Perhaps this piece of information might help to cheer you up further...” Woody continued. “You are not the only one who has part of their brain sealed.”

“Oh? Who else is there?” Feng Bujue asked in a disinterested tone.

Woody’s lips curled up one side as he revealed the name. “Li Ruoyu.”

Feng Bujue’s eyes took on a new shine. After a few seconds of silence, he said, “No, you’re lying. She can feel fear.”

“Hehehe... When did I say that the emotion that she had sealed up was ‘fear’?” Woody asked.

Feng Bujue’s expression darkened. He tried to reminisce about his every interaction with Passing Rain, going over their interactions and conversations... But he came up with nothing.

“You will never guess it,” Woody said, “I mean even the girl herself does not know that her mind has been tampered with.” He continued with a smile. “And the seal on Li Ruoyu has been placed not long after she was born. Since it was a baby’s brain, it was much easier to deal with. If you do something to an adult’s brain, some traces will be left behind but her seal... is something unobservable by current human medical technology...”


Suddenly, Feng Bujue leaped up from his seat and swung a heavy punch at Woody’s face.

“Hehehe...” The punch was quite heavy, but Woody merely pushed his glasses and continued in his casual ways. “I have already warned you the last time we met... ‘when you see each other again, you will be very mad’. Now would you look at that...”

“I think I broke my fingers.” Feng Bujue lowered his head to look at his right fist.

“If we can return to a peaceful and rational conversation,” Woody offered. “I might consider fixing your hand.”

Feng Bujue glared at Woody with his pair of dead eyes as he returned to his seat. After he sat down, he raised his right hand to flip the man off. Woody did not take offense. He snapped his fingers and the wound on Feng Bujue’s hand healed like magic.

“You must think... horrible things about people like me who toy with you humans like toys, don’t you?” Woody asked. “But have you considered this... When you were in-game, how is that different from how you players treat the NPC, monsters, and anomalies? Will the creature from a higher plane of existence care about the feelings of those from a lower existence? Will you care about a normal zombie in the game? Will it cross your mind... what was his name before he was infected, what kind of job he did, and whether there was a wife, a son, a father, and a mother waiting for him to come back home?”

Feng Bujue did not reply. He did consider these questions before, but they were unanswerable. Or rather, he did not wish to think further into them.

“This is one of the more interesting contradictions about you human beings.” Woody laughed. “There is no need to waste your brainpower over it, hehehe...”

“If you are unable to tell me the reason behind her ‘seal’...” Feng Bujue said, “Then can you at least tell me... what is the emotion that she has sealed up?”

“What could it be... what could it be...” Woody lifted his head and said in a lamentation. “It is a powerful emotion that gushes from the heart. It is an emotion that no school of science will be able to explain; it is poetry, and it is magic... it will make a lasting memory and it will make one crazy... It will make a person swing a punch toward another person who he does he has no chance of winning at all...”

“Is it... ‘love’?” Feng Bujue cut him off. “Different from fear... the inability to fall in love is something that is impossible to tell by oneself.”

“Bingo!” Woody shouted.

“And you were so kind as to provide me with this information because...” Feng Bujue began.

Woody continued. “Of course, it is because I wish to conduct a trade with you.”

“What kind of trade?” Brother Jue asked.

“After you completed my side of the trade, I will not only help unseal your fear, I will neutralize her seal as well,” Woody said.

“You make it sound like making her feel love again is such a big deal to me...” Feng Bujue grumbled.

“Hehehe...” Woody’s glasses shone with white light. “Well, I have no comment on that.”

Feng Bujue changed the subject. “So... what is it that you want me to do?”

“The most imminent target is...” Woody said, “For you to put away your happy-go-lucky attitude and give me a good showing in the Battle of the Butterfly and fight your way through to the last segment of the Tournament for the Best...”

“Speaking of which,” Feng Bujue interrupted. “I was about to ask you about that... What is this game actually?”

“I don’t think you need me to confirm it. You should know by now that Thriller Paradise is no simple game,” Woody answered. “The things that it will influence as well as decide... and the role that you shall play in it... will be immensely important,” he said severely. “Feng Bujue, you are no less normal than the three other members of Underworld Frontline... There is a reason you are my bet, so you better don’t disappoint me.”

“Fine, fine...” Feng Bujue agreed. “Then what do I do after I got into the Top 50?”

“Stop her,” Woody answered simply.

“Stop who?”

There was no answer to this question because before Brother Jue finished, Woody had already disappeared like he was never there in the first place...

Only Arthas remained lying on the sofa. She yawned. Then as if she could read Feng Bujue’s thought, she said lazily, “No, this is not a dream.”

“Hmm... this kind of Batman-like way to leave...” Feng Bujue commented.

“He merely teleported away,” Arthas answered.

“Speaking of which...” Feng Bujue moved his gaze to fall on Arthas. “What... are you?”

“Biologically speaking, I am a male cat,” Arthas replied.

“Is there a possibility that... under certain conditions, you can be persuaded to shift into the form of a voluptuous woman with no shame and need to adhere to common code of decency?” Feng Bujue asked probingly.

“Haha.” Arthas chuckled mirthlessly as an answer.

Feng Bujue shrugged. “Fine then... what are you in essence?”

“I am a pure energy existence that can cross dimensions,” Arthas replied. “I suppose you can consider it rather similar to the human soul... Albeit with some structural differences.”

“Erm... Might I know what your actual name is?” Feng Bujue asked.

“You might not,” Arthas replied. “Plus, you have already named this cat, haven’t you? It’s fine to just keep on using it.”

“Then... Should I call you Mr. or Miss Arthas?” Feng Bujue asked.

“I don’t see the reason for us to be so formal with one another,” Arthas replied.

Feng Bujue nodded. “Okay... then. Arthas, can you please explain to me the reasoning... Behind your strategically placed excrements around the house?”

“Obviously, they were to prank you,” Arthas answered as she licked her paws.

“Hmm...” Feng Bujue’s eyes twitched twice. “Since we have already gotten this out in the open, then might I come up with a suggestion... Do you mind using the toilet directly in the future?”

“Well... the litter box is quite uncomfortable...” Arthas said.

“You’re right, you’re right.” Feng Bujue nodded in agreement.

“Also, I can bathe myself perfectly fine. There is no need for us to continue that arrangement anymore,” Arthas added.

“Oh, yet another good news for me.” Feng Bujue smiled.

“And I no longer wish to touch that cat food. If you prefer... You can have them as snacks,” Arthas continued. “I have noticed that you are quite a good cook. From tomorrow onward, you will prepare meals for me as you would a valued guest. I will have 7 meals a day. It might sound a lot, but the portion shall be small for each meal. I subscribe to the philosophy of having more meals a day but less food at each meal. You can decide to see how that will fit in with your schedule.”

As he expected, the thing had started to demand for more and more...

“Hey! I am the owner here, isn’t it! How come you start to order me around like I am some kind of slave?” Feng Bujue grumbled with annoyance.

“I don’t think we can return to that owner and pet relationship anymore, do you?” Arthas stretched out her front paw and leaned gracefully on the couch. “You have to be responsible for that, you know.”

“But you have never done anything in the capacity of a pet... And now you are only getting worse with your demands!” Feng Bujue shouted. “By the way, what is your intention for sneaking into my house?”

“Mainly, it’s to spy on you.” Arthas’ ears twitched and a shade of strange colors crossed her eyes. “And if necessary... I can protect you.” She then yawned. “Haha... but I have to admit you are quite cute. Normally you appear so cold to the world, but you have such a wealth of empathy. I just only needed to bat my pitiable eyes at you, and you cannot help taking me in... Hmm... When you’re down there in hell and no one wants you, you should come and be my friend. I promise to take good care of you...”

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